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Swear a Sacred Oath to uphold the tenets of five new Oaths for the Paladin class.

Oath of Beauty - Inspiration or Vanity? What will you use your divine elegance to accomplish?

Oath of the Blade - For Paladins who want to become masters of battle.

Oath of the Corsair - An Oath for chaotic Paladins of the high seas.

Oath of Inquisition - Seek out the truth, no matter the cost.

Oath of Liberty - Stand up for the meek and strike down the tyrannical.


Paladin Sacred Oaths by laserllama

At 3rd level, a paladin gains the Sacred Oath feature. The following options are available to a paladin in addition to those in the Player's Handbook: the Oaths of Beauty, the Blade, the Corsair, Inquisition, and Liberty. Paladins who swear the Oath of Beauty hold themselves to a lofty standard of excellence.


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