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Happy Monday all, back with some new & updated Divine Domains for the Cleric class! One of my favorite characters I’ve ever played was a Forge Cleric in Curse of Strahd, so I’ve got a special appreciation for this class! I’ve tried to represent some traditional Domains that are missing from official content while also adding some new unique play-styles to the Cleric!

Beauty Domain. In reality, one of the main things that drives people to faith is objective Beauty - the sheer beauty of the natural world, magnificent works of art, the elegance of the human form. For this Domain I took some discarded concepts from the controversial “Love” Domain, and tweaked it to be more appropriate and less… manipulative.

Blood Domain My first go at Blood Magic! Here we have a martial Cleric that builds a shield similar to the Abjuration Wizard’s ward by dealing damage. Stay on the front lines while balancing the amount of hit points in your Bloodwell. Really interested in feedback on this one as it is a first draft and I really like the concept, just not sure if the mechanics are balanced.

Hearth Domain. One of my first ever homebrew subclasses is back with a new coat of paint. Support your allies with the power of hospitality and warm fuzzies, and bring the pain to any who look to destroy the warm and cozy places of the world. Definitely a “party mom” subclass!

Luck Domain. My unique twist on the Cleric subclass, this Domain will probably go over well with people who enjoy Wild Magic Sorcerers! Improvise and gamble your way through life with this risky and light-hearted Cleric Domain.

Mysticism Domain. Those of you who follow my brews know I’ve been dabbling in Psionics (having recently put together a full [Psion class](https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-MPkCSxSj0OETiEd3Pyf)), and this is my way of bringing Psionics into the Cleric class. I’ve seen a number of reddit threads asking how to play an atheist/agnostic Cleric, and this is one way to do that. Based *very loosely* on Kieth Baker’s Mind Domain.

Poverty Domain. Another unique take on a Cleric subclass, this is based on the ascetic practices of *very* early Christian Monastics (I’m sure there are other examples, but I am not as familiar with those). Taking discarded features from the old *old* UA: Oath of Redemption Paladin, I’ve created a “pacifist” Cleric Domain. The “take no wealth” restrictions are not officially part of the class, but I’d heavily encourage using them if you were to play this subclass.

Prosperity Domain. I saw a take on a Wealth Domain a long time ago on this subreddit and I loved the idea but didn’t really think the mechanics worked smoothly with 5e. My Prosperity Domain is for Clerics who worship gold and monetary possessions, with some interesting features that I think make for a very unique Cleric. This is definitely the subclass for those who frequent r/WSB or anyone with those sweet sweet Diamond GME Hands!

Shadow Domain. I know Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything included the Twilight Domain, but personally, I think it is a total mess (both thematically and mechanically), and I would now allow it in my games. The Shadow Domain fills the niche (I think) Twilight was going for and is pretty much just a re-skinned Light Domain from the Player’s Handbook with some extra bells and whistles thrown in


Cleric Divine Domains by laserllama

Bonus Cantrip When you choose this Divine Domain at 1st level, you learn the friends cantrip. It counts as a cleric spell for you, but it doesn't count against your number of Cantrips Known. In addition, when you cast friends on a creature that was already friendly towards you, they do not become hostile towards you at the conclusion of the spell.


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