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Hi everyone!

So, a little background first: as you may know I'm currently working on what will be the backbone of Act Three in Corrupted Kingdoms: a fully-flesh-out combat system that will link into a "conquer" system, in which you can fight enemies to gain territory (or lose it!) whilst battling your way to the headquarters of the three enemy factions.

As you fight and free territory, new options, events and even characters will become available to you! For example, each district will have a "boss girl" in charge of it, and once you beat them, and conquer that district, you'll have a choice: will you use your Powers to bring them under your sway? Perhaps you'd prefer to make use of that dungeon you built in Act Two? Or maybe you don't like the way they're looking at you and you want to exile or execute them? You decide!

You will also be able to learn new fighting skills from the other characters you recruit, choose support characters to help you out, squad types to battle with, craft items, win through physical damage or seduction and much more.

What does this have to do with the poll, you ask?

Well, I'm currently about 90% of the way through the combat system. It's mostly feature-complete, but it's missing the "learn new skills" and "enemy AI" aspects. The conquer system is also still bare-bones and not ready for public testing.

What I'd like to do is take another week or two, get the combat and conquer systems fully feature-complete and release them all at once so people can really sink their teeth into both. However, I know it's been nearly two weeks already and I completely understand if everyone is getting impatient.

So I leave it up to you - all of you! You decide: should I release what I've got on Monday (Thursday if you're not pledged), wait one week to finish up the combat system properly, or two weeks to get both systems finished and released at the same time with proper combat and conquer content (the first four girl boss renders are done, but the system's not ready)?

Everyone gets a vote on this one, but you can only pick one option! Please make your voices heard so that while I'm working over the weekend I know whether to get everything ready for release or if I can focus on building the systems.

And sorry for the wall of text!



You've been really good at releasing updates weekly for a long time now. Taking a couple extra weeks now-and-then to finish a big feature isn't too big a deal.


I'm in the camp of "don't rush the artist", so take the time you need


I'd rather wait for you to compete the systems. It never feels that long between your posts anyway, since you update us so regularly. Thanks for that, by the way. Just go at your own pace, I'm sure it'll be great fun regardless!


Given you are one of the most consistent content creators I follow the couple extra weeks is entirely fine and I look forward to continuing to follow this game through development. Take your time and release what you feel most confident with.


Wait half Weeks and Release the Combat and Conquer Systems Together!


i'd rather wait a little longer for a more flushed out and complete patch then a rushed and incomplete patch


Yeah waiting is the best gives you time to work everything out and catch any bugs or errors that can pop up if you rush to much


Yeah, I agree with these two above me. I would rather wait and not have a rushed product.

Jason Nichols

You have a very patient and understanding audience, we appreciate you and want the end result as envisioned and not half arsed. Take all the time ya need dude.


Absolutely fine with waiting another week or two!


You’ve had a pretty solid track record with releases so no issue with the extra week or two.

Mahou Shoujo

I haven't installed a new version in about a year. I'm here cause the quality and the pace of the dev is unreal