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The weekly update has been released!
This update is available to ALL Patrons, with the public build being released in a few days.

This week all three of the main storyline events move forward - and one features a big shakeup for the MC and his friends! Also, by popular demand, Annie's kid can now take part in the gardening group event! I hope you enjoy! :)


  • MAIN STORY: New Main Story event! (Follow your ELDRITCH lead!)
  • MAIN STORY: New Main Story event! (Follow your FEY lead!)
  • MAIN STORY: New Main Story event! (Follow your ORGANISATION lead!)
  • Day Care: Annie's kid will now take part in the "Garden Help" group play event (by popular demand!)
  • Bug: Fixed a bug with the pregnancy potions' effects carrying on to other scenes
  • Bug: Fixed a bug where Pixie's kid would respond to Veronica's kid's namechange
  • Bug: Fixed a bug where saving would crash your game if you hadn't saved during the prologue (thanks to CursedFlame91 for tracking that down!)
  • Bug: Fixed a bug where the classroom crystal would disappear and reappear at certain points
  • Bug: Fixed a bug where the "data disc" event could soft-lock if another event occurred during the time change to interrupt it
  • Bug: Fixed a bug where some sfx files weren't playing. Sorry to anyone who experienced an odd, awkward silence!

I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Patron update will be next Sunday, 27th of June.



PC/LINUX: MEGA - Workupload
MAC:  MEGA - Workupload
ANDROID:  MEGA - Workupload




Waiting for college updates

Kat Kazuma

Do you have plans to let us impregnate council members in the future? I wanna have a Minotaur baby with Asteria


Yup! All the Main Girls will be able to be impregnated, and a number of the Side Girls too :)


Oooh, look at all that main story. I'm excited!


Thx for the update! Still waiting for happy end for Ami... :(


And thank you for playing, and for the support! :) The ultimate fate of Ami is almost here..!


I have to admit, you almost had me with the allusion to "a big shakeup" - but, no! THIS time, I'm remaining strong! (DAMN if it isn't hard though...)


It was 5 mins worth of content......

Viktor Von Bach

Need more on side minotaur girls, especially the muscular one


Are you sure? It's a real twist... big implications... who knows what could happen next...? ;)


The downside to weekly updates and a solo dev, I'm afraid! If you'd like more content per download I suggest waiting a few weeks between updates - that should give you a more filling experience :)


Great work as always Arc. ^^ I'm amazed you consistently update every week, especially as a solo dev! O.o Thanks again!


Aww, thank you! That means a lot to hear <3 And thanks for your continued support!


I just found out your game and completed 0.10.3. It's absolutely a wonderful game! Even tho i wanted to help you by donating more, i can't afford it at the moment. I know it's a free-to-play game but i wanted to thank you for it. Already know I'm gonna enjoy 0.10.4! Keep up the good work!


Hey, thank you for the kind words - and for the support! Honestly, I really appreciate both, no matter what tier level you can manage to pledge to. The fact that people are willing to spend anything at all on CK is always amazing and humbling to me :)

R'ja Norr

While I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, I am happy Chastity is away from that place. While she is a bit freaky at times, the more we interacted I could tell there is a sweet girl in there.....somewhere.


Yes the consensus from the discord server talking about chastity was that she was trying to delay the church's goal. And I honestly believe that to be true.


Is Annie's child always male? Or do I just have bad rng?


All of the kids' genders and appearances are fixed, due to limitations with the system (making variations could see the filesize bloat to anywhere between twice and ten times as large). My next game will allow for theoretically infinite children, each with a randomised appearance and gender :)

Wild Bill

I was really nervous about 'a big shakeup for the MC and his friends', but I didn't really see that. So now I'm really nervous about next time.


my eldritch lead is bugged, it keeps saying play along and talk with chastity, but she just keeps repeating I'm well little brother.