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Hello Super Patrons, Star Patrons and Superstar Patrons! 

As you may have seen, I put up a small preview of the next features to be added to WooHoo Wellness & Pregnancy Overhaul. 

Here is your time to make small suggestions / requests regarding these additions.

Since it's a small set of new features and I hope to have it out soon, I won't add anything crazy but little things I'm happy to add if something important to you or an idea of yours can be added :)





Sorry if this doesn't fit into this category, but I would like more conflict type interaction for those who have had babies with sims that they aren't in a relationship with


Yeah that won't be for now, that's the kind of thing I will do when all the modules planned are done and added and I can go back to previous modules to add to them. Then again that may also just fit in the module for handling breakups and temporary separations and the co parenting necessary, which I call the 'make up and break up' module and is an ambitious piece which will be I think a really cool addition to the mod. But it will take a bit of time since it will be big. So first adoption finally has to be done, since August it's been announced 😂


I love how thorough you are! My suggestion comes from my current sim had a child with her "client" and there's not much interaction with the baby daddy which would be awesome in the future! But anyways thank you again for all you do! 💖☺️


Hi, first I just wanna say that I love your work so much and I appreciate all the time you’ve put into this. I was wondering with this suggestion if a male and female couple could have a surrogate together? What I mean is like they take the male dna and female dna from the couple and then they put both in a surrogate ?


No, as I said in the description, because of how pregnancy works in the game I don't think that's possible. Only the partner's DNA will go through. The woman in that case won't have her DNA in the result, but it will be the surrogate's DNA. I'm not done looking into how I could mess with that but I prefer to say it won't happen because I'm really not sure it's possible.


It's another mod doing this kind of profession, and so my mod probably doesn't work very good with it and that's beyond what I can do, because it's another mod

Flick Riley

This is amazing!!! Your mods literally make the sims an entirely new game for me, I’ve never played so much as I have since I found them! ❤️ As for suggestions I’d love infertility to be something that flagged up on certain sims, that could either be randomised or something, to cause some extra conflict or need to resort to the new alternatives if couples can’t get pregnant. But as I have no experience with modding myself I have no idea if that’s difficult or small 🙈 so I suggest it with no real clue if it’s feasible!

CandiKane Allen

This is amazing!!!! What about preemies? Is that even possible? 😳


Hm, why not, would be easy to do. Don't know where that would fit though, maybe a lone package file of its own so it can easily be removed


Hiii you are incredible! I love your mods you are really good in this! :)


I think it would be cool if midwifes are also there when your sim is pregnant and during birth and afterwards...just as a little helb and explaining the parents what to do and so on....i dont know if this is possible but i would love if this could be a part of the game


As I was reading through the preview, I noticed that the surrogacy so far seems to mainly involve playing as the client. Is it on the roadmap that a sim I'm playing can sign up to become a surrogate mother? Also this one's mainly a curious question rather than a suggestion, but do pregnancy/child desires play into surrogacy, such as how a neutral sim or one that wants children have any effects from hiring/becoming a surrogate? Thanks again for this crazy awesome mod! Makes the relationships my sims have way more interesting!

Ma Fe

Good Afternoon! I was wondering if you might consider (only if you wish to of course) adding adoption as well to the mod, I love how thorough and meaningful you make each action within your mods and the person who had made an adoption mod previously has retired. But of course, only if that might interest you.


The adoption module has been planned since August and will be done of course.

Dana Anna

My question would be if you do artificial insemination/surrogate. Is it possible to have like moodlets like “struggling to bond“ or “missed out on pregnancy” etc. related to it not being biologically their child or experiencing the pregnancy. Both if they were positive/negative on the request from partner. Obviously more so when they were negative.


That's a good idea. It would not take into account who said yes or didn't though, because in the case of surrogate pregnancy it has to have been a yes or it won't be available.


And if you meant to put one's own child for adoption, yes I'm going to do that too, since I do things my own way and in the end it's different enough from existing mods :) The same way that slice of life has an interaction for a sim to go to artificial insemination but I'm still doing my own system because I want it to be more fleshed out than just one interaction.


Someone else asked that today somewhere, I answered in the lines of 'possible yes but with some limitations', and I'll be putting it together in a bit, won't have time by Tuesday or so but after the main part of the new stuff is released I can add that. I just settle with myself that it's ok for me to add things little by little in the end, rather than have stuff done and hold onto it until more and more is done. This way y'all get some new features next week and maybe one more feature (the 'carry baby for others' thing) the week after, something like that


Hm, I would have to think about how to integrate that and with what effect, it's not a bad idea, just not sure how to go about it for now. I'll think on it :)

Dana Anna

I’m not super picky haha! I think it would kinda nice to just have any moodlets that are related to going the “non-traditional” route.


Yeah, especially, when a sim is pregnant with more than 1 child, not only as a condition of some health problems. And next idea - cesarean section (if more than 1 child) in the third period of pregnancy.


To piggyback off that, can you add a feature for sims to find their birth parents if they are adopted?


I'm glad you suggested this because I was thinking the same thing. Perhaps a tense moodlet because they want to bond with their child and are worried in case they might have struggles. Something like "Sim Name has always wanted a child, but now that the opportunity has arrived they are worried. Will the love they give this child be sufficient to become a family together?" Perhaps this scenario could apply to adoption too. The Sim really wants to love the new child, but they are also worried.

CandiKane Allen

I was reading some of the other requests for moodlets like " not being able to bond " and stuff could be added as well.


I really love your mods! Cannot imagine playing without them now! They add so much more meaning to interactions, I actually enjoy game play now.


I have no suggestions. I love your ideas for the mods and also love how thoroughly you execute them! Thank you. <3


it would be cool if we could implement arrange marriages. planned or autonomously from someone else.


I'm not sure if this has been requested, but what about miscarriages?