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Hello again and sorry for the spamming today haha!

A. What was done recently (just to be clear)

I've sent out posts today for:

- The re-updated AddOn 7

- A standalone version of the miscarriage portion of Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul, for those who DO NOT want anything else from that mod - per requests. Personally I would hope most people want more from my mod than just miscarriages haha  - but no judgment, for those who asked, it's here!

- Recently I have also posted more files to add to change the mod's global behavior if wanted. I am considering instead working on a system of options in game but doing so without breaking immersion is always my concern. As of now, all individual settings and cheats hide under the 'status' menus and under 'actions' if it's when clicking another sim, while global options are extra files. This might change.

B. What is to happen soon

- 1. I want to work on making some changes to Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul to allow a little more module customization (already it is quite customizable, except for module 1 which is not optional).
Already, I have added an option to 'neuter' module 1 / Core by preventing it from auto assigning indifferent & negative pregnancy wishes, making it instead stick to game default behavior in appearance. I will go one step further and re-model the mod so that module 1 can be removed entirely. 

This would mean that people who don't want pregnancy preferences and the pregnancy related interactions of module 1 / core in their game will be able to remove them. Personally I see these features as the very basis of a lot of this mod, but not everyone might agree, so, choice could be good!

So technically if someone wants only termination of pregnancy or only cheating, they'd be able to have that. This will happen by splitting Core and Module 1, which are now one and the same, into 2 separate pieces.
This will require intense testing, since various module combinations will need to be tried out, and basically all features of this mod re-explored... 

-2. Another thing is regarding Module 10.
I want to completely remake the auto-scheduled visits, or get rid of them. I am happy with the timed visits, which are as functional as can be considering how the game works. The auto-scheduled ones are very difficult to handle, but even taking into account the challenges and how difficult they are to work with, I am not happy with the result. Many people get confused about it. So I may take some time to do something else and completely different. 

C. What other modules and features will be worked on now:

- Add-On 8 and 10 will be worked on now! I'll take a day or two off and get back to them!

- The splitting of Core and Module 1 will also get tackled. It is already well under way, the testing is what will take long haha!

- Also, making additions to a new menu called 'household management', where you will be able to send sims to other households or make sims come to yours, get your sims renamed, and other convenience things. The 'choice pop up' settings will move in there to be easier to find!

- For other mods, Road to Romance is making me cringe so it needs some fix-ups, and I still want to make my small feature update to Open Love Life.
I will release an update to 'custom moods for some game moodlets' within the next few days. I need to finish adding moods to the mood pack at some point as other creators might want them.


Patreon will renew subscriptions on the 1st of April!!! Be sure to unsubscribe RIGHT NOW if you need to not be charged then or want to cancel. Thank you for having been here no matter how shortly! Infinite thanks to long-time supporters, when I see your names around here I am always so humbled because you've been around so long and I hope I haven't disappointed you. Thank you.

Any thoughts and feedback welcome! I'm also going to throw out a suggestion / request post and maybe a poll too for our higher tiers quite soon about some of the stuff discussed in this post.

Wishing you all the very best,



Hello, I just became a member and I am trying to install the mod, but it is not allowing me to install the required one of we use WickedWhims, I use winrar to install my mods but it keeps opening up a internet explorer page


That file is a package file. You don't need to extract it, just put it in the mods folder :)


Hi! So I had a question followed by a suggestion/request. I've had a few sims get pregnant despite using a condom. In the most recent case, the sim was drunk through the Basemental Alcohol Mod. Immediately after woohoo, she got the buff about woohooing responsibly with the condom icon. But the moment she stepped out of bed, she started showing signs of nausea and having the baby item thought bubbles. I checked in MCCC and she is pregnant. I also checked and a condom was deducted from her inventory. Other times, with other sims, the sim was not drunk and had woohoo - getting the same buffs about responsible woohoo and a condom was deducted from their inventory - but still got pregnant. None of these sims had the "fertile" trait either. Any idea why this might be happening? (I don't use Wicked Whims or Wonderful Whims.) My suggestion/request is somewhat related. Your mods allow for so much more versatile game play, but with pregnancy drama, it's undermined by the animations that sims get SO quickly if they become pregnant. I looked around and saw there was a mod called "Discover Pregnancy" that is supposed to stop those animations (the nausea actions and the baby item thought bubbles) that happen almost immediately and that take away any element of surprise. I installed it but it just hasn't worked for me, so I uninstalled it. I try to have story lines where my Sim (and myself) do not know who the baby daddy is, but the animations happen before I even have the chance to have her woohoo with a second person to create the drama. I always know who the father is. Would you be open to the possibility of adding a module into your mod that would prevent these animations until after the pregnancy is officially discovered? That would be such a huge help and add so much to game play. (I apologize if this isn't the correct forum in which to make suggestions or requests.) Thanks for your time! :-)


Protection has a failure rate but it is very small. Is this a systematic thing? Do you have Mc Woohoo? As for the request - removing pregnancy tells from before being aware of a pregnancy is not hard to do and I've been considering it. Already some days (week?) ago, I removed the 'throw up' interaction from showing for Sims who don't experience morning sickness


Yes, that's another dead pregnancy give away - the throw up option suddenly showing up on the toilets. To counter that I downloaded the "Throw Up for Everyone" mod so that the throw up option is now always there. I'm so happy to hear that you are considering it - it would be such a small change that would have such a significant impact. I've got my fingers crossed! :-)


That throw up mod is likely incompatible with mine as of now then, as I 'took care' of that in recent updates


I do have MC Woohoo. Do you think that has something to do with it? It's not a huge issue - it's easy enough to just cheat the pregnancy away and sometimes it actually adds a fun dramatic surprise - I was just curious as to why it seemed to be happening so often in my game.


Yes, I have noticed that lately the throw up mod/option has been working sporadically, at best. I liked having the option always there because I like to have the option of my sims getting sick beyond the first trimester. I can always remove the throw up mod if I need to.


Just wanted to say thank you so much for all your hard work, this is a top mod for me I love it so much I am a huge family player so it's perfect. And I really wanted to say how much I appreciate all your hard work with this so thank you and sending warm hugs!! <3<3 x


Hi quick question, if parents are living separate but still married. When they divorce can you still schedule visits with the children or does this have to be set before divorce?


Doesn't matter where they live so long as they do the separation stuff through my mod they can do custody and visits


can you add a mod into the relationship and wellness for the sims to have godmothers or father's and siblings too


Hey, Just want to say that your content makes my TS4 much more fun to play. Thanks a lot ♥


How do in-game fertility ""treatments"" work with the fertility rates? I imagine the chances of pregnancy aren't altered by them, just the likelihood of twins/triplets if they do become pregnant. Asking for my Sims who have 18% + level 2 fertility and want another baby... XD Thank you for all your hard work, this is easily one of my favorite mods and it adds such depth to the game!


Fertility potions from my mod make pregnancy 75% more likely. So, in your case you would have 18% modified by the impregnator's rate, then modified by an increase of 75%. If they try for pregnancy, that's an added +50% of the resulting number of that. 'fertility treatment', is that from some other mod


Not modded ones, just the in-game mechanisms like fertility massage from Spa Day or the herbal remedy from Outdoor Retreat. As far as I know they all affect the rate of multiples rather than the chance of pregnancy outright (I suppose because the vanilla game already has super high chances of pregnancy with Try for Baby...) Thank you for your response about fertility potions! How does the impregnator's rate modify the impregnatee's rate?


Those game things actually impact pregnancy chance, which yes is ridiculous and meaningless when the game's try for baby is already 80% chances 😂 Well, both rates are taken into account so it all factors in the final percentage of chance.


I'm having trouble with getting issues to occur in my pregnancies. I even set the highest rate for something to occur but haven't seen anything happen. I've tried three times. I was wondering if it was just me or maybe I wasn't trying hard enough.


How many Sims did you try with? If you go to 'pregnancy and family' then 'status' what do you see?


I tried with three different pregnancies. One of them was even a elder. I see cheat- give birth now, cheat- have child adopted by other family, cheat- terminate pregnancy, turn off pregnancy side effects, remove parent reaction to teen pregnancy, remove pregnancy type&paternity testing markers


You are missing stuff. Try deleting the mod and putting new files in


I accidentally turned off one of the pop-up menu options how do I get it back?


it was the paternity marker one and I removed it from my files and redownloaded it but it's not there anymore


I don't understand what you are talking about? What is the purpose of the interaction you are looking for