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Hello everyone,

We are almost ready for release on the next Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul (WooHoo Wellness) update.... 

There has been Trouble (when is there not) and some things are still refusing to cooperate for reasons that evade me (mostly animations refusing to play as scheduled and notifications getting skipped - not to mention time lost once more due to Babies Being Weird in this game), and we're missing 2-3 moodlets still, but we're almost there. 

Testing will start tonight for what is done and fully cooperating. You can expect a release soon, I'm hoping Tuesday, if not that day, it'll be close to it.

Here's once again a little summary, with some screencaps this time :)
You will notice the menus changed around a bit for more consistency! 

The text is still in its draft version so spacing errors and typos are still to be eliminated, don't mind them if possible :D

Also - there is the option to remove the auto-assignment of pregnancy, and option to have pregnancy risk be cyclical by default or not.

I'm probably forgetting little things but that's the bulk of it....

Thanks for your patience as I trudge along! Been working on this non stop for some days and I can't wait to finally deliver.

Much love,



Thank you!!

Heidi Wilde

Holy cow! This is so detailed! You've worked hard! <3


Thank you for your work!!! Amazing!

queenk.c smith

I cant wait thank you you so much,i love your moods


Thank you for your dedication! I have no idea how hard it is, but I really really appreciate everything you're doing. ❤🙏🏻


I'll be releasing the updates tomorrow! :D


I’d give my left pinky toe to have it tonight, but I’m willing to wait for your awesomeness. Thanks for your hard work!!


Hello! Do you or anyone know if 1 XML injector will work with all mods who need it? Or do I have to install a separate one for each mod that needs it?


What mods are you talking about? And xml injector is a mod itself to enable other mods from creators who use it, so, as any other mod, you would need only one copy of it


I want to download the autonomous proposal mod and it requires xml but I’m pretty sure one of your mods I have already require it so didn’t want to install it twice if I don’t need to 😊


This looks awesome!


Is the visit MD for fertility on or still in development? Playing with the early release and got the angry frustrated pop up on my girl with the suggestion to have partner check fertility but the only options I get under fertility are sterilization surgery and redefine fertility based on CAS. The Ask to Go Get Tested is only for WTDs (tried it just in case). These 2 are adults so some fertility issues wouldn't shock me and I'm legit interested to see the mod in action! Thanks -


There is the 'go get fertility evaluated' under 'family and Pregnancy' then 'fertility' :)


Just double checked in game, both my guy and gal, nothing :( maybe it's timing? Timing was bad so I waited a bit to check and maybe I waited too long. No worries, I can keep trying, go the alternative route if need be, and wait for it to pop up on someone else (though ironically he's the only one of my 3 boys who WANTS kids 🙄)


OH let me check. Did they exist before installing the update? Because if so you need to click the 'reassign' thing to gibe them the new system


Yes, they are 2 of my legacy gen sims, have existed for a very long time! I didn't want to reset and mess anything up and that's what I was supposed to do lol. Will do that now, thanks again (and for always being so responsive, greatly appreciated)!


Yes it's my fault, I failed to mention that anywhere, going to add it to the description post now 😅 but yeah for every pré existing sim, they have to go through getting the assignment manually through that. A bit of an annoyance but I didn't want to make a temporary script to have it auto, because last times I did so, some people kept the temporary scripts endlessly, causing issues later