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Hi everyone and thanks for being here! 

Here's a preview of what is upcoming for next week for WooHoo Wellness 

(should be ready for release around the upcoming Tuesday)

--------- 1. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION --------

a. Talking about considering it

Sims who are not single are expected to talk about this with their partners beforehand.

Partners can agree to it or say they don't want it to happen. As always, the pop-ups are optional and can be turned off for the game to decide what to do, based on pregnancy preference and chance.

If a Sim says 'no', and their partner still goes on with it and gets pregnant, OR if a Sim does not talk with their partner about it first, the partner will be angry once pregnancy is discovered.

If the Sim agreed and pregnancy happens, moodlets for the partner are different depending on pregnancy preference.

Moodlets for the Sim getting the insemination go as follow unless they don't want children.

b. Getting it done

Once a Sim chooses to "Attempt Artificial Insemination", they can decide to pick the donor or let it be picked randomly.

If they choose to see portraits, they get to pick through a portrait menu who should be the donor.

Once the process is done, they come home. They can tell others about having attempted it, including their partner, who will get mad if not told before.

If it fails, they can tell others. If the Sim agreed and the attempt failed and they are told about it, moodlets are different depending on pregnancy preference.

If the Sim is pregnant, they'll be happy it worked unless they don't want children, and the pregnancy will go on normally. Once the child is of teen age, the parents can tell them they were conceived this way and not 'normally'.

---------------- 2. SURROGATE MOTHERS -------------------

a. Talking about it

For this one, if not single, it can only be done if a partner agreed. (For artificial insemination, it can be done either way)

If single, then it does not matter of course.

b. Getting it Done

(interaction location, text and look may change by release)

Sims can select to "Have a Baby through a Surrogate". Then, they chose a surrogate mother. 

During the pregnancy, they can invite the surrogate to hang out so they get to feel the baby and all that. 

Once the pregnancy is ready to be done (ie 3 days have passed), the Sim will invite the surrogate and the surrogate gives birth. (It needs to happen in your sim's home because of the way babies are in game.)

Once done, the surrogate leaves, and the baby is yours.
Your Sim has to go to the baby and "Hold New Baby" (a new interaction) so that the baby and your Sim develop their relationship of parent / offspring. 

Once  the child is a teen and older, the parents can tell the child about how they were conceived.

What about genetics?
Only the genetics of your Sim's partner will be reflected in the baby, along with that of the surrogate. I have no way for now to have both Sim's DNA and not that of the surrogate and don't know if it's something that could ever be possible.
If a Single Sim does this, then the genetics will be that of the surrogate and either the Sim asking or a random sim, depending on configuration of genders.

----------- 3. WHAT'S DONE, WHAT'S TO FINISH -------------

I have to add some moodlets, notifications, variants for single Sims, and such. Mostly I have all the moodlets and stuff for the artificial insemination, but on the surrogacy side they're all missing as of right now.

The systems are pretty much all done so it's all just about functional.

Counting time for testing, I'm expecting this to be ready around Tuesday.
Could be a bit later, but not by much.


The adoption thing is upcoming, that and the trust system I hope to finish next, after these alternative pregnancies.

I al thinking of adding the  alternative pregnancies into the core module, so there won't be an extra file for so 'little'.


That's it for now! :)




this is AMAZING wow thank u for all ur hard work!!!!!!


This is EPIC!!!!


WOW! I honestly don't think I'm pledging enough for your Patreon. I need to rectify that on the 1st. QQ - when you say invite the surrogate over to have the baby, will there be a pop up or notification that the surrogate is in labor so we know to invite them over?


For now the way I did it, you'll be notified that the pregnancy is certainly close to term and then you still get to decide when they should come over in case your Sims aren't available at that moment. So you'll know when three days have passed but you wouldn't have to immediately have the pregnant sim come over. This may change if mccc makes it not work the way I made it. Because mccc impacts off lot pregnancies. But hopefully it won't mess with things and make me re do that 😂 And thank you for the nice words


This is AMAZING modders really are the back bone of this community!! I have a suggestion, do you think it would be possible to BE a surrogate mother, or to donate sperm samples? I kinda have this idea of making a professional surrogate mother who gets paid for the pregnancies, and her partner also get paid to donate sperm every once in a while as a side gig. Right now the only way I can do this is by impregnating my sim with MCCC for the "client" I picked and then sending the baby I age up to the new family through adopt into household in MCCC and cheating some money. I do something similar with the male partner in that I impregnate the "client" and then just delete his relationship to the children with MCCC when they age up. If this isn't possible I TOTALLY understand! Keep up the amazing work. 😂


If you are willing to have it that the child must be a toddler to be sent away, then yes I can do that. Not by Tuesday, but a later. I already have a cheat in game to send a toddler or child to another household as adoptee. Getting the pregnancy going won't be a problem either. The babies are the tricky part 😂 Keep in mind I never touch the family tree. One I would not know how but two the family tree to me is the genetic truth. Then in game relationships, which I do modify, reflect the non genetic truth. So ir can say 'father' in sim profile but not in family tree basically, if the child is not related to its father.

Liz Upton

I can’t wait! I’ve wanted Artificial Insemenition for a long time.


Amazing!! I had to cut back on my Patreons and I was not going to give up this one because you work so hard and make just amazing mods. Looking forward to this!


You are literally saving the game right now....


These are such fantastic additions! You're doing such an awesome job!

Latesha Coleman

this mod is very interesting to say the least and i have truly been enjoying it and i truly cant wait for this update. this is awesome


Thank you for this! I had a similar mod in the The Sims 3 and really missed it. I don't think you should need to try and make the genetics of the child match a Sim that wasn't involved in donating genetic material. Life just doesn't work that way. I'm so excited. I almost wish I didn't read the preview because I don't want to wait.


I can't wait for these additions, I love this mod so much that I can't imagine my game without it!!


This is amazing, will we still be able to allow longer pregnancies via MCCC? Thanks for your hard work!

Evangelina Silvercloud

Wow, wow and wow -sooo great! I thought your mod is perfect, but it's getting better and better. Thank you so much for all your hard work to give us these new features. Lovely regards from Austria


This is amazing! I don't know how I keep getting more and more impressed by your work. Glad I found your mods they are truly amazing and they keep getting better. Thank you for all your hard work! :)


I was wondering if you maybe could add postpartum buffs for healing after birth. It always bothers me that sims just snap back instantly after giving birth to another being.


Yeah that's part of the plan, whatever I called it, 'recovery system'. I've had that in the lost of upcoming features for a while :)


Are you doing testing for this update? If so i would love to be apart of it

Linda Gill

Your Dope!!!


Will there be a way for your sim to be a Surrogate for an NPC couple?


This is an awesome addition! However Kawaiistaci has that built in to her explore mod. Will this conflict with it? I'm just asking. Your mod has more depth to it. I'm excited.


The problem is that kawaii stacei's thing doesn't work well with my mod because it doesn't trigger my processes. Which means Sims will recognize the pregnancy as cheating. With my system that won't be the case, because the advantage of having my own system is it is built for my mod. So it does not conflict but I don't advise using the explore insemination thing with my mod if paternity module is installed. No part of KS 's mods can conflict with mine as we each make our own tuning and don't modify the game files to do our things.