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Hello, everyone!

It's time to vote for your favourite girl in Corrupted Kingdoms! This time it's a real Battle Royale, as all the girls are included - main girls and side girls! Who will emerge on top, who will be left behind, and who will attempt to bribe you with sexual favours? Let's find out!

Vote below and decide who will be crowned CK's Best Girl!

(Oh, and you can vote for as many options as you like!)



Do I even gotta say it at this point?


So what will you do Arcadean. After the results of this poll? Focus main events on the top girls? That's all well and good but even for girls who won't win need some more of their story continued. I.E Luna and Roxy, whom I don't really care for. But that's only my personal opinion.

Maurice Groves

Nah, he will get us with the uno reverse and focus on the less popular ones XD


Can anyone remind me who Jackie is?

R'ja Norr

Of course Morgana is the best girl, to hate.


And even for girls who do come out on top such as Kana. She's already had about all the events she can for act two. Unless of course we can dominate her mother and the rest of her clan in act two.


I love how Qarinah, Kana, and Pixie are the top 3. I gave Emma some love though.


Qarinah and Kana i understand but what makes pixie so popular?


I'm surprised that QARINAH has over taken KANA 😳 but i have faith she will win the war if not this battle


Honestly the only surprise to me is pixie being 2nd-3rd. And of course I suspected Chloe would be one of the top five.

Dark Lord

I knew it already that my favorite girls are going to lose again 😑. At least I can say I have a very unique taste. 😅😏. I wouldn't just focus on fav. girls there are some girls with none or only 1 sex scene at all. 🤔


I was surprised the carwash girls weren't on the list at all.


I mean, Qarinah could always shapeshift into Kana if you wanted... ;)


Hey, it's good to stand out from the crowd sometimes ;) Best girl winner doesn't mean I'm going to ignore all the other girls, don't worry. That'd be crazy.


I would also like to add the CarWashGirls, the IceCreamGirls and Zoe&Penny.

Wild Bill

I was just thinking about Zoe and Penny recently, and how they are the only ones who don't use the butterfly machine themselves when you rematch them. Imagining the two of them each pushing/pulling on one side of it and not being able to move it, that would be cute.

The Emberfox

...since Emma isn't in first, second *and* third place, the poll is obviously rigged. u_u


Kana is obviously best girl <3 would totally marry her at the end if possible lol

Helen Dingo

I voted for a lot, because I like so many. I would legitimately vote for every character if it wouldn't just bring the whole poll to a net-zero gain from doing that. Lol


Noted! The Car Wash Girls have gotten a couple of votes, now. They're doing quite well!


That would indeed be quite adorable - I'll certainly consider it :)


That will indeed be possible! :) (I actually already have a couple "engagement ring" draft renders done for certain girls)


Haha, well I appreciate the high praise for the characters, even if a side-effect is rendering the voting redundant ;)


This vote hurts my head. Morgana is only low vote cause we haven't been able to see more. She will be one of my favorites when we get more scenes.


I'll be sure to host another Best Girl vote when the game is done, so a TRUE winner may be crowned ;)


Lots of shota lovers I see


One of my favs is actually Lyx. If only because of her quirky humor. Could we feed Morgana to Lyx? It would solve the problem.


I'm pretty surprised that Pixie is in the lead! She's cute, but I wouldn't consider her 'Best Girl' myself.

Mobian Arnadi

Where's all the Gwen love, damnit??


Pool girls pulling strong numbers to have hardly any screen time 😉

Frank Fernandez

Would marriage to the fey be traditional? I mean take kanna for example would it work the way it would in a wolf pack?