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Hello everyone,
I'm going to delay release of the artificial insemination feature and "Sim hires NPC surrogate mother" thing because I need a few more days to add in a highly requested feature, meaning, "played Sim carries a baby for NPC / other family". 
I was going to release first what I had sometime on Wednesday but it makes no sense to do that and then re post another bit two days later.
So, I ask you a few days' patience. Friday - Saturday is likely for release. Perhaps before but, we'll see :)
So, this module will add: artificial inseminations and consequences, surrogacy for your Sim to have a baby AND for your Sim to carry babies for others.
This means I have to make changes to previous parts of the mod so that pregnancy wishes, cheating, paternity etc does not apply to this type of pregnancy (when your sim is pregnant as a surrogate), and it has of course its own stuff that I need to  create for it. Then it's this whole new aspect that also needs testing. We're not even ready to test the inseminations and surrogacy the other way around anyways. So I need more time.
I started it today and made very good progress, as you can see below. The system is almost complete.
(Yesterday and today, I also added moodlets, notifications and phone calls to the "NPC carries baby for played Sim" surrogacy part, since that's what was missing there. Things are shaping up as expected.)

Of course at that point, your Sim chooses who they're going to carry a baby for.
Single Sims may also register themselves on a list and get asked by phone call randomly by other families to do this for them.

Excuse the missing cap letter at the end - will fix it. The text might change anyways.

Once the child is ready to travel to its permanent household, it does, and your Sim gets paid for their expenses.

Hoping to be done Thursday - Friday. Mayyybe Saturday if I get extra inspired and want to add more stuff.
Hope that the addition of this type of surrogate pregnancy will make it worth it to you to wait a little longer. I would like to do things well.



Omg I love this


You are literally too good to us 😭 you’re incredible!


very worth it


This is so awesome!!!


I think we all agree that we'd rather have something your happy with than something you feel is incomplete. Keep being awesome!!!!!


I love this, it's a whole new level to the sims. Are surrogates actually paid to have someones baby in other countries? In Canada it's illegal, you get compensation for expenses but financial incentives aren't legal. I was just taken back by the wording "the family who paid them to have their baby" and then thought maybe its not the same in other countries.


Oh interesting! Well, text is always subject to change and generally I reformulate things a little. In this case I don't want at all to have 'paid' stay because what if you do this for a friend? But yeah I also think it's not legal so I will re word. Things don't occur to me right away as at the intial stage like now, I'm focusing on getting the code done for things to even work and the text is like a second thought 😅


In this new mod, can the surrogate mother change her mind and decide to keep the baby? Can the parents still contact the surrogate mother, even after she has the baby? Also, when you check the genealogy of the sims, will it show both in the surrogate mother and the parents? By the way, I am really looking forward to this mod and downloading it, but if you feel stressed about it in any way, please take a break. Your health is more important than our wants 🙌🏽


No she can't change her mind, well technically she could keep it forever nothing prevents that, but that's not really what they agreed on 😂 The family tree I don't mod. It's the genetic truth. The relationships in game though show the situation. Say you are adopted, in your tree will be your birth parents, in your sim profile will be your life parents. This will come into play later and for surrogates too so that they can find their biological family if they so wish. So, the surrogate won't show as parent to the child in the profile, but will in the tree

Liz Upton

Well I looked forward to the AI stuff but this sounds even better, I may not even get off the game once you release it. This is going to be a blast! Thanks for making the game fun again.


I am so EXCITED!!!! Which ever day it officially drops, I am taking that entire day to play! A day full of fun, excitement and drama for my Sims!! MWWWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Mikeela Chandler

I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED FOR THIS UPDATE OMG!!! You are honestly the best! Thank you for making these mods.


I'm more excited for this mod release than I am for the official expansion release. I've been wanting these surrogacy and AI features for so long 😭


Oooh this looks amazing ! Take the time you need, and thank you so much for your hard work !


So excited for this!!


I’m so excited for this module! Now I can finally play gay couples! (I held off before because I don’t like the adoption system where you have to pick a random kid from a list.)


I just want to say you be doing the da** thing. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! You make my game so much better EA the sims 4 needs to put you on! Thank you!!!!


Im so excited about this ! Ive been waiting for this feature


oh gosh I'm so excited for this!

Mallory White

Wow this is next level stuff


so excited for this update!! Looove this idea.


I agree. She is one of my favorite modders as she is very attentive and comes up with the best stuff.


I just want to say that you are the GOAT! Keep up the good work. 👍




I am SO EXCITED for this I could cry!


SO excited!!! I'll happily wait longer so you don't have to rush! I love your mods


patiently waiting im sooo excited


im so excited just cant hide it


thank you for all that you do!! :)


This is going to be SO COOL. Thank you for all of your hard work!


I can't wait! Thank you for your hard work!


You are the best there is! 🤍


When is gonna be posted?


When tested and done, as always. Which is not yet the case. These things don't come with an exact date and time


I'm just asking because you said that mod will be on saturday


Yeah but there was a patch day in between which means over a day's time lost. I give myself deadlines and do my best to meet them is all it is :) Generally things are released a few days before, on, or a few says after the dates I announce. I do my best.

Charlie West

You go above and beyond as a modder for this community and the prices you charge for your patreon are absolutely underpriced so you take as long as you need to post updates/mods just know you have thousands of patient supporters :)


I am willing to wait as long as you need to produce a great mod. Take your time and as the previous person said you have a lot of patient supporters.