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Last updated: Jan. 18

Can also view description in drop-down format HERE. 

- personality & Life Factors based and / or style (physique) based.
For life factors, various things are looked at, not just one: personality traits, preferences, skills, etc.

- 5 levels of possible unilateral chemistry: neutral, rather charming, very charming, rather charmless, thoroughly charmless. Unilateral means each sim has an independent chemistry reaction to the other, it's not the same for both.

- triggers either when meeting or when using 'get to know', depending on your settings.

- chemistry status is visible in relationship panel.

- know what your sim thinks of others instantly by watching them react with a thought balloon and short animation. If it's a very strong reaction, a notification will also show.

Additionally, after trigger and for the first two sim hours ONLY, the romance menu will show chemistry icons to indicate chemistry level if any, to give you time to assimilate who your sim reacted to.

- various chat-triggered moodlets possible depending on both sim's chemistry about each other.
To not spam constant moodlets about this, they are set to happen only sometimes.

- Chemistry influences autonomy, relationship gain and loss, interaction success or failure, etc.

- Sim can ask others about turn-ons (shows an answer), ask them their opinion of Sim (gives the freshest chemistry level from the other sim to the asking sim) - under 'friendly'.

- Customizable with settings: choose whether each type of turn-on counts or not, when chemistry triggers, and if it should only affect single Sims or all.

*If you use physical attractiveness mods by Turbodriver, the Style (appearence) TurnOns / TurnOffs will not be available, leaving the room for Turbo's work instead! Personality & Life TurnOns and TurnOffs will be available and functional to work alongside that if you so choose.

*If you use my First Impressions mod: this has been carefully made to work hand in hand with first impressions.
For Sims who can't be romantic with each other (age or incompatible orientations), this system doesn't apply and first impressions triggers instead.
If Sims can be romantic (correct age and orientation), the chemistry system will trigger. If it finds a neutral connection, first impressions will then trigger.
If unilaterally one sim could be romantic with the other, but the other sim couldn't (mismatched orientations), one will trigger a first impression, the other will trigger chemistry.
In other words, both mods will have their turns depending on relevant context.

*If you use personality traits by Chingyu and / or KiaraSims4, a good portion of them can be read by this mod and be taken into account!

*If you want personality traits, preferences, skills, etc, from other mods to be taken into account, please say so to the modder and to me, so they reach out, as it's totally feasible and not a problem.


NOTE: At the moment if you use First Impressions 'IntroTypeMatters' optional add-on, you must keep the Chemistry system as triggering on Introductions, NOT "get to know". I'm going to have to edit First Impressions to allow things to not overlap when using the 'get to know' trigger option and will do that at some point.


- remove everything from previous versions, EXCEPT the setting file if updating from v2.9. (if updating from v2.8, ALSO delete the settings file.)

- grab the RPO Core Library if you don't have it;

- grab the file from this post and put it directly into your mods folder or one subfolder (it's a .package file, so, not extracting!)

NEED HELP? Check info & links in this post. If they don't answer your question, contact me on Discord, here in comments or messages, or through the contact form on my website.
Find Index of All Mods here.
If you notice anything off please contact me! Happy to help and fix things if they need fixing.



Thanks for the quick response! I looked at the profile of the brand new Sim that she introduced herself to and he showed "Neutral Chemistry" with her. (Apparently he wasn't as enamored with her and she was with him - LOL.) And then I looked at the profile of my Sim's husband and no chemistry is listed between them at all. Just says "Spouse" and "Soul Mates" and lists their first impressions. The first impression she has of him is negative (Pretentious) so maybe that's why it doesn't list chemistry? Will it list negative chemistry or does it just list neutral and positive? So then I just had her husband ask her about her chemistry with him and she said "I haven't really thought about that stuff, to he honest." I had her ask her husband and he had the same response. Still no chemistry triggered in either of their profiles. These two might be in trouble. LOL I confirmed that "Attention Status" is turned on for both of them, and their sexual orientations are compatible so there should no issue coming from that department.


Hi! Another question. Is there already (and I just can't find it), or will there be, a way to cheat chemistry between Sims? I have a household where I play a story line where a female sim is secretly enamored with her male roommate but he does not feel the same way. I just had her "Get to Know" him and she only got "Rather Charming" chemistry with him. I'd like to be able to cheat it up higher so it can play into that household's particular story line. He did get "Neutral" for her, which is perfect, but it would be good to be able to have cheated that down if it triggered higher. Thank you!


You can use the relbit cheats under 'actions' - just enable the first setting of the mod first!


Got it, thank you. And I did answer one of my own questions from earlier when I re-read the mod info above - I do see that there can be negative chemistry.


The chemistry isn't triggering for me for some reason. I only have MCCC and adeepindigo's education mod


When I ask opinion of chemistry is get a pop up that says "I haven't really thought about that stuff, to be honest."


Is it possible to make sure the turn ons and turn offs don't conflict? For example, I have a sim that is turned on by higher education and wealth but is turned off by high paying job. True, they aren't exactly the same, but I can't understand why someone who wants someone educated and wealthy wouldn't expect them to have a high paying job lol. Do you think there's a way to add some sort of check to make sure these traits make sense together?


Yes, but also I didn't make it do that because there's indeed not the same. Esp. with education and wealth. I could make an exception for high paying job and wealth -


Hi, should I delete the chemistry system mod by thepancake? It seems like they do the same thing essentially.


Hi, it's totally up to you which mod you use and which you don't. You can delete mine, delete theirs, keep both, it's just completely up to you


I think I may be installing it wrong, or the mod is conflicting with something else because I only see a blank bubble where I think it's supposed to be. :c

Sam D.

I'm waiting to put this in my game since the new patch/pack next month will surely break it and it will be just one more of many, many mods to update. I am thinking of you having to face a big patch with a lot of updating next month and hoping you can pace yourself and take care of yourself- or am I wrong in anticipating a lot of updates w/ the patch/pack ?


No you are not wrong at all. In fact nearly all mods by everyone will break. If it has a trait in it, it will break. If it has an interaction in it, it will break. And it might even be worse than that. Do you expect to the very worst in terms of mod breakage


Cant wait to try this out


Hello, I cannot seem to figure out how to pick your turn ons and turn offs. I randomized it and they're greyed out and I cannot change them at all when I go into "specify turn ons" and "offs" respectively.


If you randomized them, the sim probably already has the maximum allowed. You would have to remove some to then be able to add some other ones


You can see it on this screenshot https://i0.wp.com/lumpinoumods.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/The-Sims%E2%84%A2-4-1_17_2023-4_50_33-PM-copiehh.png?w=824&ssl=1


Wow, okay, I'm an idiot. Thank you so much, you probably get so many questions like this a day. Thank you so much for this mod. I very likely would never play sims 4 without your mods. They are gamechangers. <3


One more quick question- is there a reason why chemistry isn't triggering between certain sims? I have the same problem as above where it doesn't trigger, so I "ask about chemistry between" and they just say "I really haven't thought about that to be honest."


Hi, by default, only single Sims participate in the system. You can change that in settings if you want


I know there's so many things taken into account for the personality turn ons but is there any chance we could sometime see a general description of what each personality is influenced by?? I can't seem to get the sims i want to have really good chemistry only mildly good. Some are obvious must other less so. Absolutely in love with this mod!!!


Hi!! Wanna start by saying this is the best Mod EVER!! This Chem System is so great and a huge adition to the mod. I have just one small consideration. When I send one Sim to a Meeting& Mingle date it doesn't trigger the Chem System (they are both singles), so they end up with no chemstry level. Is that how it was supposed to be?


Hey so I have MC woohoo installed will that mess around with ant of these mods?


I love this! It's giving Sims 2 and i'm here for it. If you ever made a zodiac/astrology mod you would crush it - so hard to find good ones


I love this! I ran into an issue with this module though, my engaged sims keep getting into a nonstop 'talk about marriage' interaction loop with it in. I'll see if I can pull out other mods and do some more testing on it tomorrow, but I wanted to let you know!


There's no talk about marriage interaction in this mod so, doesn't sound like it's its fault :)