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Hello everyone,

Mods seem fine with the patch. Please notify if you see anything out of whack.
Note however that at this point there is no integration between neighborhood stories etc and my mods (ie sims who don't want kids might still do the autonomous having kids thing etc). When I'm done with current release and have a minute, I'll see how I can - if I can - better integrate my stuff into this stuff.


P.S.: still wrapping things up on the upcoming release. Turns out I'm incapable of making things short and simple because I always want to add more, and there's always too many game things to tie in, but we're almost there. Community testing should begin.... maybe Thursday maybe Friday. Hoping for a release soon thereafter.


Kirah Elisse

Thank you so much I cant wait!!!!!


Thank you so much. I can't wait for it, but no rush.


Thank you, you create awesome mods <3


Thank you for all your hard work


I've noticed that some of the interactions are missing for pregnant sims, specifically relating to determining the father.


First thing is to determine the cause as such issues are generally mod conflicts or user error. Then if not we will worry haha. How did the Sims get pregnant? What's their age also

Wendy Hubble

So yesterday, I was playing with Woohoo Wellness, MCCC and Pandasama's new baby delivery system and it all worked great together! Just thought I'd let you know :)


I have been working with them to make sure that their mod doesn't break mine. Most processes are invisible so I need to make sure all the stuff for paternity etc gets loaded properly. But 'normally' it should be ok since as said before before compatibility has been discussed


Oooh that's exciting to know!! My miniSim just went into labor and i've been waiting to use the new baby delivery mod :)


the blog said that sims with the family trait would get pregnant more often and those with hate children would do it less, so I have hope for making the pregnancy "reward trait" have some influence. I do there is something in the update about pregnancy length, 3-4 days just isn't enough to enjoy this mod <3


Hello! I wanted to know if you have to be married and then divorce to do the share custody or visit or can it be done with a regular couple? My sim got pregnant on accident but wants the baby to be able to go spend spend time with the dad


It can be any couple who've had children together, however if the relationship is not official (not BG / gf or married etc), the option might appear only as a cheat under 'actions' instead if in the usual menus


I just got a BE alert saying your WooHoo Wellness is Broken


What is the entire error message? What was happening? Ideally I would need the entire error report