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Sorry about this. Had to re-upload RPO Core Library (just that part!) soon after today's update for an error. Please re download it here if you'd grabbed files of v2.92! 

STILL ON V2.9? GET V2.92 from the Index! : D



I'm having a weird error, anytime I try to attempt to Browse Profiles either All Browses or Browse with Filters, nothing happens. It just cancels the interaction. Blind dates, semi blind dates all work. It just seems to be the profiles that won't cooperate. I don't believe I have other mods that would conflict, I just have MCCC, Wicked Whims and Panda's new birth mod.


Please remove all other mods and try just with mine and let me know what happens?


I removed all the other mods and even my build CC just to be sure. I even redownloaded everything to start fresh. I used an old save, new save, and tried it with multiple sims but Meet and Mingle profiles will not work for me. The interaction is just cancelled out. If I use the previous version from a mod backup, then it works as intended.


I went and tried it here and everything works perfect as always. You'd have to come over discord and share a system log and or sim info log and maybe we can help. But yeah all is fine here so the code itself certainly doesn't seem to have broken.


Do you have a mod that limits sim's internet and or / electricity use?


Hello I’m still having a issue with the lagging when I click on the sim is there anything that could conflict with it?


Hi, can you take out all mods except this one and make a new save and see what happens there and then report? Thank you!


I took everything out and started a new game and it’s still lagging


Does it conflict with anything


It can, it all depends, which is why I asked what it looks like with literally no mods in but this one AND importantly in a new save


When I tried it that way it was a 4 sec lag and with other mods longer than that


So are you just having a computer that can't handle many mods? 🤔 People who have abnormal lag issues with v2. 9 used this mod before already and don't have issues in new saves. A select few people are new users and / or in new saves but use some other mods that seem to trigger the lag issues - said mods being potentially outdated to begin with and needing a re download -. But if adding basically any mod that adds a lot to the game gives you increased lag, you might have a machine performance that just can't handle very heavy stuff. In any case, to figure all that out, we'd need a Sims 4 system log, we can help you get that on Discord and look at it if you want.


Hi, I just recently updated and now I have to manually set "fertility cycle" for my sims to be able to get pregnant at all. Not sure if it's a user error or something in the code. Just started after updating, worked like a charm prior.


I was about to say something! Whew. Thank you for your hard work!

Karen Ash

Thank you so much. Plus, thank you for all your great mods and hard work.


Hi Lumpinou, The file on the RPO Core Library post seems to be the old version -- v2.9 Has it been updated yet? Eager to get back to playing with this mod! xoxo


Hi, yes it is updated, I wouldn't have sent messages about it being updated if it weren't updated haha, just didn't change the zip file name but you'll see inside that all is correct! :) Thanks 💖


thaaank youu lumpinou 💖🎀


I’m getting conflict error exceptions with your mods and wicked whims. I just uploaded the new versions of yours and wicked whims most recent. Still getting it.




I can't access that, it's a file on your computer :) What does it say?


Hey I'm having an issue after updating RPO to this version and I was hoping you could help me troubleshoot it. I also play with Personality Please which is supposed to push sims to do things more autonomously such as speaking interactions; however when I play with RPO as well all of a sudden they no longer do that. I don't have a report to give you since it's not throwing an exception but I have done the 50/50 method and this is the only mod that seems to be affecting the autonomy. I started a conversation between sims and let it run to see if the game would prompt more interactions which it does very easily without RPO but after 30 in game mins the sims are still technically in a conversation but no socials were prompted. They just sit there


One found the other rather charming and the other had no visible chemistry icon in the panel


But the same issue is happening between child sims as well and as far as I’m aware the chemistry system doesn’t affect them right?


Yeah no kids wouldn't be impacted. Either way I always have pp! in game and my Sims are chattering on now as always. Can you take out all mods except mine and that and mccc and try that way, as that's the only way to rule out a conflict


OK figured it out. It depended on Sims not having a certain chemistry due to me inverting a yes for a no somewhere (the code equivalent of that) basically. They were supposed to not be autonomous towards each other if they have no appeal for each other and low friendship. Instead it ended up requiring them to be j appealing to each other to interact 😂 anyways re update Core Library and it will be fixed