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A quick turnaround on this update. After posting the Savant to a few of the main D&D subs on Reddit I got a ton of feedback and data from quite a few people playing it in one-shot sessions. I'll include a more detailed changelog below, but the main updates have been:

Moving abilities up to the beginning levels (like Expert Student), so you have more thematic things to do.

Changes to Adroit Analysis. Now each time you hit the target (or observe them for the full minute) you can learn one of the following: their AC, max hit points, movement speed, or one of their ability scores. Each subclass lets you choose different things to learn on each hit as well.

Unyielding Mind is now more powerful, but only INT mod uses per short rest.

Improvements to the early levels of some subclasses (Archaeologist, Sleuth)

A reworked Seeker subclass now called the Sleuth

As always, I love getting feedback from my Patrons (you're all the best), so let me know what you think!

Change Log for 3.5.0

  • Class Features / Proficiencies - Removed rapiers. Replaced Perception with Arcana. Expanded tool proficiencies to any one set of tools
  • Adroit Analysis - Now allows you to learn traits about a creature each time you hit them. You can also target the marked creature with an INT/WIS/CHA ability check as a bonus action.
  • Perfect Recall - Moved up to 1st level.
  • Expert Student - Moved up to 2nd level.
  • Unyielding Mind - Now a bonus you can add INT mod times per short/long rest. Scaling bumped up by one die size to compensate.
  • Keen Awareness - New feature at 7th level. Add INT to your initiative, and you can’t be surprised.
  • Iron Will - Renamed Unyielding Will. Can expend a use of Unyielding Mind to re-roll a failed save.
  • Archaeologist / Student of History - Replaced Religion proficiency with Investigation.
  • Archaeologist / Adventuring Academic - Now you can Use an Object as a bonus action.
  • Naturalist / Student of Nature - You can use Adroit Analysis to learn creature type, its lowest ability score, or a trait.
  • Orator / Student of Reason - You can use Adroit Analysis to learn any languages you share, and if it is proficient in INT, WIS, or CHA saving throws.
  • Physician / Student of Medicine - You can use Adroit Analysis to learn the creature's current hit points or Hit Dice.
  • Seeker - Renamed the Sleuth.
  • Sleuth / Student of Truth - You can use Adroit Analysis to learn its alignment, if it is in its true form, or if it is proficient in Deception or Sleight of Hand.
  • Sleuth / Astute Offense - Renamed Sharp Eye and reworked to grant fun/thematic benefits.
  • Sleuth / Astute Defense - Now requires Unyielding Mind use.
  • Sleuth / Rough & Tumble - New exploration/ribbon feature.
  • Tactician / Student of War - You can use Adroit Analysis to learn one damage resistance, immunity, or vulnerability.


The Savant Class by laserllama

The slender elf cleaned her glasses with the corner of her cloak, as dust settled around her. Her benefactor had paid her a handsome sum to locate this forgotten place, and after weeks of poring over ancient tomes, she had finally pieced together the tomb's location. Now, she had a decision to make.



Hi Llama, I'm super interested in this Savant class, but I'm a bit confused.... You posted Academic Disciplines v4.3.0 in your previous post on April 24th, then you posted Academic Disciplines v3.5.0 on April 28th. Can you please help clarify which one is the latest version? (Should I assume that v4.3.0 is a typo and was supposed to say v3.3.0, maybe?) Thanks so much in advance! 😅


When I posted on Reddit I accidentally posted the wrong version number. It was supposed to be 3.4.0. v3.5.0 is the most up to date version.


Gotcha, thanks for the quick response Llama, and for the very cool class! 😀💖