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Hello everyone! Sorry for the lack of news this month, I was working on putting myself back together. February and March have been challenging here (as I am sure for many of you, these days it seems nobody's getting it easy unfortunately.... but we can carry on in togetherness and strength...), from having to learn how to grieve, to dealing with stalking / harassment and having to go to the police, to putting myself in anxious knots over how impossible it suddenly seemed to work/mod, all caused by the former - BUT I am now finding my way back and considering I've spent the last 3 days modding full time, hoping to wrap up the adoption thing as much as possible, I feel that I am closer to my old shape work wise, which is good and I'm happy about it!

For tonight and tomorrow morning, this will be in testing. Then it goes to you.

I have to thank you all so much for your patience and understanding. You guys have changed my life and are changing my life for the time you are here even if it's just briefly, so, thank you! 

For this month, we'll get started on releasing the Adoption Module! Just know that some parts are MISSING, mainly the whole bit about finding one's biological parents, etc, and on the side some extra options / social interactions and such. I tried to do & finish everything but it didn't work out...


Here's the short, summarized rundown on what you get tomorrow (for what's not ready yet: I'm still working on it and will release as soon as possible).

---- Sim Puts child for adoption ----

For babies, toddlers and children.

READY and releasing tomorrow: Ask partner, if any, about putting child for adoption, reaction chosen by the player if pop-ups are on, by preferences and chance otherwise. Put child for adoption (you choose which family they go to). Reactions depending on pregnancy wish.

Sims who want children will react more strongly.

The parents will get a choice of 3  moodlets related to this for 2+ days afterwards, at random, as they think back on it.


NOT READY YET: choice to give child to Foster System or Sim World Agency for Adoption. The former doesn't give the adoptive family any info regarding the birth parents, which will make it much harder for the child to track down their lineage. The Agency, however, does provide information, including contact info, and even allows birth parents to ask for updates if the adoptive family is ok with that.

Sim Adopts a Child

READY and releasing tomorrow: Discuss with partner if any. Adopt, either through Foster (less choice, much cheaper and no selection - basically instant like the game's system, to leave people an 'out') or Sim World Agency for Adoption (selective, includes application process and assessment on various things, includes a home visit; at the end, chooses a child for you, but lets you pick yourself if you would rather).

During the visit, your Sim gets assessed on wealth, housing, household, career, social links, outfit. 

You are supposed to go through the options when prompted. 

The Adoption Agent should stick close to your Sim's mailbox and return there shortly after going other places, so they're always easy to locate. 

Once you've completed the event objectives, you can keep chatting or end the even by closing it :)

Your Sim will get buffs depending on the Adoption Agent assessment of their situation for each criteria. 

Once the visit is over, the wait begins.

I think it's easy enough to get accepted.

NOT READY YET: Interactions to enable bio parents to stay in touch with adopting family and reveal themselves to the child later if family agrees, interaction to ask for updates.

Looking for one's biological parents

Not ready yet, but here's the description:

Sims adopted at baby and toddler age will not know they're adopted until their parents tell them. Sims adopted at 'Child' age will know.

Later in life, if told about their adoptee status, Sims can decide to interact or not with birth parents. If the biological parent put them for adoption through the Sim World Agency for Adoption, the Sim's adoptive parent has all the info needed to contact the biological parent and the adopted Sim simply will have to ask their parent. If the Sim was given to the Sim Foster Sstem however, that information won't be available. The Sim will be able to engage in procedures to try to find their biological parents regardless but might fail.

If a Sim has found info about their biological parent, they can contact them and decide to meet in person, in a 'social event' of sorts in which the Sim will be able to ask why they were given for adoption and all that.

Similarly, if a parent wishes to find their child whom they gave for adoption, the same process will apply. Parents who gave their child for adoption with the Sim World Agency for Adoption can contact the adopting family at any time to ask for news and ask if the child has been told they've been adopted. If yes, the parent can ask for a visit. The child will either accept or not, if they do, the same process of meeting and explaining themselves as is available to the grown-up adopted children will be available.

Changes to previous modules

Sims can now choose to keep a child they carried for another. 

- Fixed an oversight causing siblings to show up in the list for artificial insemination. Things like that are NEVER intended so, if you notice something of the like, do notify me :)

- Made it possible for sims to use their partner as source for artificial insemination, after popular request :)

- Fixed up the 'fake names' add on for WTDs.


Last but not least - Patreon charges on the 1st of April

This is your monthly reminder that if you wish to cancel your subscription, you should do it before the end of the 31st, as Patreon collects subscriptions on the first of every month.


And that's it for now! I will be happy to hear your thoughts and comments if you wish to share any.

Best, wishes and much love,



We appreciate all you do so much, always take time for self. The adoption moodlets made me tear up...I'm such a schmuck🥺🥺🥺


Thank you so much 🥺😭 for taking the time out your life to bring us wonderful mod/gameplay experiences ❤️🌸🥺😭🥰 remember to always take care of yourself first


Your hard work is appreciated. Thank you for taking the time out to make these fantastic mods.


So sorry you had to go through all of that. I really appreciate all the work you do to make our games more fun. I know it isn’t easy. 💕


Also, this module has been the one I’ve been most excited for. So thank you again for creating it! 💕


Thank you so much for the update! It makes playing the sims so much better! I am sorry you had to go through what you did. I hope the new month will bring nothing but joy to you! <3 <3

True AI

I'm sorry you have gone through such troubling times. Nobody should have to deal with the things you have. I'll be praying for you, and wish nothing but happy times in your life from here on.


You do an amazing work. Thank you very much for that. May the next weeks be what you want them to be an filled with joyful moments.


Thank you so much for the update! Also, I'm sorry you have been having a hard time </3 Do know your hard work is much appreciated! Can't wait to try this new module out, seems fun :D Just a couple of questions, 1.since the kids will be able to track down their birth parents, when they are adopted, they will not show up in my family tree? Or how is that going to work? 2. If I use simrealists bank mods for child support (or even mcccs child support system), will I still have to pay up after my child was adopted by someone else?


For now my approach to family tree is, it's the blood in your veins, it's your genetic genealogy, so it will show. The game handles that and the relationship panel differently, which allows to test for the one when the other is missing, which would obviously be very useful for this thing and save me adding other things, but really I don't care about adding other things, I'm fine with that. I just never ever ever look at the family tre so I've been modding in the way that I play if that makes sense? But I keep having people ask me to remove them from the tree and same for surrogates and while that bugs my own logic / my approach, if that's the more popular vote then I will have to look into it. The family tree is not straightforward to mod - not to say very difficult - but removing relationships for a specific Sim I more or less know how I would go about doing that; the messy one would be adding them back in as the right family member later on haha. For those other mods, I don't know. If they don't test the family tree but not do a safety test also for Actual son / parent relationship in the relationship panel, then that may happen. But I don't control what other mods do and don't necessarily even know what they do and even less how haha. But yeah it's just a matter of, the way I play and see it doesn't seem to be the way others do haha. I'll be seeing if I can do the family tree removal thing without shifting around too much of my stuff but that would for sure involve modifying and reworking parts of the upcoming portion of the module. Maybe I can make that optional (the removal) but then I need so many different versions of everything so, I think not. Maybe I'll put it to a poll or something.


Thank you for your response! <3 I personally don't want adopted children in my family tree, ofc they are "my kids" but they don't have my genes :P I play alot with generations and never remake them in cas because I want the resemblance even further down the line etc. I also want the kid to stay in the family tree when given up for adoption, they are still my kids and I want to keep track if they get married and get kids :D Ofc you should do whatever makes the most sense to you, I was curious what it would look like. I guess we will see what the mods with child support will make of it, I tend to keep all my unwanted kids just so I don't have to pay it haha But I do have a story in mind for a poor woman who cant afford her kids and give them all up, I really do hope she won't have to pay child support for all of them lol


Then you and I have the same logic; to me as well they should stay in the tree haha. I will look into removal for people who want it though for sure, maybe just as a cheat they'd need to use, idk yet. But yeah the child support thing, I don't know. My own version of custody / child support / Divorce court etc is to come out sometime this year, maybe in May if we're lucky and everything goes well haha, and that would work well with my system, but for other mods it's not something I can control. But yeah it could lead to absurd situations for sure haha


so is this a update to a mod or is it another download? i wanted to get it but wasnt sure where id find it..also thank you for all your hard work i love all of your stuff you have made


It's an addition to Woohoo Wellness and Pregnancy Overhaul, it'll be up sometime today in its current state


awesome thank you ! ur amazing for making these ..id like to learn how to myself


Thank you so much, I just wanted to know if Woohoowellness have an abortion option


It's been announce for a very long time but I made other modules first... Now it was the adoption module's turn. It got cursed with getting developed at a moment of my life where things aren't right, but the parts that are ready come out today, then improvements and expansions later (should be in April)...


Im so excited! Your hard work never goes without appreciation! Im sat by my laptop just waiting im that excited hahaha


i have been up since 6 am creating a family for this ! so excited


I'm afraid y'all overhyped, I hate to disappoint 😢 testing found no issue yesterday so I'm just putting the post together now.


I am so sorry to hear the terrible struggles you have gone through recently. Please know I will be here as a patron if you choose to take some time off for your mental health. <3


Thank you ❤️ we all have our fair share of trouble to deal with in life, there's ust times that are harder than others, and I had a bit of a breakdown for sure... But I'm trying my best. Thank you for your support ❤️


wow! I hope that you are surrounded by strength and love - the world we live in is going to test our limits, no? Thank you for all you do and stay safe. ((HUGS))


Stalking is probably one of the hardest problems to have to deal with caused by the stalker. I hope it stopped and you got the right support. Stay strong. You can do this. Thank you so much for your wonderful storytelling mods! Lots of love:)<3


A lot of people just thought I was imagining things but my husband knows exactly that I'm not so there's that. At least they've not been able to physically locate me yet haha. It's not over but I just have to live with it really, not much other recourse. My best to you!

Sam D.

Do you know how this fostering/adoption system will work with or conflict with, LittleMs Sam's foster family mod? That one incorporates pets too, so I'd like to have both!


No conflict whatsoever is to be expected, I'm just adding new stuff not impacting the game's own or anything that mod would be using :)