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Alternate Sorcerer (3.0.2) Change Log:

  • Sorcerous Origin / Origin Spells - Origin spells are added to your spell list effectively allowing you to select them as Sorcerous Arcanum spells.
  • Sorcery / Spells Known - Adjusted the total number of Spells Known so you end up with 25 total (counting origin spells and sorcerous arcanum).
  • Emberheart, Stoneblood, Stormsoul, Waveborn / Origin Spells - Replaced Warlock with Druid spell list for replacing your origin spells.
  • Emberheart / Wild Fire - Can be activated by any fire spell, uses limited to proficiency bonus times per long rest, no longer destroys the creature.
  • Emeberheart / Primordial Inferno - Reaction no longer costs Sorcery Points.
  • Stoneblood / Heart of Stone - You have to use your Constitution modifier for your unarmed strikes while in your elemental form (to prevent crazy Monk multiclassing issues).
  • Stoneblood / Crushing Blow - You can now spend 2 sorcery points per hit to deal more damage.
  • Stoneblood / Extra Attack - NEW! Similar to the Blasinging version.
  • Stormsoul / Heart of Winds - Only immune to attacks of opportunity when flying with this ability.
  • Stormsoul / Stormborn - Adjusted.
  • Stormsoul / Windcaller - Flight becomes 60 feet at 18th level.
  • Stormsoul / Primordial Storm - damage increased.
  • Waveborn / Curse of the Depths & Oceanic Empowerment - Adjusted.
  • Alternate Draconic Bloodline / Draconic Magic - added individual spells for each Draconic Ancestry similar to the Genie Warlock.
  • Alternate Wild Magic / Wild Sorcery - New 6th level feature


Alternate Sorcerer by laserllama

The pallid half-elf muttered an incantation under his breath, and his shadow came alive, taking the form of a massive wolf. The dark beast pounced on the foolish bandit that had attacked them, and pinned him to the ground. The half-elf chanted another incantation, and orbs of pulsing acidic energy formed in his hands.


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