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Hey all, here are the updated versions of the Patreon-exclusive subclasses for the Savant (to go with the new 3.4.0 version of the class). 

Combat Engineer, Occultist, Polymath, and Voyager!



I love the idea of the occultist. A savant that delves into dark magics is sweet. Study of the forbidden and the idea of having the occult tome, I really like. My problem with it comes with the eldritch knowledge, just taking eldritch invocations seems really meh. Especially since it’s the main reason to go warlock, and if you wanted one you could just take the new eldritch adept feat. I’d really love it if you followed suite with most of your other savant subclasses and give the occultist its own unique abilities. Perhaps abilities that make it easier to detect, identify and dispel sources of magic. Additionally the words of malice is such a cool thematic concept. Would be really cool if you came up with words of malice/power. Ancient words that they’ve learned that allows them to do a hand full of things on their turn as an action, by speaking one of these words aloud. It would just make the occultist a much more unique subclass that follows the design of the rest of the class. Amazing work on this. The savant has quickly become my favourite homebrew class and I’m playing a sleuth at the moment.


Yeah, I'll admit that borrowing Eldritch Invocations isn't the most inspired choice (and in my defense, I designed this before TCoE came out, so there was not Eldritch Adept feat). I like your ideas for changes to the Occultist, and I'll definitely revisit this when I do my next Savant update. I like the balance between words of malice (offense), and magic abilities (utility).


I’m excited to see what you come up with. Giving them more unique, personalized abilities will be great. Then I can finally play a good John Constantine character.