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Hey all, made some small but impactful updates based on feedback from the fans (Patreon, Reddit, Discord, etc). Let me know what you think!

Alternate Rogue v1.1.0

  • Starting Equipment // Replaced thieves’ tools with a tool set of your choice
  • Improved Cunning Strike // Clarified you must use “attack” Exploits
  • Duelist // Classically Trained // Specified that the Cunning Strike bonus only applies to finesse and ranged weapon attacks against your Adversary.
  • Duelist // Fighting Style // Replaces Versatile Fighting with Thrown Weapon Fighting.
  • Exploits // Craft ____ Poison // Specify that these take the Use an Object action to apply.
  • Exploits // Removed Heroic Fortitude. Added Crippling Strike
  • Exploits // Blinding Debris // Renamed (Blinding Strike).
  • Exploits // Exposing Strike // Renamed (Weakening Blow).
  • Exploits // Reinforce Lock // Renamed (Enhance Lock).

EDIT: Cunning Strike change has been reverted. You can now use it once per turn again.


Alternate Rogue by laserllama

The small urchin boy placed a stone in the pouch of his slingshot as he fled the inn he had been sent to case. Despite the dust and dirt that covered his ratty clothes he managed to infiltrate the inn and make his way to the hidden basement.



Wait, so, for clarity: If Cunning Action is now per Round instead of per Turn...no more Cunning Action (if applicable) to Reactions like AoO if you used it during your own turn in Initiative?


Even though Sneak Attack could once per turn before? What was the thought on balance there? (I also think that it would make more sense if the limit was more like "Once used, it cannot be used again until the start of your next turn" because basing it around Initiative order is messy and not good)


I think the Alt Rogue was a little too strong with the addition of Exploits. Wouldn’t once per round, and your version be functionally the same thing?


That's fair enough, the Exploits are pretty kickass~ And, Functionally? Nawh, consider like...a Rogue being Mid-Initiative and using it on his turn and then getting an AoO chance after the next round has started but before his next turn arrives. It still equates to once per round but you're waiting for an invisible timer to go off to allow you the opportunity for it to refresh. It's more aligned to other game features if you keep it based around turn structure as to not confuse, albeit it being a little wordier.


So applying poisons takes a Use Object action.......which your Cunning Action will allow you to do as a bonus action...........so what is the point of the Assassin's Master Poisoner then?


It still allows you to create and apply a poison as a bonus action instead of two separate actions.


Oh..........OH. So you can create and apply the poison on demand? Well that's certainly nice, but the way it was worded you would have thought that only the application part benefitted from the bonus action


I'm honestly not a fan of nerfing the rogue's iconic signature combat ability. Rogues have high damage potential in exchange for a lower overall amount of hp and AC (i.e. they have a higher risk/reward than fighters or barbarians). Sneaking attacking (or 'cunning striking') is what the rogue DOES, much like raging is what the barbarian does. The alternate barbarian doesn't nerf their rage -- it makes it a bit stronger, even.