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The weekly update has been released!
This update is available to EVERYONE. Patrons who downloaded Sunday's update don't need to download this one.

This week all three of the main storyline events move forward - and one features a big shakeup for the MC and his friends! Also, by popular demand, Annie's kid can now take part in the gardening group event! I hope you enjoy! :)


  • MAIN STORY: New Main Story event! (Follow your ELDRITCH lead!)
  • MAIN STORY: New Main Story event! (Follow your FEY lead!)
  • MAIN STORY: New Main Story event! (Follow your ORGANISATION lead!)
  • Day Care: Annie's kid will now take part in the "Garden Help" group play event (by popular demand!)
  • Bug: Fixed a bug with the pregnancy potions' effects carrying on to other scenes
  • Bug: Fixed a bug where Pixie's kid would respond to Veronica's kid's namechange
  • Bug: Fixed a bug where saving would crash your game if you hadn't saved during the prologue (thanks to CursedFlame91 for tracking that down!)
  • Bug: Fixed a bug where the classroom crystal would disappear and reappear at certain points
  • Bug: Fixed a bug where the "data disc" event could soft-lock if another event occurred during the time change to interrupt it
  • Bug: Fixed a bug where some sfx files weren't playing. Sorry to anyone who experienced an odd, awkward silence!

I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Patron update will be next Sunday, 27th of June.



PC/LINUX: MEGA - Workupload
MAC:  MEGA - Workupload
ANDROID:  MEGA - Workupload



Helen Dingo

I named my son with Annie after my friend's Minotaur character in one of our D&D games. Lmao


Haha, is your friend aware that they're technically your son, now? ;)


I cannot get this install on my phone, even though I have a galaxy s8 with more than 6 gigs available


Ren'py and Android sometimes don't play well together. The following steps should fix the problem: 1. Backup the existing game files using File Manager or similar. 2. Delete CK completely from your phone. 3. Download and install the new CK update 4. Move the save files from your backed-up copy into the new CK folder (Remember the "persistent" file if you want to keep your gallery unlocks) 5. Play! NOTE: If you're running Android 11+ then Google has hidden your data folder. To access it you need to connect your phone to your PC with a USB cable or use an app like X-Plore to give you access to the folder again. Your saves are located at: Android/data/com.domain.corruptedkingdoms/saves Hope that helps :)