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Hello everyone! 

Just some info here, and trying a new format for my info post, as per request last time.... Feel free to let me know what you think of it...

RPO = Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul (aka WooHoo Wellness)
Gen.Mod = General Mod Info
Gen.Misc = General Miscellaneous Info

- [RPO]-----[Micro-updates & Fixes]
I've made series of tweaks and mini-minuscule feature additions to RPO since the release of v2.75. Today, I released BIG fixes. Check update notes there if you want more info. Nothing critical here, so if you don't want to re-download you don't have to - but still, old things from the 'known issues' section have been managed. See it all on the download page here. 

- [RPO]-----[Feature Update Status]
- Likely will be NO RPO feature release this month. I just won't have time to finish and I don't want to rush out something half-done and consequently crappy. I have been busy with various fixes all month as well as mod support, and re-vamping the mod description website to hopefully diminish the amount of time spent on mod support. 

- I am hoping to have something to show on the new add-on(s) before April is over; for now I have a pile of code bits not functionally tied to each other yet I can't show in game what I have already done- but things will come together in a more displayable way soon.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience... I always want to release more and more stuff but I also must be realistic in terms of what good it ever does me to put myself under serious stress to try and beat the clock... With AddOn 7 and the started revamp of Module 2, I have been feeling proud of my work again. I want to keep producing well-made content for y'all, and I want to give it the time it takes and if I don't, it's not great for either of us... I am excited about the current work and am excited to keep bringing it closer to being complete.

- [Gen.Mod]-----[plans for the rest of the month]
For the rest of the month, I want to focus on all the things I had mentioned I was going to do this month (see here https://www.patreon.com/posts/whats-been-done-64395567)
So, more tweaks and fixes for several mods, and in parallel, work on the new RPO stuff.

- [Gen.Misc]-----[workstation]
Thanks to your support, I've been able to order a new desk and got a computer chair (I have an old rickety set-up not at all made either for computer work or for prolonged sitting there); I am hoping these adjustments will keep my joint issues from worsening as they have been. Trying to keep productivity Up and problems Down! :)

- [Gen.Misc]-----[user privacy]
I've read some creators have been sharing / tracking their subscribers' info. Rest assured that I would NEVER do that, it wouldn't even cross my mind. I don't even look at anyone's info. I am a hyper private person and treat your info the way I would want mine treated, meaning, securely and without scrutiny. What info are we talking about here?: Creators have the ability to see your email, which I find weird, and personally do not like (because, why is it there?!), so, use a secondary email for Patreon if you have a too personal one and do not like that either. Creators cannot see anything else than your email though - that I know of. I don"t see anything else, and I don't see it unless I go to the patron relationship window, which I never do except to issue refunds.

That's it for today!

Thanks so much for being here, for making my mods possible, and I'm hoping the rest of the month will treat you well!




I'm doing a surrogacy for eliza and it says I can invite the parents over through the alternative pregnancies and when she gets there all I can do is complain about pregnancy to her


The invite thing is just about inviting them and doing game stuff and interactions, there's not many dedicated added stuff. Normally you can call them also at some points and such but yeah. That sounds normal to me.


Oh okay because I thought it said I can invite over to feel the baby


Oh okay I thought it was a separate thing for your mod thank you


So usually when you use a surrogate, you take the moms egg and the dads sperm then its implanted into the surrogate. I'm curious as to why with your surrogate option...its the dads sperm and surrogates DNA and egg instead of the biological mom. Same thing with the artificial insemination. Its the mom being injected with a donor instead of the bio dads sperm being an option to be injected...is it suppose to be like that?


For artificial insemination, if they have a partner, the partner can be chosen to be the source. For surrogacy - that's because that's how the game's pregnancy system works! :) I was changing that as part of my 'switching the family tree' thing but encountered issues as basically here it would imply completely preventing the game's whole system and running another instead in case of surrogates. Which should be doable but it's tricky! So for now it's what it is, until I figure what was going wrong.


Oh okay! The bio dad or spouse never comes up for me Just donors..

Patrick Meakins

will you be adding phantom pregnancys


The other parent never recognizes the surrogacy process.


Hi there! I had a quick question for you. First though, the delayed pregnancy animations have been working awesome! I have my first Sim pregnancy where I legitimately don't know yet which Sim is the father. I'll be finding out along with my Sim! Thank you again! :-) So I received the game notification that my Sim was pregnant, and she's woken up twice now with the morning sickness moodlet, but when I click on a toilet to have her throw up, the option is not there. I've checked on the toilets on her lot as well as other lots she's visited. It's just not there. I have all the latest mod files (V 2.76 - Apr 21). Any idea why the throw up option is not presenting while she has the morning sickness buff? It's not the first/most dominant moodlet she has - that one is the "Unwanted Pregnancy" moodlet - but I wouldn't think that should cause the option to throw up to not appear. Any thoughts you have would be appreciated. Thank you!


Hi! Doesn't matter which moodlet dominates, if she has morning sickness she should see 'throw up'. I of course tested it before releasing and it did show when supposed to. Can you try without other mods just to see if another mod is messing with it? 🤔


OK. My current Sim is now out of her first trimester so I'm not sure if the morning sickness moodlet will appear again. If not, I'll test it on my next pregnant Sim should the issue continue. Thank you!


I have a quick (hopefully) question, I have the RPO = Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul (aka WooHoo Wellness) mod, and I went to the hospital to have some surrogate twin babies, when we returned home I could no longer send them off to their parents. It won't let me start a new surrogacy as long as I keep these babies, and I can't find the household in any of the worlds to just move them out either. Any ideas?


Don't send surrogates to the hospital. Look for the debug interaction, see under 'known issues' on the download post


Hi quick question so if sims have divorced and custody has been decided for the sims, but the parents get back together but not married does the custody rights get removed and options for visiting get removed?


Even if not living together?