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Hey all, getting close to finishing the 2.0 update on my compendium of paladin subclasses and I wanted to post two new Sacred Oaths - Mysticism & the Shield. As always, I'm open to feedback!

Oath of Mysticism. For those who want some psionic flavor with their paladin! This Oath is fairly strong, but it heavily encourages an ascetic play style (no possessions or money) to balance it out. Other then that it is a pretty straight-forward paladin. I've even included an optional rule to make your character Intelligence-based!

Oath of the Shield. This one is for my fellow fans of Captain America (or Braum from LoL). This Oath allows a paladin to go all-in on a defensive play style since nothing here augments your damage. Your most powerful features also require you to stay still as well. I almost gave them the shield spell, but ended up going with shield of faith instead. Do you think it'd be balanced to give a paladin shield?



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