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A bloody atmosphere filled the room when weapons appeared and auras were unleashed. Kruta faced off against one of Kator's subordinates and was joined by two of Zac's sealbearers. Catheya did the same, the rules of the commandments working in their favor. Kator made the first move, so protecting themselves broke no oath.

Ogras had already disappeared into the shadows, while Joanna radiated a monstrous Killing Intent as she placed herself at Kator's back. Swirls of bloody conviction danced around her spear, and Zac could feel an echo of the skill she'd used to save him in the Halls of Service. Kator appeared oblivious or uncaring about the explosive situation he'd caused, his three crystalline eyes staring into Zac's.

"I can honestly say I have no idea how they found us," Zac said, resisting the urge to test the spiritual extermination of his upgraded [Void Mountain] against Kator's warbones.

Zac wasn't lying. He was hiding certain aspects of his plan from others. This wasn't one of them. The pagoda's appearance had struck at their brittle cooperation at a critical juncture, playing right into Kator's previous accusations. If it had been anyone except the Sangha, Zac would have assumed this was all part of Kator's schemes.

Not to mention the irreconcilable differences, the Sangha had powerful and mysterious means. If anyone could track them down, it was them. Even then, Zac hadn't expected such a forceful and poorly-timed response after ignoring him for two full years.

It seemed completely outside their normal mode of operation, where they manipulated events and people until their goals were met. You could even argue their blockade assisted the Kan'Tanu, which should be completely unacceptable to them. Whether you leaned toward the Sangha being benevolent or sinister, they were undoubtedly an orthodox faction. Some branches of the Sangha did nothing but deal with heretical factions.

"Amitabha, benefactors," a rumbling voice spread through the Yphelion. "This poor monk hopes to invite almsgiver Atwood for a talk. If young master could come out and grace us with his presence?"

A swirl of Dharmic light appeared in the middle of the bridge. It created a screen that matched Jaol's recording, except that the pagoda's gates had already opened. The previous speaker was actually a large metal golem wearing a golden kasaya. It emitted a soothing aura of Karma and Nature. It momentarily felt like the embodiment of Cosmos, but Zac quickly shook the feeling.

The golem was powerful. Very powerful. The profound aura it emitted couldn't possibly belong to a contender of the trial. It was clearly a Monarch, likely a Late or Peak Monarch suppressed by the System, like Iz's guardian and Brigadier Toss. And the gate exerted a pull that grew stronger by the second. The invitation was clearly not voluntary.

The golem's appearance was both concerning and confusing, not just because he'd never seen a golemoid monk before. Why had a Monarch stepped out for matters that should be dealt with by the younger generation? They should be aware there were no Monarchs aboard the Yphelion since they managed to seal the ship so perfectly.

Even Kator seemed at a loss and put Zac down. Just intercepting them was pushing the bounds of the unwritten rules for the battle over seals. Had law and order crumbled along with Zecia's frontlines? Or did the Sangha feel their mission was such a threat to their plans that they chose this route?

Their situation wasn't unsalvageable, at least. His plan relied on raising a storm of fate, and not even the Sangha should be able to divine the future when Chaos was involved. If they played things right, their cage would become fuel to the fire.

"Damn it, why now?" Kator growled, clearly not sharing Zac's outlook.

"It's not necessarily a bad thing."

"Not bad?" Kator spat. "We have a ship full of sealbearers, and these sanctimonious bastards are going all out. You've either made a deal with the Sangha, or they're no longer playing by the rules."

"Why would I screw up the plan at this juncture? If I wanted to work with these people, I'd have them meet up with me after we entered the Imperial Graveyard. We still have options. Having a talk with the monk won't hurt," Zac said with exasperation as he made a few signs.

"Now, here?" Kator said, glancing at the waiting golem.

"What choice do we have?"

"Will it work?"

"No idea," Zac admitted. "Then again, I didn't really have any idea before, either."

The bridge was locked in a tense standoff for a few seconds before a rumble emerged from Kator's body—a laugh. "Fine! I'll play along, Draugr! But that monk is not simple. One minute. That's it."


There was nothing else to say. Zac took out a sinister-looking array disk, and Kator exploded into action. He turned into a grey streak that stormed through the Dharmic gate with such force it broke down behind him.

"Gather up! We're going!" Zac roared, and a circle of sealbearers formed around him.

Zac activated [Void Zone] and took out a sinister-array disk. It was the lure to attract the [Epiclesis Bell]. The sign he'd made was to start the mission early while Kator dealt with the monk. The Reaver wasn't strong enough to defeat a Monarch, at least not a powerful one like the golem. However, he was the only one strong enough to stall him while they performed the sacrifice.

Rounds of testing had let them perfect the Crown of Despair's method of sacrifice, and they'd found that the [Court Cycle Token] was the perfect fuel. It was immune to [Void Zone], allowing him to fuel the sacrifice while hiding from the Heavens. At least, that was the idea.

A powerful consciousness locked onto Zac the second he activated the array, and he was forcibly pulled away within seconds of fueling the Array Disk. Space twisted, and Zac was suddenly floating in outer space, the Yphelion more than five miles away. He'd even moved further than Kator, who looked like a roiling wave of violence approaching the monk.


Zac said nothing, only glancing at the disk in his hand. Its pace of gathering fate had slowed down after he'd been dragged away from the sealbearers, but it was still running. Kator growled with annoyance as he took a protective position.

"Esteemed monks, may I ask why you've stopped our journey? Zachary Atwood isn't here, I'm afraid," Zac said, hoping to buy a few extra seconds.

"Blessings, blessings," the golem sighed, its attention clearly on the Array Disk in Zac's hands. "The call of fate has brought us together. We had no choice but to impose on benefactor's time. Without balance, there can only be suffering."

Zac imperceptibly frowned as he looked at the unfamiliar golem and the pagoda behind it. He had neither seen its race nor did he recognize its aura. And yet, there was a familiarity that triggered a powerful sense of danger. Entering Void State only amplified the feeling. And while nothing changed about the golem and its temple, his heart told him he wasn't seeing the truth.

Something was wrong, making Zac leery of making any sudden moves.

"Is that so?" Zac said, looking around. "Where's Sacred Insight?"

"Benefactor is mistaken. While we are here for you, our purpose is unrelated to the pillar's ascent."

"What?" Zac blurted, and even Kator's body language spoke of confusion.

"Benefactor's providence is blinding, illuminating fate and future," the golem said with a bow. "This poor monk believes benefactor's Karma holds great promise to become an instrument for great merit, bringing salvation to countless lives."

"I'm doing my best, but you're blocking our path," Zac said, glancing at the Array Disk. It was still far from activating, and it would take even longer for the bell to arrive.

"Alas. Suffering brought by ignorance is no better than suffering brought by greed. This poor monk can see the light in benefactor's heart, and this one urge you to turn back from the sea of regret before it's too late. We sincerely invite benefactor to find his path on the Fourth Mountain."

"And if I'm not willing to join your side?" Zac said.

"For the sake of the Cosmos, we can only sin. Almsgiver will understand the necessity of our actions after seeing the truth."

"When did you parasites start to abduct people?" Kator scoffed. "I didn't think your corruption had come this far. Maybe it's to be expected. There has to be a price to pay for feasting on the rotting flesh of your fallen God for so many Eras. For hiding your sins from the Heavens."

"What can a Yin creature understand of Buddha's boundless Love and sacrifice? Your existence is a blight on the Samsara, and your influence can only lead the benefactor down the wrong path. I shall purify you before we continue this discussion."

"Good! I was growing tired of your nonsense!" Kator laughed as a flanged mace grew from his hand.

Space strained when Kator unleashed his battle form, and Zac had to move away to protect the disk from his brutal aura. The Reaver activated his Miracle Bones from the get-go, except for the final ability he used right at the end. The power the Reaver exuded approached that of some of the weaker Monarchs Zac had seen, only lacking that additional pressure of carrying the weight of a world.

It looked like Kator had stepped out from the river of time as he advanced on the monk. His right arm turned into a blur, after which he slowed down almost to a crawl. A cascading wave of explosions rushed toward the golem. At the same time, a swamp covering more than a mile spread out from his location. It was a temporal quagmire, which seemed empowered by Kator putting himself under a similar temporal restriction.

Even the radiant lights coming from the pagoda slowed down when they were swallowed. The only thing unaffected were the attacks Kator launched in lightning-quick bursts of acceleration. Explosions and swamp were joined by an enormous eye made from bone, and Kator gained the aura of an unstoppable general.

The display of multiple skills and Miracle Bones being combined into a terrifying assault wasn't enough to give Zac any sense of safety. The domain had slowed down the golem, but it somehow seemed like that was the monk's natural state. The golem was still in perfect harmony with the cosmos and unrestricted by any oppression. The golem didn't lift a finger to deal with Kator. Instead, a six-armed deva formed behind its back, each hand rebuffing Kator's skills with mudras.

Neither had gone all out, yet Zac could tell Kator's estimate of one minute was highly optimistic. The hidden threat remained, and the golem hadn't even made use of the immense Dharmic energy surrounding the pagoda. Zac was even a bit surprised Kator dared to keep going with the deck so stacked against him. Did the Reaver have such confidence in his ability to generate enough fate for the sacrificial array?

The [Court Cycle Token] wasn't fast enough, and it looked like it would run out of infusions before the lure had grown strong enough to overcome the bell's reservations. Was it time? Zac hesitated, ultimately deciding to trust the heart he'd worked so hard to temper over the past days. Something would go very wrong if he fueled the sacrificial array with an atavistic breakthrough right now.

Zac took out another box, which generated a powerful swirl of providence that spread for hundreds of meters. Hidden streams of Dharma were pulled out of the air, adding to a growing storm of fate with the Array Disk. Even some lights from the pagoda became part of the sacrifice.

The box opened, and the pagoda's lights pounced like they'd found prey. Its gates swung open, and Zac looked on with incomprehension when four elementals emerged. Their auras put them solidly in Late D-grade, yet they were clearly young enough to contend for seals. That wasn't the confusing part, and neither was it the fact they traveled with a golem guardian. Elementals and golemoid species often had strong bonds out of necessity since they were a small minority in a Multiverse dominated by flesh-and-blood humanoids.

The incomprehensible part was that Zac had read about this specific race of elementals just two weeks earlier. They were Silzurians, a subordinate race of the Centigrade Pryer. There were no indications of the Pryer being in cahoots with the Sangha. If anything, they were opponents. The information crystal mentioned the Pryer had tried to seize an Utmost Authority multiple times.

The Centigrade Pryer's goal was likely to leverage the Left Imperial Palace into another attempt, which meant the Sangha should be their biggest competition. So why did the Silzurians emit the Dharmic aura of monks, just like the golem? Worse, Zac got the same feeling of wrongness and danger from the D-grade elementals as the C-grade golem, even when their auras were significantly weaker than Kator's.

Zac's danger sense told him they weren't a big threat, yet something deeper screamed of mortal peril. Even the golem moved after Zac took out the Fate Treasure. He placed his hands together, a sea spread out from his feet. It enveloped Kator's swamp and continued toward Zac. It felt bottomless, endless, and able to take on all the sorrows of the world. Just looking at it scattered Zac's thoughts, like they were sinking to the depths.

A fierce rejection from his bloodline quickly snapped him out of it, and a roar indicated Kator had overcome it as well. [Void Mountain] infused Zac's body, and he channeled the talent down his leg. The waters that had reached his knees shattered, their spiritual nature extinguished by the Void. More water poured in to fill the blanks. Zac had already risen enough to avoid the ocean at that point, and the Fate Treasure had already been reduced to a hollow husk by the sacrificial array.

There was still no sign of the bell, and the elementals were almost upon him. Zac gritted his teeth and grabbed the bead necklace hanging down his chest. The [Lucky Beads] resisted being removed, which only furthered Zac's desire to destroy them. They could very well be the reason for his position being exposed, and they were the best fuel for the array anyhow.

The Elementals were already upon him at that point. Zac's danger sense was still quiet, though that was only because they targeted the disk rather than him. Fighting back wasn't an option. Just releasing his aura risked damaging the array in his hands. He could only dodge.

He had only broken through hours ago, but circumstances didn't give him the chance to ease into his new power. [Void Mountain] formed a connection with [Spiritual Void], and large amounts of Void Life poured into his body, joining Abyssal Death and unrelenting Conflict.

They fused, giving Zac a glimpse of true Inexorability. He took a step forward, effortlessly escaping the elemental's encirclement. He only left the shards of broken beads and a tail of fate in his wake. Zac could feel the storm growing. The array was approaching critical mass, and there was more than enough fate to go around. Zac wouldn't even need to feed much longer; he just needed to keep it safe.

The temporal quagmire exploded, prompting a deafening scream of danger. The golem couldn't sit still after seeing the elementals fail to deal with Zac and unleashed an earthshattering palm strike. Kator's aura exploded with boundless bloodthirst, and a twisted monstrosity made of bone appeared to block the golden palm. Its tail lashed out at the elementals while dozens of arms lunged at the Monarch in an unhinged barrage of violence.

Kator had bought a few more seconds by going all out. Zac followed up on his end, five more beads in one go. The flood of fate made the whole array disk groan, and cracks appeared across its surface. It was enough.

Space buckled, and a tremendous pressure subdued even the glowing pagoda. The [Epiclesis Bell] emerged in a storm of blades. The significant cracks and structural damage Zac had seen had been fixed by years of sacrifice. They had been replaced by multiple new scars. Some likely came from the natives, whose factions were used as bait. Some seemed even newer, and the chaotic air around the bell indicated something had happened on the other side.

Zac exhaled in relief upon seeing the bell, but his joy became the chink from which madness sprouted. The Heart-protecting arrays and treasures were all installed aboard the Yphelion. They were supposed to lessen the bell's influence, allowing him to deal with the next step with an open mind.

A smile tugged at Zac's mouth, and a twitching hand closed in on his chest. However, his latest training had borne fruit. This time, he didn't need the earth to escape for Captain Dorsin's vessel to avoid mutilating himself. There was still a core of clarity in the joyful madness generated by the [Epiclesis Bell]. It wasn't enough to stop his actions, but it didn't matter.

He only needed to take out the Splinter of Oblivion from his spatial ring before he ripped his heart out. Time would stop, and nothingness would sweep the madness away. Then, Zac froze. The madness was gone, but so was his freedom. A powerful had appeared out of nowhere, locking down his Daos and Miasma.

There was no register of what had just happened, let alone come up with a new plan. A bone fist the size of a mountain crashed down from above, each finger far larger than the pagoda. Kator's malevolent beast and the golem's vajra looked like ants before its descent. Zac would have gasped if he hadn't been rendered immobile. It was impossible to mistake the strength behind the incoming strike.

A genuine Autarch had descended, one wholly unaffected by any of the System's restrictions.


Ryan Pepp

Thank you for the chapter!

Collin Sorrells

Perfect time of day for me 😀

Lex Luther S

How annoying. And these Buddhists bastards showing their true nature once again. Actually threatening to kidnapp him even if he doesn't wish to go. I wonder who this descending autarch is as it can't be that monk blessed fate sent given it was a bone fist. Wonder if the monks seal bearers are in the area and forced to help zac and Co. given they're under a dharmic oath to not hurt zac or his followers while also having to repay the karmic debt they owe him from that array.


Man, this whole plan has barely started and it's already completely boned.

Owen Kaz

Ok so, where in the peaks did this guy come from. Whatever Autarch it is must have been in Zercia before the system sealed it, since they've remained powerful, but they are obviously a death user.

Darnell Maxwell

Zac needs to stop making plans. This has to be the fastest one has ever gone wrong. We didn’t even get past step one! Fly the ship to the graveyard unnoticed!

James Faulkner

Goddamn here we fucking go haha


Thank you!


Did Kator called his ancestor? Since the Sangha are breaking the rules the System will have no problem in letting someone else cut them down a peg without interfering.


I think it has to be that Azure guy (or whatever he was called). The one who used the twilight place as an ascension resource


What the hell is going on???

Michael Fannon

Oh, I was wrong. It was the ocean monks. And that cliff. On a monday! This is going to be a cliffy week guys.

Michael Fannon

Ok. Did Kator's uncle break through to the B-grade and showed up?


Great chapter! Super curious about the identity of the autarch. Bone fist makes me think of Kator, but it doesn’t seem to be connected to the reavers. Best guess rn is that it’s an entity that resided in / near the graveyard (bones = graveyard?) and was disturbed by the younger generation’s rowdiness! I’m ready to hear a “who dared disturb my (cultivation) slumber?!”

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Michael Fannon

Zac's future plans: just show up and enjoy the chaos. Zac's allies future plans: throw Zac at the problem and watch the chaos. From a few sectors away.

Scott Mingo

Unlikely, but maybe Ralz Calzood noticed the Bell bouncing around the sector and came to investigate?


Some Buddhists won't be happy with you depicting their actions and mindset so close to how they act(ed) IRL :D

John Smith

I don't think so. He reached for the splinter but didn't use it yet.


You mean the Evening Tide Azura and no, that dude isn't undead as far as we know.


Im not so sure about that. The text says he wants to take out the splinter, it never states that he actually took it out already. It is written with "would", so no real actions taken yet.


He didnt even reach for it yet, he planned on taking it out, but got restricted before he could


Zacs senses keep telling him that there is something wrong about these monks, but they act just as shifty and self important as always. "You would be so much happier with us.. ohh you dont want to? tough cookie.. we will try to lure you in with poisoned items and opportunities, and if those don't work, straight up kidnapping is on the menu". I do hope that they get their ass handed to them and their plans thrown into the shredder for pulling this shit. The plan have not even started yet and its already been thrown out.. And now we have true power interfering. We are currently in the outskirts of the Kan´Tanu sector. A sector we know whose normal most powerful individual is a few steps from being a divine monarch, the Kan´Tanu pope, so where the hell this Autarch came from is pretty interesting. People of that power cant stay in the energy deprived frontier for to long without hurting their cultivation in a serious way. The bone hand points in the direction of an undead Autarch, but what autarch will interfere in this when they already have monarchs ready? Another option could be that The Abyssal lake have sent an Autarch to make sure Zac survive to return to them, but the Draugh dont have skeletal hands as I remember it. No matter what, its gonna be tough waiting for tomorrow :p


Im just sad Kator hasn't popped like a soap bubble.


Be´Zi is a Draugh Autarch. As I remember it they dont have bone hands as is described. And why would she interfere when she specifically gave Zac a quest to show up at her after he had absorbed 5 shards and handled the atavism? She is ready to reward him if he survive that, but have shown no interest in interfering with him beside that. I doubt its her, but on the other hand.. i dont really have any better suggestion. Its gonna be an interesting read tomorrow :)


Great chapter

Owen Kaz

Yeh, not him, rather obviously not him in fact. A bone fist doesn't fit any of the moves we've seen him use, and while he could have altered some things, Autarch's take ages to do anything from what we've seen. System or no

Michael Dugan

Well Zac's dad is an Autarch and is kind of nuts also, so maybe it is him?


So many summons this chapter, keep on expecting Zac with his 5 splinters in hand to scream “Exodia Obliterate!”


It’s gotta be Kaldor. Kators uncle he is friends with other monk from Orom world

Blake Noyes

I think these are newly minted monks from when the sangha did that ritual that corrupted everyone waiting to enter the sector. That’s my guess at least


Bone fist seems a bit incongruous as a representation of a Draugr cultivating Oblivion, but it does make sense that she would be strongly linked with events surrounding the 5th shard. Do we even know of another undead Autarch?


Welp it's the Arhats' machinations after all. I guess they just forcibly converted a bunch of randos and released the hounds? Presumably that's the same golem that they found outside the barrier, which means they also turned him into a Monarch somehow. That can't be healthy.

Jonas Lemke

An autarch wholly unaffected by the restrictions of the system would imply someone from the Eternal Storm, maybe from the Sindris Clan? Yet they gigantic bone fist, maybe it's a skill or the Autarch is from the UE? Maybe Talva's meeting with the Primo wasnt for naught? Very intrigued about the identity of this interloper. I doubt they're from the Zubar sector.


So this is a record, right? Fastest "Oh crap, things aren't going to plan" ever?

Random Information

My guess is that this is whatever Tavza set in motion.

Jeff McCulley

Proofreading: “Zac took out a sinister-looking array disk, and Kator exploded into action. He turned into a grey streak that stormed through the Dharmic gate with such force it broke down behind him. "Gather up! We're going!" Zac roared, and a circle of sealbearers formed around him. Zac activated [Void Zone] and took out a sinister-array disk….” Looks like he pulled out the same disk twice. Also: “A powerful had appeared out of nowhere, locking down his Daos and Miasma.” A powerful what? Aura? And: “There was no register of what had just happened, let alone come up with a new plan.” No TIME TO register ANY of what… Maybe?

Jeff McCulley

Maybe? The “bone fist” suggests it’s one of Kator’s faction. Who might be pissed off he cut connections with them. Or maybe it just followed the Bell from wherever it just was—it said there was fresh damage.

Jeff McCulley

I think one is the golem that they grabbed way back when, that some thought was a Creator. They just forcibly converted him and sent him here. And maybe he picked up and forcibly converted the others on the way. Zac may already be down one competing Flamebearer.

Jeffrey Worrall

My guess on the owner of the bone fist, is either Kaldor(though he would have needed to make the jump to Autarch) or possibly Catheya's master, though I'm not sure why Hivissul would attack with a bone fist, she isn't a Reaver..


Maseri is supposed to be unkillable so being a skeleton wouldn't be that out there


These Sangha might have broken enough rules that the System let an invested Autarch smite them

Mason W

This is so out of left field I am just gonna wait this one out…. I’m not even sure who the fist was targeting? Epiclesis Bell? Could be the Foreign Gods maybe?

Jonas Lemke

I think it's supposed to be "A powerful hand appeared..." due to it being described as a bone fist

Jeff McCulley

There’s only one thing that I’m absolutely certain of with this damn chapter as it kicks off. Whatever happens, Zac is gonna come out ahead.

Jack Trowell

Maybe it just look like bone a d is actually some metal cyborg hand or something? It might also be some.kond if avatar of an autarch that cultivate dzath that looks like a skeleton

Jeff McCulley

Yeah, they do seem to be getting in the way of the System’s plans for Jake, right? Only problem with that theory is…we have yet to see who is actually getting smited. Smitten?

Jeff McCulley

From Chapter 1187: “Young benefactor, I can see that fate connects us. Tell me your name." "I—" the golem stuttered, his aura and Heart unstable. "Please, great Lord. I don't—" True Destiny traced the golem's Karma to a different sector of the frontier, vaguely sensing the possibilities hidden within. "Fate has brought us together, and we'll have to rely on each other to navigate these troubled waters.”

Jeff McCulley

It could be chasing the Bell. It could be mad at the monks and helping Kator. Alternately, it could be a senior Reaver ticked at Kator for cutting off communication. The only thing I’m sure of is that it’s not someone after Zac. Which probably means it’s someone after Zac, right?

Mike Naka

Carl's probably frozen while face palming and groaning to himself, 'Not Another Autarch' Can't wait til the next time Zac asks if anyone wants to go on an Excellent Adventure. LOL But seriously if Zac ends up in real danger, then the only one that might be able to save him might be Joanna, but that would most likely mean her death. It takes balls to kill of a character but done right, it brings realness to the story.

Mason W

It’s either pulled in by the bell or a secret Zac protector to stop Sangha meddling. Weird a “Surprise! Autarch!” Moment happened tho.

Mateo Lopez

What if it’s Bezi? She was in the eternal storm if memory serves. She could have been snooping nearby ready to either kill or reward Arcaz


The Primordial from the Beast Alliance?


M’kay ?

Will Mill

. . . and thus Kaldor makes his appearance. Deals with the baldies and puts his nephew straight about f#cking with Zac.

Jay Fowler

Could the autarch be Tavza? Maybe her deviation ended up an advancement


Anyone guess Primo—Galgallim yet? Karma at its best if the system allowed the primo or an aspect of him to reach across spacetime to teach the sangha the importance of balance.


Maseri truly doesn't give a fuck if he's intervening in such an open manner. Everyone else is forced to play by the system's rules in such a scared manner. Wonder how much that's going to expose Zac.


Bone fist could be transcender. Kator said they were appearing before in the war aka the Sindris.


This is a new character we haven’t met yet. I think best guess above was Raz Calzood.


We need a vigil pov of this father-son team up

Jeff McCulley

Not sure why anyone would think this is Maseri, Just randomly picking a name? Last we knew, he was supposed to be imprisoned. Seems far more likely to be an Autarch from wherever the Bell just jumped from. That or the Pope just broke through, and his hand is bony because his heart curse is out of control and consuming him. Which would seem like a decent shot to get him out of the picture.

R. Maxwell Steele

Betting the Autach is against the Sanga interfering in the trial. Pretty sure if the system doesn't want you somewhere and you go, the system will send one of your enemies to come correct the behavior. C grade shows up. Then a B grade shows up. Just seems like non-Zac crap going on, this is way out of his pay grade. Why attack the bell before it comes and why now when the bell has been around for millennia? If the Foreign Gods are just cultivators, that would be surprising. Why would the limitless Empire summon cultivators? I assumed they were some kind of existence that was outside the cultivation system that could be summoned for mass destruction. The line that says the were "unaffected by the system" does support something foreign. So maybe.

Jeff McCulley

“Some likely came from the natives, whose factions were used as bait. Some seemed even newer, and the chaotic air around the bell indicated something had happened on the other side.” This suggests that the Autarch is someone who jumped the Bell…on its way from the last sacrificial planet to here? In which case, maybe someone we haven’t even heard of yet. I suppose I should just let this percolate until chappy time tomorrow. Only way to know for sure!

R. Maxwell Steele

Following the bell then attacking the Sanga for trying to stop Zac? Seems like they'd go right to attacking Zac.


This may be the answer, as a part of her soul is in Zecia, the system probably can’t sever her Karmic link as easily. But, I think this is ‘atavism’ in progress.


If he was in prison, why were they so concerned about him hearing about Zac?


Zac just gathered a whole lot of fate for his scheme. That answers all the “whys”. They were all pulled there by his fate.

Jeffrey Worrall

Nah, she was a Mid Hegemon, no way to do 5 small and 2 large advances at once. I do think it's possible that she somehow contacted the Autarch and convinced them to get involved.


I think this is the systems greed manifesting again. It saw Zac’s plan for atavism getting ruined and now it’s intervening so that it can get that sweet glimpse of Chaos. No way the system lets anything get in the way of that happening.


Isn't the evening tide asura part of the Zecia sector? I don't think the hand is his, but I'd love a final showdown between him and the pope

Lex Luther S

No the evening tide asura has no love or attachment to the zecia sector save for knowing the void priestess and she'll be evacuated by her organization. Besides, he just ascended to autarchy and it'll likely take at least a few centuries to a millennia to solidify his foundations and upgrade his pathways.

Will Mill

So they are baldies from the 4th mountain. I don’t think Zac had any relationship with the 4th. Therefore they are about to have their fates ended.

Kris Piskorski

I have no idea what going on but I love it


No way. The Tayns don't have any connection to the Sangha. Just because the monk is golemoid too, doesn't make them allied or whatever. I believe there is even a side story about the Tayns and Sangha being antagonistic


Zac : well, hello mum

Russell Widger

He never got the splinter of oblivion out of his ring so how could it be atavism?


... I think I have seen trough TFD.... The reason for chapters like the one we got yesterday... He have gotten a sponsor deal... Producers of extra F5 keys around the world are sending him money on the downlow so he keep on producing more cliffs than your average Richter scale 10 earthquake :p


Hey TFD, Can you look into adding next and previous buttons to the end of your chapters? A couple of the guys I'm subscribed to has them and it makes it allot easier to read multiple chapters. Thanks


Amen to this! If you want to read alot of pages the functionality on fx royal road is alot better than on Patreon.

Jeff McCulley

Just checking. If one of the four elementals here were the actual Flamebearer, would Zac know it? Say, without a quest activating? That or the golem itself. Or any of them being sealbearers. I kinda feel like that might be the “wrongness” he’s sensing.

Jeff McCulley

The evening ride Asura is a native of Zecia, which literally makes him “a part of” it. At the same time, we’re no longer in Zecia, darlings. We’re at the edge of the Kan’Tanu sector, where the Eveningtide Asura would have no hometown rights.


I know right. Shirtaloon has it on all his posts and it makes the whole reading experience better.

Jeff McCulley

Following the bell then continuing to attack the bell. The bell shows signs of fresh damage, so whoever was attacking it would likely be who followed. The bell is the big prize here. Monarchs tried and lost, an Autarch might have a better shot.

Jeff McCulley

I think they’re in the Kan’Tanu sector at the moment though, not the Eternal Storm.

Jeff McCulley

True. Except Kator is just being a pain in the neck at the moment. The Monks wanna pull Zach away and likely wipe his personality.

Jonas Lemke

The imperial graveyard boarders the Eternal Storm much like the Million Gates territory

Berry McCockiner (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-06 01:16:39 I wonder if Esmeralda will pull out some of her cards, being one of the best thieves in the multiverse and a supremacy, you know she’s got some wild powerful stuff she can do.
2024-03-05 18:58:24 I wonder if Esmeralda will pull out some of her cards, being one of the best thieves in the multiverse and a supremacy, you know she’s got some wild powerful stuff she can do.

I wonder if Esmeralda will pull out some of her cards, being one of the best thieves in the multiverse and a supremacy, you know she’s got some wild powerful stuff she can do.


None of the elementals there is the actual Flamebearer, that guy has 4 earthly Daos, it could take on Kator on his own, those are probably followers. Zac wouldn't get a message though, Yselio didn't have one. It is likely the wrongness he's sensing from the golem and the elementals relies on the fact they are not voluntarily converts but are being manipulated by the Varja Images behind them. Not long ago Zac nearly trapped himself with the Boundless Varja Sublimation.

Lex Luther S

No, these golems and elementals are not part of the elementals flamebearer group though it is a faction under them. Likely had some masters that wanted them to fish for opportunities and then there but unfortunately met that damned baldie.

Jeff McCulley

Annnnnd…just exactly how do you know with such certainty that these elementals weren’t part of that Flamebearer’s entourage? After all, that spot might have been exactly where that entity picked up their Flamebearer seal. Clearly we’re not involved in the fight in Zecia.

Mateo Lopez

If you’re referring too Bezi then you may be wrong. Last time I checked she was just an Autarch not a Supremacy. And I also not sure where you getting at with this Supremacy talk. It was a Autarch that just descended


Hey sorry i just got through chapters and got to the newest one. When are chapter realesed? Are there like particular days when they are being realased?