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Hey all, excited to post my latest project, a massive overhaul for my Shaman Class!

This was the first homebrew class I created (way back), and it wasn't super creative in its execution. I had basically just taken the Warlock and Druid and shoved them together. This update looks to differentiate the Shaman more mechanically and thematically.

Focus on Totems. In this update, spellcasting has been moved back to 2nd level to have the focus be on your Totems at 1st level. I wanted the Totems to feel like the premier feature for the Shaman, and when coupled with your Sacred Focus at 1st level, you can start feeling like a master of the spiritual world. 

I also added an ability to fill the "Eldritch Blast" void in the class - Totemic Assault. Most of your subclasses build off this ability in different ways, and there are even a few Totems you can learn that enhance this ability.

I've also changed up the way you get 6th through 9th-level spells. Previously, this was just a carbon copy of the Warlock's Mystic Arcanum spell slots. Now, you get your high-level spell slots through a Greater Totem Spirits, which you can switch out at the end of a long rest. I've included four Greater Totems Spirits, each with a thematic list of spells.

Simplified Spiritualities. The previous versions of the Shaman's Spiritualities (subclasses) were a little too complicated. They've been simplified in this update, but still retain the bulk of their mechanical and narrative power. A few have been removed and will be coming back in some form in an eventual Shaman: Expanded.

Signature Spells. What good is a class without some unique/exclusive spells of its own? I've included seven new spells here which help to reinforce the flavor of the Shaman (I've also removed the signature spells of other classes from their spell lists). 

As always, I'm interested in any feedback and constructive criticism you may have!

CHANGE LOG v5.0.1 -> 5.5.0

  • Major Art & Formatting updates!
  • New & Updated flavor text to start the class.
  • Sacred Focus // Heart // Can expend Hit Die for advantage on saving throws
  • Sacred Focus // Mind // WIS mod bonus to INT/CHA checks and saves
  • Totems // Moved up to 1st level
  • Totems // Can’t change them out on a long rest
  • Totems // Totemic Assault // NEW 1st level feature (eldritch blast equivalent)
  • Primal Magic // Moved back to 2nd level
  • Primal Magic // Spells Known // Increased by 2 to compensate for removing the 1st-level Spirituality spells from each subclass.
  • Primal Magic // Shamanistic Fetish // Added some example Fetishes
  • Spirituality // Moved back to 3rd level
  • Totemic Versatility // NEW 5th level feature. Change out a Totem every long rest
  • Primeval Conduit // Removed
  • Greater Totem Spirit // NEW 11th level feature. Grants you a set thematic list of 6th through 9th-level spells. You can change this out at the end of a long rest.
  • Spiritual Ascension // Reworked. Now grants you a chance to resurrect yourself upon death if you can return to a special Totem by the next dawn.
  • Greater Totems // Options for Greater Totem Spirits: Death, Life, Moon, and Sun.
  • Spirituality // Spirituality Spells // Removed 1st-level spells
  • Spirituality // Earth Shaker and Storm Caller moved to Shaman: Expanded
  • Curse Binder // Evil Eye // Moved to 3rd level
  • Curse Binder // Totemic Curse // Renamed. Now works with Totemic Assault.
  • Curse Binder // Shamanistic Ward // Removed immunity ability and replaced it with the ability to use Totemic Assault against your attacker as a reaction.
  • Spirit Warrior // Ancestral Knowledge // Renamed, moved to 3rd level.
  • Spirit Warrior // Totemic Weapon // Can use Wisdom for attacks/damage with your Totemic Weapon. Cut “Spirit of Draining” (too similar to Curse Binder). Added Spirit of Challenge (to replace the loss of *compelled duel*), Spirit of Might now grants advantage on attack rolls against grappled creatures.
  • Spirit Warrior // Extra Attack // Explicitly allows Totemic Assault in place of an attack.
  • Spirit Warrior // Spiritual Strikes // Cut (combined with Totemic Weapon at 3rd level)
  • Spirit Warrior // Spiritual Champion // Renamed. Changed B/P/S resistance to all non-silvered attacks. Dropped bonus necrotic damage for the ability to inflict Totemic Assault with melee weapon attacks.
  • Wild Heart // Wild Heart Spells // Replaced catnap with conjure animals. Replaced insect plague with tree stride.
  • Wild Heart // Bestial Adaptations // Agile now increases your jump distances as well, Alpine allows the climbing of sheer and upside-down surfaces, and Aquatic allows you to Dash as a bonus action while you are underwater.
  • Wild Heart // Great Beast // Base Strength score increased to 18. Hit Dice moved into the Abilities portion of the stat block.
  • Witch Doctor // Life Bearer // Moved up to 3rd level. Changed to 1d10 + shaman level.
  • Witch Doctor // Totemic Blessing // Changes your Totemic Assault to radiant damage.
  • Witch Doctor // Mystical Focus // New feature
  • Witch Doctor // Empowered Blessing // New feature
  • Witch Doctor // Selfless Ward // Renamed. Creatures that you give your Totems no longer get the bonus to their saving throws.
  • Witch Doctor // Spiritual Awakening // Renamed & Reworked
  • Totems // Totem of the Autumn Wind // Removed (redundant with Curse Binder)
  • Totems // Totem of the Bear // Now deals magical slashing damage from 1st level.
  • Totems // Totem of the Crossroads // Renamed (previously Totem of the Wilds)
  • Totems // Totem of the Eagle // Renamed (previously Totem of the Beast)
  • Totems // Totem of the Hound // Renamed (previously Totem of the Trailblazer)
  • Totems // Totem of the Panther // Renamed (previously Totem of the Forest)
  • Totems // Totem of the Quagmire // Moved up to 2nd level
  • Totems // Totem of the Winds // Renamed (previously Totem of the North Wind)
  • Totems // Totem of the Oak // Renamed (previously Totem of the Avalanche). It no longer requires your concentration.
  • Totems // Totem of Mirth // Renamed (previously Totem of Spirits)
  • Totems // Totem of the Mystic // NEW
  • Totems // Totem of the Wild // Renamed (previously Totem of the Woodlands)
  • Totems // Totem of the River // swimming speed now equal to walking speed.
  • Totems // Totem of Wrath // NEW
  • Totems // Totem of the Cave // Moved to 9th level. No increase at 15th level
  • Totems // Totem of the Vine // Moved to 9th level.
  • Totems // Totem of Binding // NEW
  • Totems // Totem of the Eclipse // Moved to 15th level, cut advantage on spell saves.
  • Totems // Totem of the Skies // flying speed is now equal to your walking speed.
  • Shaman Spell List // Added - beast bond, cause fear, hex, sanctuary, blur, cloud of daggers
  • Shaman Spell List // Cut - druidcraft, vicious mockery
  • Shaman Spell List // Added signature shaman spells!


The Shaman Class by laserllama

The half-orc silently moved through the forest, her tattoos shimmering in the moonlight. Gripping the ancestral war club of her tribe, she called upon the spirits of previous champions to empower her strikes. A cold wind came over the hobgoblin camp as the half-orc walked into their midst.



I'm so happy

Jeff Potato

I always liked this one, but it *was* a bit warlocky before. It's good to see it become a bit more distinct. I look forward to seeing the Earth Shaker's return in the Expanded release.


Oh 100%. Like I said, this was my first foray into a full homebrew class, so I was pretty intimidated and wanted to keep it safe.