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Hello everyone,

Just a quick post today to keep you updated on the plans for the rest of January and probably first half of February.

_____________IN SHORT:

Soon, I am going to work on a small but highly requested feature for RPO's M1 because I finally reached a self compromise about how to do it respectfully.
But first, I am working on a memory panel update and of course Law and Disorder.

Soonish I will also need another break for my hands which are a total disaster right now.
Regardless, I will try to slow down and at least learn to have a day a week off or something.

_____________MEMORY PANEL UPDATE?:

Why a memory panel update?
Because, to avoid overloading the game with too many instances of similar code, and because there is a thematic link between memory records and misbehavior records,
I decided that law and disorder is going to be an optional add-on mod to memory panel – or rather if you would have it, a mod that has memory panel as a requirement.

So, because I had to edit a lot of code in memory panel to also add law and disorder processes, I decided it would also be the perfect time to add more memories to the possible list.
A part of these new memories will be integration with Adeepindigo's mods, thanks to her input on what parts of her mods would make cool memories, and then part of these will be simply more game related ones (met a celebrity, etc etc).

So, SUN, STAR, SUPER and SUPERSTAR Patrons, if there are specific additional memories you're dying to see in the mod, this is your time to make a suggestion/request <3


Thanks to the previous Poll about RPO Chemistry trigger time, I realized a lot of you wanted chemistry to trigger at 'get to know'. Before the poll, I had it set for 'introductions' only. Thanks to the poll, I knew I should make it an option to have it at et to know instead, and did.  This makes me realize that even 'small' things matter to give choice about, so, here's another small question.

Would like for memory panel to count how many times each event occurs and display that information in the panel under the memory name?

I would have to change the text on some of them a little for this to work ('kissed someone' would need to become 'kissed someone new' for example, as that one is not about the individual kisses, but basically the kissing partners ever had). 

Of course in some of them, it already shows who is concerned when you click the memory, which is in itself some sort of "count" - but here I am talking about an actual number count.
If you're confused about what I mean, keep reading as I will show something similar below.

The pros are: fun stats to have!
The cons are: It might look off / more like a stat board than a memory board. Feel free to vote on this!


As for law and disorder now....

Due to all the RPO unexpected troubles and fix ups that have had to happen over the past three weeks, I got delayed again on L & D. It's not been fun times ahah.

But, things are still  slowly progressing, mostly in terms of the 'records' parts of the mod.  

Because I keep records differently if the Sim has done something versus being caught or reported doing something, to vary what happens and consequences in each case, I must take the time to make sure it all works logically for all the possible offenses, and also allows for times where Sims just might not report each other (say your sim is seen walking around naked, well, maybe the person will say sth about it and maybe they won't care, so, there's also an amount of variability there).


For now, this is the look & functionality I have for the records.

In memory-panel style, the stuff shows in chronological order of the first time things happened.  

I connected the 'view records' interaction into the memory panel to avoid having several interactions on the pine menu; do let me know how you feel about that. I can make a shared menu instead or something.

Because it's also memory panel style, I am also showing other Sims things happened with / to / around.

Feedback welcome of course.


That's it for the current interface.

Once all that is all finished & thoroughly verified, I can start on Consequences and getting your Sims in a bit of trouble.

Thanks for your patience and sorry for the chatty post.




Take care of yourself 💗


Can't wait to see it. I hope you get better soon 🥰


Thanks for the vote 😊! I always love to see more integration with Adeepindigo, exciting!


I am so excited!! But first and most importantly taking care of yourself. We can wait.


Keep well


Yes, she gave me the info for this a long while ago but with RPO I didn't catch a break to finally implement it! It'll be very fun to have memory integration :)


Thank you for all your hard work but please take of yourself!


take a easy get well soon


thank u very much for all and please have sometime for your self!


I use her Healthcare Redux, and one of my Sims survived a heart attack. That would be a cool memory to record. To clarify, the memory could simply be "Had a Heart Attack."

Sam D.

I know there will be a lot of work for the infants patch so please feel free to pause work on other things so you are not overloaded. Mod updates are work too!


I love the dating app but i never get any blind date messages or anything, will this be updated?


Did your sim set their profile to visible? That's required to qualify for receiving messages. For the moment chances of getting messages are rather low, later if I had more of them I can make them more common