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Hi everyone!

Okay, so I want to start with a mea culpa - I so badly wanted to get the update out today, but the process of merging the test and live builds together managed to break some pretty crucial existing systems... which was a big yikes.

Fixing them required me to rebuild parts of the code, plus a number of UI elements and everything's fine now (mostly) but the long and short of it is that the delay cost me a couple of days and stopped me from finalising the conquer system over the weekend as I'd planned.

So what does this mean? It means no update today, I'm afraid. HOWEVER! I promised everyone it'd be out this week and I intend to keep that promise come hell or high water.

The update will be out before the end of this week even if I have to reach into internet sub-space and choke out the gods of the web. Pinky promise.

As an apology, here's a render of the new UI system in play (which also includes a teeny-tiny glimpse of the Crescent Hills background plus the new "titles" system that will be plugged in a couple updates down the line):

Pretty poor as apologies go, I know. I was going to do a whole thing, but then I realised you'd probably prefer me to just get on with finishing up the Conquer code :P

So I'll get back to it right now!




Look you're building an amazing game. Even forgetting the H scenes it has one hell of a story and wonderful relatable characters. Never thought an adult game could make me cry but it has a couple times. Make the game you know you love not the one you think we expect


So I first want to say that I played a early version of the game free cause I wanted to see how the game was and after getting some good progress, I realized this is quite a gem in a sea of other good games. So from my first play through, it took me a few days to decide “I need more”. So I’ll happily wait for things to be working as intended over rushed and sloppy. Don’t rush with your work and put out something you aren’t happy with. Keep polishing this gem to perfection, my friend.


Well, it happens. Take your time and don't blame yourself. I'm sure you'll catch up quickly


Take ur time and release it when u feel like it . Thank u for ur hard work <3


The updated UI looks amazing, nicely done!


Looks good! Don't rush it, mate. Release it when it and you are ready for it. We can be patient.


Take your time, release it when you are happy with it. We are here for your quality!


BTW, will we get something lewd with the new update? I don't mind if it's only limited to the new combat and conquest system, but something +16 would also be appreciated


Your hard work is reward enough for me 👍


It's been said before, but I want to join the bandwagon of people that hope you'll take the time you need and most importantly don't stress yourself about it. I don't mind waiting more weeks :)


The anticipation just sweetens the deal


Yes, you will get a lewd scene with the Boss Girl being introduced in this update :)


Hey is there an official discord or anything for your game?


There is indeed! It's linked on the main Patreon page, but just to make things easy (Patreon's UI can be extremely unfriendly) I'll link it here: https://discord.gg/bSBeR2X See you there!


How dare you not be perfect and know something is going to happen outside of what you can control? :P Keep up the great work and your real friends understand life happens. :)