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Hey all, just finished an exciting update to my favorite piece of homebrew, the Savant Class. A brilliant new class for the world's greatest roleplaying game! Outwit your foes and aid your allies with six Academic Disciplines depending on your type of genius: Archaeologist, Naturalist, Orator, Physician, Seeker, and Tactician!

I will be working through the Patreon Exclusive subclasses and posting the updated versions on this post as I finish them this week.

I've learned a lot about homebrewing as I worked my way through my unofficial subclass compendium series, and I wanted to put that into action with the Savant. I spent a lot of time adjusting the phrasing and abilities so they fit better with the official 5e material. I think the Savant can truly shine as an equal next to any official 5e content.

As always, I'm open to feedback, though I think the Savant is in a great place.

Change Log:

  • General - Grammar and phrasing clarifications. New art from Magic: the Gathering.
  • Multiclassing / Proficiencies Gained - Changed to Light Armor and one Savant skill.
  • Class Features / Skills - Removed Arcana and Sleight of hand (too many skills to choose from in comparison to every other official class)
  • Adroit Analysis - Reverted to using Intelligence for attack and damage rolls against the target of your Adroit Analysis.
  • Adroit Analysis - Now you can explicitly only use your Intelligence and Wisdom-based skills as a bonus action on your turn.
  • Academic Disciplines - 7th level features moved down to 6th level
  • Expert Student - Moved to 7th level
  • Expert Student - Now limited by your proficiency bonus instead of Intelligence modifier.
  • Undisputed Genius - Now also increases Wisdom score, and max Wisdom by 4.
  • Archaeologist / Student of History - Replaced Investigation with Religion proficiency
  • Archaeologist / Daring Determination - Renamed Adventuring Academic
  • Archaeologist / Adventuring Academic- Replaced 5 feet to stand up from prone (overlap with Athlete feat) with a climbing speed.
  • Archaeologist / Dungeoneer - Renamed Daring Determination
  • Archaeologist / Daring Determination - Reaction to impose disadvantage on an opportunity attack, AA’s opportunity attacks automatically miss.
  • Archaeologist / Lore Master - Unlimited uses by takes 1 hour. Can be done over rests.
  • Naturalist / Student of Nature - Can learn the creature’s movement speed when you mark them.
  • Naturalist / Adapt and Overcome - Renamed Environmentalist
  • Naturalist / Environmentalist - Now takes 1 hour to attune to a natural environment.
  • Naturalist / Survivalist - Renamed Survivalist Training
  • Naturalist / Survivalist Training - Renamed some of the Training features. Buffed a few of the features as well to make them equally powerful but unique.
  • Naturalist / Wild Insight - Adjusted to move away from just casting *dominate beast*.
  • Naturalist / Master Naturalist - Buffs Wild Insight
  • Philosopher - Merged with the Orator Academic Discipline, now known as the Orator.
  • Physician / Combat Medic - All features are now an action on your turn.
  • Seeker / Astute Offense - limited bonus damage to once per turn.
  • Seeker / Adroit Defense - Reaction, add INT mod to AC against one attack (INT times/day)
  • Seeker / Peerless Focus - Replacing an attack roll with a 20 or higher counts as a crit.
  • Tactician / Unwavering Resolve - Grants advantage on saves to resist enchantment spells.


The Savant Class by laserllama

The slender elf cleaned her glasses with the corner of her cloak, as dust settled around her. Her benefactor had paid her a handsome sum to locate this forgotten place, and after weeks of pouring over ancient tomes, she had finally pieced together the tomb's location. Now, she had a decision to make.


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