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Hi Sun and Superstar Patrons!
Thanks so much for your incredible support <3

This post to share the early Beta of RPO Collection, Mod 17: TurnOns and TurnOffs - a chemistry system! This is the first time I do this since this is a new tier perk as of this year.

Those of you who want to test it out and share some feedback or make requests on the current look and functionalities are welcome to do so, and those who don't want to of course don't have to!


If you test it, remove the v2.9 of RPO from your game and replace it with this one! You can KEEP your settings file.

Here's the rundown on mod description:

- personality & Life Factors based and / or style (physique) based.
For life factors, various things are looked at, not just one: personality traits, preferences, skills, etc.

- 5 levels of possible unilateral chemistry: neutral, rather charming, very charming, rather charmless, thoroughly charmless. Unilateral means each sim has an independent chemistry reaction to the other, it's not the same for both.

- triggers either when meeting or when using 'get to know', depending on your settings.

- chemistry status is visible in relationship panel.

- know what your sim thinks of others instantly by watching them react with a thought balloon and short animation. If it's a very strong reaction, a notification will also show.
Additionally, after trigger and for the first two sim hours ONLY, the romance menu will show chemistry icons to indicate chemistry level if any, to give you time to assimilate who your sim reacted to.

- various chat-triggered moodlets possible depending on both sim's chemistry about each other.
To not spam constant moodlets about this, they are set to happen only sometimes.

- Chemistry influences autonomy, relationship gain and loss, interaction success or failure, etc.

- Sim can ask others about turn-ons (shows an answer), ask them their opinion of Sim (gives the freshest chemistry level from the other sim to the asking sim) - under 'friendly'.

- Customizable with settings: choose whether each type of turn-on counts or not, when chemistry triggers, and if it should only affect single Sims or all.

*If you use physical attractiveness mods by Turbodriver, the Style (appearence) TurnOns / TurnOffs will not be available, leaving the room for Turbo's work instead! Personality & Life TurnOns and TurnOffs will be available and functional to work alongside that if you so choose.

*If you use my First Impressions mod: this has been carefully made to work hand in hand with first impressions.
For Sims who can't be romantic with each other (age or incompatible orientations), this system doesn't apply and first impressions triggers instead.
If Sims can be romantic (correct age and orientation), the chemistry system will trigger. If it finds a neutral connection, first impressions will then trigger.
If unilaterally one sim could be romantic with the other, but the other sim couldn't (mismatched orientations), one will trigger a first impression, the other will trigger chemistry.
In other words, both mods will have their turns depending on relevant context.
IMPORTANT: At the moment if you use First Impressions 'IntroTypeMatters' optional add-on, you must keep the Chemistry system as triggering on Introductions, NOT "get to know".
I'm going to have to edit First Impressions to allow things to not overlap when using the 'get to know' trigger option and will do that next week.

*If you use personality traits by Chingyu, a good portion of them can be read by this mod and be taken into account!

*If you want personality traits, preferences, skills, etc, from other mods to be taken into account, please say so to the modder and to me, so they reach out, as it's totally feasible and not a problem.


This beta stage is your opportunity to share feedback to influence future development & make small requests about this specific mod piece (for example, if you want specific additional personality turn-ons, specific integration with a mod, etc)!





Well sadly I am in no position to help right now, all my Sims are in committed relationships (literally just played through a double wedding this weekend), but be still my heart 🥰! Your work is always great, I am sure when I get the chance to try this out it's gonna be amazing. Thank you!


Lovely to hear your sims are having happy times! And thanks for the kind words ✨


Thank you! Can't wait to try it out. Your mods add so much and make the game fun!


I played around with it very briefly last night, and I didn't see any issues. I will continue to play with it this week as much as that pesky thing called my job allows. I would like to reach out to Kiara about integrating her traits with the turn on system. If she's interested, what is the best way for her to contact you?


I also had a couple of questions. 1) Does this now replace the Crush/Anti-Crush system in First Impressions? I am actually one update behind on First Impressions because I didn't want to lose the Crush system for teens, but I tried the attraction system with teens last night, and it worked. So, it seems I can go ahead and update my version of FI to the latest. 2) In First Impressions there is a cheat to regenerate the first impression. Is there something similar with the Attraction system if it's set to generate attraction on intro rather than on Get to Know.? My Sims had already met in my game, so I had to delete their relationship using MCCC and have them introduce themselves again. Is there a simpler way?


Could tattoos and glasses be added to the Style Turn-Ons? Also I don't see Black Hair as an option. Is that covered under Brown Hair?


I actually made that one but haven't yet found a way to track for it reliably, same for scars and a couple other ones :) Yeah it is under brown hair but I don't mind splitting them up


Hi, in fact it would kind of replace the crush anti crush at the moment, but I should be able to find a way to have those actually pair with this, I will do that today probably :) And no you don't need to cheat relationships etc, you can just use 'ask opinion about Sim', this triggers the system unilaterally :)


Hi and Thanks! Basically integration wise she wouldn't have to do anything other than making a list of her traits and their id if she is willing for me to integrate them. That's really it! More a matter of getting permission and data than anything else! And I'm reachable here, on discord, Twitter, etc, I believe she and I are on shared servers on discord :D


Thank you! I figured there was a way, I was just too tired and too eager to figure it out last night.


Splitting them would be my preference, but you could poll the others about it too.


Hey Lumpinou, love all the changes that you're making and I can't wait to see where it all heads in the future. I don't know what time frame you're looking at for the release of the chemistry system but I reached out to the creator of BetterSims (MidarSprite) on their discord regarding incorporating their trait changes/additions from BetterSims and they said that it would be a really great idea. They did mention that their schedule is a little packed at the moment but that it might clear up in Feburary so maybe you guys could reach out to each other and figure out something that works for the both of you :)


Hi, thanks for letting me know and thanks for having asked! Basically to integrate other creators' stuff, all I need is a list of their tuning ID for the relevant ressources (traits, etc etc) and I do all the integration on my side so it's no work for them at all except for making the list of tuning ids. Where can I be in touch with them?


Probably the best way is either their Patreon or Discord. They're pretty active on discord but I'll also link their website. Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Midiar/posts Discord - https://discord.gg/DQssmpSR Website - https://www.ofnowhere.com/contact