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Hello sun and superstar tiers (and super long term patrons), and thanks for being here! <3

To keep you in the loop:
here's a Beta file for the latest version of memory panel / Some info about it.

You DON'T have to try the beta at all, it's just an option for those who like to see things in game early and give feedback.

It includes the life story/personal bio feature, shown below (the text has changed a little since the video was shot):

It also optionally includes the 'show count' feature, which is the most Beta part of this. 

I have not finished optimizing its retroactive abilities for death memories - it won't retroactively cont dead but non culled sims right now (that should come in the following days). Also, there might be some cases where it doesn't properly add a count, I don't quite know yet as I've not tried every possible scenario.

It also includes additional memories, most of which relates to the mods by adeepindigo, the rest base game and pack related ones as well.

If there are specific memories that you would still like to be added to the mod, this is a good time to say so, I likely still  can fit a few more in this update.

That's it for today!


Breoni Hester

A rainbow baby memory would be awesome! A memory for women who are having babies after a miscarriage.


This is amazing thank you so much! I would love if there could be an integration with adeepindigo's education overhaul mod for things like the spelling bee event. Also I don't know if this is possible and if it is I'd imagine it would be something to implement further down the line but would it be possible to make the personal bio's available somewhere after a sim died? Maybe as an add on to a gravestone or even better I would love it if there could be a big book of family memories that you could transpose the life story of a dead sim into.


Hi there. I never play child Sims so I am very clueless about what stuff they can experience! But that's sth to look into later yes! As for the rest - by the release version it'll be like this: When a Sim dies, their bio should be put in the household inventory. You can retrieve it from there and store it in a bookshelf or in a chest or in another Sim's inventory as you wish (I do t recommend that one however because the game can get confused between whose bio is whose when a sim tries to edit it directly from panel if they have several in inventory). Similarly, you can make a chest and store in it all the families life stories. You can also make them store their life stories in chests or shelves during their lifetime if you'd like, but I don't recommend it because then they can't edit anymore.


Oh that's brilliant! That sounds like exactly what I was looking for 😃 super excited to try playing with it.


Hi, there are already two memories that track children biological or otherwise, and that would duplicate with them, because at that point, which one am I supposed to increase in the count? However, special moodlets that would apply in the circumstance you described are possible and not a problem. :)

Evangelina Silvercloud

Wonderful like always Lumpinou ;) I will try it out later. Thank you soo much for your thousands of hours. Lovely regards from Austria *sends you a big hug*


I was thinking the adeepindgo's delinquent teens mod could somehow be incorporated into this with some new memories. I know you are working on the new law & order mod and I am super excited about this one and the delinquent teen mod has some consquences that involve juvenile court.


Hi, and thanks for writing. There are no memories to be integrated of that one at the moment because adeepindigo didn't communicate any events to me yet. And tbh right now it took quite a bit to Integrate already the backlog of her mods, so even if she had given it to me I would not have done it yet because I can't do everything at once ehe. As for the law and disorder integration, she gave me some of her things that will persist from that into adulthood ie into the law and disorder records, so, that's already being arranged.


Not sure if others are having the same issue, but when I added the beta mod last night I kept getting problems with the game. The time would freeze and the sims would be stuck in an animation loop doing whatever they were doing at that time. I could click on build mode and place objects, but thats about it. Sadly had to remove the mod, but it resolved the problem.


Hi, there was a duplicated file in the archive yesterday - today that has been fixed which should solve that

Karen Ash

I just paid for this, where do I download the file?


Hi, mods are free. Just semantics but it's important re EA's terms. Early access is a feature just for patrons / supporters. But globally, there is no paying for mods :) If you are looking for the v2 of memory panel, here https://www.patreon.com/posts/78790652

Karen Ash

Yes, I realized my mistake afterwards. And sorry, I didn't mean to imply I paid for the mod. I just thought it was a different version. It was late, I was tired and it was my mistake. Thank you.