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Hi, everyone!

First of all, I just want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the outpouring of support and kindness that Friday's poll elicited. I was expecting a lot of people to be rightfully frustrated, but what I got instead was empathy, friendship and earnest entireties for me to take care of myself.

So... thank you. Truly.

I wish I could answer each and every one of you, but there were just so many messages! Just know that I read each and every one of them, and that they meant the world to me.

Okay, but what does that mean for the updates? It means I will be taking the two weeks to really refine the systems and get as much content based on them as possible into the game before release. That means combat system, conquer system and at least four conquerable districts complete with "Boss Girls" will be available when the next update hits.

I've made better progress on the combat system over the weekend than I expected to, so with a little luck I should have it fully functional by the end of the day today, at which point I can begin tying it into the conquer system and flesh that out.

I will do my best to keep everyone updated (communication has been a big theme amongst the message I received) and I've been considering doing a bi-weekly or monthly "State of the Game" video where I go into what's going on, what my plans are going forward, and addressing concerns or questions submitted to me. Let me know what you think?

And after this? Back to the weekly updates :)

I've actually really enjoyed having two weeks between updates - first week for design, render work and scripting and second week for implementation has been so much less stressful and has allowed me more time to polish everything, as well as be around in the server more. But the weekly release schedule has its advantages too, and I don't want people to worry that I'm flaking out or anything, so - back to weekly updates after this.

Okay, that's everything. Sorry for yet another wall of text! No more of these for a while, I promise ;)

And again, to everyone who commented... really and truly, thank you.



You underestimate the support we have for your work. You and your team have created something great, carry on.

Mobian Arnadi

We really appreciate all the communication you have with your backers. There are SO MANY creators that go dark between releases and go months without saying anything.


Thanks for another progress report. Glad the weekend turned out to be proactive and you're almost done with the combat system. keep up the good work


Honestly man if you wanna do bi-weekly updates all the power too ya, you do what you think is best.


Take all the time you need for the updates. For the state of the game thing, I love that idea, but I wouldn't like to see it put too much more strain on you, so if you do it, I think that monthly would be more than enough to satisfy our curiousity. Regardless, keep up the great work!


<p style="color: #008600;">Hello! Glad to hear from you. I agree, weekly updates also have a number of benefits and I'm glad you're coming back to them.</p>


Maybe you can alternate - like, one month weekly updates, and bi-weekly every other. In all seriousness though, you have proven beyond any doubt that you're a consistent and dependable creator. So much so that if you announced tomorrow that we'd only get one update per month from now on, I wouldn't even bat an eye. Because I'd know that one update would make up for the wait - and if it didn't, it'd be for a damn good personal reason. You've more than earned that trust. I mean it.


Hello, why is discord? Is the server down?


¡Hi! ¿tiene planeado traducir el juego al español? seria de mucha ayuda para varias personas. :)


Hi; ¿where can I find my Roadmap?

Donald Brumm

If you need the time to work something out or need a break, Just take the time you need . Don't put yourself through stress or make yourself sick from rushing something, Just take the time to do what you need to do, and We'll be waiting to see what new ideas or "Plot" items you have come up with, lol

James Oster

I'm a fan my dude. I don't care if you take you're time. I don't care if you take a break. I don't care if you release x before y. As long as you keep developing this I'm in it for the long haul. This is literally the only Patreon I consistently stay subscribed to, so you must be doing something right.