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Hey everyone! Excited to bring you another (maybe final?) update for the Alternate Fighter Class! Over the past few months the Alt Fighter has gotten a lot of attention, which has led to some (what I think) are changes for the better. As always, thank you to anyone who has given me feedback or play tested the class.

I’m open to any further constructive criticisms or suggestions anyone has!

The Alternate Fighter:

The goal of my Alternate Fighter project has always been to give the Fighter more significant decisions to make in combat, while keeping the class balanced when compared to other options in the game. The easiest way to do that (in my mind) was to merge the Battle Master subclass with the base Fighter Class - this led to the creation of my system of Marital Exploits.

Official Content Compatible. With this update comes some (small) changes to the official Fighter Archetypes from *Xanathar’s Guide to Everything* and *Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything* so you can use those subclasses with the Alternate Fighter! This class is also compatible with any Homebrew subclass (so long as the features are at the same levels as the official Fighter Class).

Martial Exploits. My system of marital abilities that allow your Fighter to make more significant decisions, and also contribute to the game outside of combat in both the exploration and social pillars of gameplay.

Rebalanced Class Features. In order to “make room” in the power budget for Exploits, *Action Surge* has been moved back to 6th level, and the “bonus” *Ability Score Improvement* at that level has been removed. *Extra Attack* has been changed to scale at the same levels that cantrips scale (ie: your 4th attack is at 17th level now). Finally, *Indomitable* functions as a Legendary Resistance.

Rebalanced Archetypes. Included with the Alternate Fighter are **Five** full Archetypes: Arcane Knight (rebalanced Eldritch Knight), Champion, Commander (rebalanced Banneret), Marksman, and Master at Arms (replacement for the Battle Master).

Change log - Alternate Fighter v2.5.0

  • A ton of cool art updates!
  • Fighting Styles // Moved Mariner and Wrestler to the Expanded doc.
  • Fighting Styles // Added Strongbow, Thrown Weapon Fighting, and Unarmed Fighting
  • Fighting Styles // Classical Swordplay // Reduced to +1 AC.
  • Indomitable // Is now just Legendary Resistance.
  • Arcane Knight // Spell List // Added catapult, misty step.
  • Champion // Champion Exploits // Replaced ruthless strike with mighty leap.
  • Champion // Remarkable Athlete // Now free uses of feat of strength and mighty leap.
  • Champion // Additional Fighting Style replaced with Brutal Critical.
  • Commander // Reworked to incorporate Warlord Exploits.
  • Master at Arms // Advanced Technique // Renamed. Grants two additional Exploit Dice.
  • Master at Arms // Fluid Stances // Combined all the “you learn a Fighting Style” features.
  • Master at Arms // Master of Forms // You now learn Exploits from any class.
  • Martial Exploits // Dropped Ability Score prerequisites down by 1 to odd numbers.
  • Exploits // 3rd, 4th, and 5th-degree Exploits can each be used once per short/long rest.
  • Exploits // glancing blow and weakening blow moved to Alt Fighter: Expanded
  • Exploits // Skilled Rider // You can use this to enhance a mount’s attack rolls.
  • Exploits // Feint // Reworked
  • Exploits // Precision Strike // Now works with all weapon attacks.
  • Exploits // Concussive Blow // Changed too inflict a lesser version of *slow*.
  • Exploits // Crushing Strike // Renamed. Specified how long it lasts.
  • Exploits // Flaming Shot // Added from Alt Fighter: Expanded
  • Exploits // Heroic Will // Ability Score prerequisites removed
  • Exploits // Volley // No friendly fire now, clarified the Exploit.
  • Exploits // Whirlwind Strike // Renamed. Now does the damage type of your weapon.
  • Exploits // Disorienting Blow // Buffed, clarified that this doesn’t stack with *slow*.
  • Exploits // Heroic Focus // Clarified that this doesn’t stack with *haste*.
  • Exploits // Resilient Body // Extra hit points become temporary hit points after the hit.
  • Exploits // War Cry // Doesn’t end early if you take damage.
  • Exploits // Fluid Movements // You can use a bonus action to Dash AND Disengage
  • Exploits // Storm of Arrows // No friendly fire now!


Alternate Fighter by laserllama

The young guard quietly slipped past his comrades out the back door of the armory where the townsfolk were hiding. A bandit gang had come upon their village suddenly that morning, and their leader had issued a challenge. If a warrior from the town could best him in single combat, his gang of bandits would leave peacefully.


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