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Hey all, I posted the 2.5.0 version of my Alternate Fighter class last week, so I thought I’d share the expansion with you all (and hopefully get some good feedback). For those who are unfamiliar, this is all meant to work with my Alternate Fighter Class: https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-MSfA82gv8V69JAoqFVq

Fighting Styles. I’ve been working on the Feats presented here for a while now, and they’ve been surprisingly difficult to come up with! The options in the *Player’s Handbook* (and now *Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything*) are so *general* that it doesn’t leave room for many new Fighting Styles. Hopefully you like the options here - they are definitely a little more niche.

Martial Exploits. The Exploits presented here are a little more *fantastical* then the options included with the Alternate Fighter, so they might not be for every table! Some of them are based on existing spells, and one even gives Fighters a “summoning” option.

Feats. I thought it’d be fun to create a few options for other characters to “borrow” from the Alternate Fighter. Definitely interested in feedback on these!

Builds. A concept introduced in *Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything*, but I think it fell a bit short. I borrowed the idea for this compendium to show how you could use the Alternate Fighter to create some of the more iconic warrior types.

Warrior Archetypes. The base class includes the more “classic” Archetypes, so I’ve added a bunch of less-traditional ones here: 

Crusader, the non-magical Paladin/Cleric. 

Guardian, the Fighter who goes all-in on defense. 

Guerrilla, the ultimate adaptable Fighter. 

Master of Hounds, the companion subclass akin to the Beastmaster Ranger. 

Mystic Warrior, my take on a psionic Fighter (replaces the Psi Warrior from *TCoE*). 

Quartermaster, a cook/support. 

Swordsage, the Fighter equivalent to the Bladesigner (why do Wizards get everything?)

Tinker Knight, an inventor/tinker based on the Rune Knight. 

Witch Knight, the Warlock-based equivalent to the Arcane Knight, loosely based on the Profane Soul Blood Hunter subclass.


  • Exploits // Removed // regal spirit (redundant with heroic will)
  • Exploits // NEW 1st-degree // aristocratic education, lunge, reposition, street smarts, warding strike.
  • Exploits // NEW 2nd-degree // trick shot.
  • Exploits // NEW 3rd-degree // daring rescue (warlord), inspirational speech, recruit mercenary, survey settlement, survey wilderness
  • Exploits // NEW 4th-degree // equip militia, sundering strike
  • Exploits // NEW 5th-degree // mythic focus, vorpal strike
  • Martial Feats // NEW // Signature Technique, Signature Weapon
  • Martial Archetypes // All // Archetype Exploit adjustments
  • Crusader // Crusader’s Ire // You can now make an opportunity attack when a creature attacks or casts a spell within 5 feet of you.
  • Crusader // Fanatical Disciple // Now Exploit Die bonus instead of Expertise
  • Guardian // Guardian Stance // Removed shield attack (redundant with Shield Warrior Fighting Style), added a free bonus action Shove attack
  • Guerrilla // Adaptable Exploits // Renamed from Adaptable Combatant
  • Guerrilla // Survivalist // Now Exploit Die bonus instead of Expertise
  • Guerrilla // Unwavering // Now Exploit Die bonus instead of Expertise
  • Guerrilla // Legendary Guerrilla // Now grants fighter level temp hit points on initiative or allows you to move up to your speed on initiative.
  • Master of Hounds // Iron Jaws // Adjusted to account for a Hound that is Enlarged.
  • Master of Hounds // Hound of Legend // Increases the Hound’s STR and DEX to 18.
  • Mystic Warrior // Mystic Exploits // Trimmed back to only mighty leap and mighty thrust.
  • Mystic Warrior // Legendary Mystic // Your Exploits can now deal psychic damage
  • Quartermaster // Down to Earth // Renamed. Now grants you a bonus to those proficiencies equal to your Exploit Die.
  • Witch Knight // Eldritch Power // Removed. Too much with cantrips as part of the Pact Magic feature, and the Sanguine Offering feature.
  • Witch Knight // Profane Sacrifice // Removed the option to get advantage on attacks.


Alternate Fighter: Expanded by laserllama

In 5e, the fighter, while mechanically balanced, falls short of the fantasy it tries to capture. The Alternate Fighter strives to capture the fantasy of playing a master of battle. Included below are additional options for the Alternate Fighter class: Additional Fighting Styles.



Kinda wish guerrilla 7th level ability gave a bonus to climb or swim speed if you already hand one.


Yeah, the Guerrilla definitely needs a bit of a buff. It was originally designed for the PHB Fighter, so getting Battle Master Maneuvers was a big deal. I like the bonus speeds idea!