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EDIT February 13th:

- Please Re-Download to avoid issues.
Removed the 'Disgusted' moodlets for now, as the 'Disgusted' mood is misbehaving some. 


Fixed issue
with Sims getting Tipsy off of drinking water.

Because the newest Stuff Pack adds a scared mood and replaces some game moodlet moods with the 'Scared' one, I have removed from this mod the moodlets I had modified to my custom 'Scared' mood. My custom 'Scared' mood will probably have an early retirement because the game has a scared mood now.


This v0.9 is only a first batch of mood replacements (with 40+ moodlets). It will take me some playing time to find what moodlets I want to give a custom mood to.

----------- Game Moodlet Mood Replacement ----------

This tiny package file gives a few (46 for now) game moodlets a custom mood instead of the standard game mood.

This uses my Mood Pack Mod and what I call 'Dumb Overrides', meaning, in addition to my custom files for the moods, it is made of files from the game directly edited (the moodlets whose moods are changed), which means it's shamefully easy to make, but may also interact if some other modder decides that they want to directly edit those moodlets. 

I was going to do it differently and not have overrides at all, but then I thought, if someone directly edits one of these moodlets for a mod effect, it still would conflict with this even if I make it without overrides, because I would instead replace the game moodlet in game with a custom one. This would mean tons more work for me for the same end result of potential conflicts, so I didn't bother.

The list of moodlets changed will only grow, so if you are a modder and wish to check what resources are overriden, I advise just looking in the file or the screenshot below.

What will happen if I have a mod that overrides the same moodlet / a mod that 'conflicts'?

Well, almost nothing if the other mod takes over - simply, the custom mood would not show for that particular moodlet.
If my mod takes over - then whatever the other mod made to the moodlet in question will not show.

Any known conflicts so far?




Yes, I'm serious, requirements are requirements!
If you grab this without grabbing the mood pack mod, expect UI errors, because moodlets will be looking for moods that you didn't put in your mods folder.
This mod is about giving custom moods to things, and the custom moods are contained in the Mood Pack.

NEED HELP? Contact me on Discord or here in comments, or through the contact form on my website.




is this compatible with chingyu's buff


Is this mod still working with the new patch or is it in the lineup for updating?


Love these! Now...does anyone know of a mod that will prevent the moodlets from collapsing back every time you try to read all of them? I always pause my game, and I have looked for a mod that does this on occasion, but either I'm not looking for the right terminology, or it doesn't exist.


I don't think it exists - I would definitely use it too it it did, because that's a pain to me too


Definitely great!

Oc- chan97

Seems not to work for me, i see a blue square instead of the buff with the mood and any other moodlets from there on are not showing up. I guess there must be a conflict with another mod.


Do you have the mood pack mod in its most recent version? A conflict would not do that, not having the latest version of the mood pack would however


I can't open sims profiles it won't work but it will just play music when I try to open it. I'm not sure if this effecting it or something else.


Generally that's caused by outdated custom cas traits or a mod that involves cas traits. None of my mods have any of those.

Dana Anna

Question! I have Basemental Ds; if my sims drink will your buff show up in addition to the BD buff or would it override it? Just wondering how the two would interact!


There's no buff of mine, those are just the game buffs with a changed mood. If Basemental uses those and you have this installed then they'd show with the custom mood. But my thought is that basemental has its own moodlets and doesn't use the game ones, so the basemental moodlets would be left untouched


Whenever my sims woohoo there's always an orange pop up ( I think a script error or something) I'm using your mods as well as other mods which have been stated are compatible so im not sure why the orange notification pops up every time (after it pops up the mods still work fine). It's just annoying that there are a pause and error every time sims woohoo. Any tips or help?


You need to send me the error reports. In your mccc folder you should see html files which are reports of last exceptions. You can send them over at discord or by email to lumpinoumods@gmail.com. If I see the error I can tell you what's going on and we can look into fixing it. If there's no html file but only text files with 'log' in the name, send those instead :)


Does this or the mood pack conflict with meaningful stories?


Nope and nope. Mood pack cannot conflict with any mod present past or future, it is quite simply fully impossible for it to be victim of or cause conflict because of what it is. 'Custom mood for some game moodlets' is a bunch of game moodlet files modified, so if another mod explicitly decides to copy and modify the same ones there would be a tiny bit of a clash there but I don't know of any mod that has those same moodlets and certainly not meaningful stories.


What moodlets are you talking about?


Not sure on the exact of which ones, since I still do get some moodlets on my sims (not sure if from the mod or not), but one I know for sure is Disappointed (from failing to conceive) doesn't seem to show up.


This would be because wonderful whims impacts what happens when a pregnancy test is negative - which I noticed in working on Woohoo Wellness. This is an incompatibility in that specific moodlet. The others should be fine


Ohh okay, I see what you mean. Thank you so much for the reply and the help. It's greatly appreciated!


this may be an issue with basemental, but the other mods I have that could maybe do it are others made by you, along with SOL - whenever my sim is "dazed", (or any sim really) they run around and scream incoherently and act like they're scared/terrified. not sure what is really causing it


None of my mods touch existing game moods, they don't either have any sort of thing that would cause running around or strange reactions. To test this you could remove mods in chunks by creator and then test a dazed moodlet for example by cheating one through mccc. I am extremely confident my mods aren't doing this and aren't able to


You’re right - I’m starting to wonder If my game is bugged or something :( I’ve taken out all mods that affect moods/personality/traits and basemental and being dazed makes them act paranoid no matter the sim :/


Actually - I removed chingyus balanced emotions & needs because I missed it in a sub folder and it’s normal !! Yay.


This mod isn’t showing up in my game. I’ve deleted it and reinstalled many times. I don’t know what the issue is.


If a mod isn't showing up, it's 99.99% of the time an installation problem. Do you have scripts and mods enabled in game? (both check boxes). Are files no deeper than one subfolder inside the mods folder, and extracted?


When I extract it and put it in my mods folder there’s no issue. I have woohoo wellness and UI cheats installed. This mod is required for the dental care mod so the dental care mod might be the issue. I’m trying to install this mod again right now.


Oh we are talking mood pack. I didn't realize, I thought I was in another post, sorry. It's normal if nothing shows up, this mod won't show anything in and off itself.


Sorry again about the misunderstanding. But yeah if you have this in your mod folder then you're fine to use the dental mod :)


Hi, is this mod compatible with Zerbu's Renamed Emotions?


Thank you, and thank you for the quick response 🙏🏾

Fatimah Obey

for some reason I'm gettin a error on this mod might need to update it


What error? Might have not to do with the mod itself. It doesn't do anything except change the mood for some moodlets. Whenever in game there is a problem giving those moodlets, the error would point to this even if it would have done the same with just the game. I have a game bug with sim at works for example. When this game bug happens, the game fails to apply stuff to sims at work. It generally involves changing their mood. So, such errors could mention any moodlet very easily, but the error isn't about the moodlet. That's just an example. So, to figure anything out, one would need to see the full error report.

Nichole Daysleeper

Hey, I'm getting the same flag and it doesn't say anything in detail except that there's "Invalid Tuning" for "Buff_Motives_AllMotivesPrettyHigh"...

Stephanie Louise

I'm also getting this mod flag up with the better exceptions mod. Recommended Action - There is bad tuning in this mod: \2. Lumpinou\Lumpinou_CustomMoodsForSomeMoodlets_v0.96.package Delete it from your mods folder or see if the author has an updated version. If it is a multi-package mod make sure you update all of them. Possible Cause (Confidence: 100%) \2. Lumpinou\Lumpinou_CustomMoodsForSomeMoodlets_v0.96.package Reason - Exception in Sim Timeline: Exception resuming Element (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_priority') Invalid Tuning - Buff_Motives_AllMotivesPrettyHigh


Stephanie, are you also using MissyHissy's Hopes and Fears mod? I have the same error, but my report also shows two of her files as invalid tuning files and I believe the mod itself uses the CustomMoods file. Wondering if there's some connection.

Stephanie Louise

Hi, I am not no. I did have one other mod showing the same error but updated that last night and its no longer showing just this one now.


Hi, i am also having a BE error with the custom moodlets mod.