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Hey all, excited to post an update to my Compendium of Paladin Sacred Oaths for 5e. Paladin is probably my favorite class in the game, I played a Devotion Paladin for 15 levels through Tyranny of Dragons and they were a blast. Who doesn’t like adding a Divine Smite onto a crit against the big bad?!

As always, I’m open to feedback and constructive criticism on any of my brews!


Oath of Beauty (Updated). What began as (an admittedly problematic) Oath of Love has since evolved into possibly the most narcissistic player option in 5e. Play a self-obsessed social media star who charms their enemies with otherworldly beauty.

Oath of the Blade (Updated). My informal quest to force Battle Master Maneuvers into every class has taken another victim. You get a reduced amount of Channel Divinities and Oath Spells for access to increases martial prowess. Make sure you use your Channel Divinity when you finally find the six-fingered man who killed your father.

Oath of the Corsair (Updated). One of my oldest (and favorites) of my homebrew, Corsair paladins are my take on a non-conventional, chaotic, paladin archetype. Take to the seas (or dry land) with this free-spirited warrior of the storm. ~~Oath of the Open Sea eat your heart out.~~

Oath of the Exorcist (Updated). Part of a long-neglected project of mine to force the Blood Hunter Orders into something that works within the design conventions of 5e, the Exorcist is an alternate take on the Order of the Ghostslayer. Give your life for the power of ghastly undead and use it to fight ghosts! Totally not a Witcher…

Oath of Inquisition (Updated). Nobody expects this one (unless you’ve seen it before)! The Oath of Inquisition allows you to play as the classic Inquisitor archetype in the vein of Javier from Les Miserables. Hunt down shapeshifters with unstoppable wrath.

Oath of Liberty (Updated). Pour out your life for others with the ultimate selfless paladin archetype. Some may call you a Social Justice Warrior, but you’re just trying to do right by the little guy!

Oath of Mysticism (NEW). Who doesn’t like a little bit of psionic fun in D&D? (Okay a good amount of people don’t, but I like it). Beg your DM to give you a sunblade and you’ve got a recipe for playing a heavily armored Jedi Knight! Gotta give up all of your attachments though... hopefully you didn’t fall in love with a forbidden princess while you were a child slave.

Oath of Prosperity (NEW). The D&D + Wolf of Wall Street crossover that nobody knew they wanted! Play as a wealth-obsessed ruthless capitalist or the Monopoly man with this Sacred Oath inspired by my Prosperity Domain Cleric.

Oath of the Shield (NEW). For those who love the idea of Captain America and Braum, here comes the divine shield warrior you’ve always wanted. A totally defensive-focused paladin archetype.

The Oathless (NEW). So what happens when a Paladin breaks their Oath and they don’t want to become an evil necromancer? The Oathless is my answer to that question. This is for when your Paladin definitively breaks their Oath, but isn’t sure what they want to do next - the ultimate archetype for neutral/selfish divine warriors.


Paladin Sacred Oaths by laserllama

At 3rd level, a paladin gains the Sacred Oath feature. The following options are available to a paladin in along with those found in the Player's Handbook: the Oaths of Beauty, the Blade, the Corsair, the Exorcist, Inquisition, Liberty, Mysticism, Prosperity, the Shield, and the Oathless.


Crow's Parliament

Hey so uh, on the exploit multiclassing sheet, which obviously isn't super update, it mentions the Oath of the Blade (as well as a wizard school?) as having exploits, but this one uses maneuvers, is there a pdf with exploits? what about the level 7 ability? Should the exploit progression be the same as the Bounty Hunter ranger? Does that mean it shouldn't have spells? Why only one Channel Divinity? A lot of questions, I know, but i love the idea of the exploit paladin, so just wondering how it works exactly.


This subclass has not been updated in a LONG time. There is an Archmage commission version that has been updated to the new standard. This compendium will get updated within the next couple of months.


Gotta hate it when you end up falling for a princess when you're a 9 year old child slave! Happens to the best of us.