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Zac's mind was a mess as he looked at the mountainous fist. It contained blinding amounts of Dao and conviction, putting him under far greater strain than any of the training devices in the Halls of Heroes. The threat to his path was nowhere near the immediate physical peril. He'd witnessed the destruction caused by a battle between Divine Monarchs in Twilight Harbor, but this attack was significantly stronger.

The hidden attacker was likely a First- or Second-step Autarch. It might not be much compared to the power of Be'Zi or Iz's guardian, but it far eclipsed the Havarok General who'd tried to stop the Eventide Asura's Dao Defense. That Autarch only had time to send a projection while this was a full-powered strike by someone with far greater foundations.

The still-trapped Yphelion five miles away could be considered point-blank range for an Autarch, not to mention Zac, who was right beneath it. Death was certain if so much as the fist's shadow grazed him.

Zac couldn't rouse any other feelings than despair and regret at that moment. He'd known he was tempting fate by plotting a scheme based on chaos and gathering fate, but this was too much. He hadn't even started the real plan, yet variables, one deadlier than another, kept popping up. There was no point in looking for a counter. Zac couldn't hold onto any thoughts when exposed to the Autarch's path, and the fist was faster than lightning.

The pagoda lit up with golden splendor, raising a grand wall of Dharmic Karma to block the attack. It couldn't even resist the bloodthirsty punch for a fraction of a second. Then, an enormous finger was all Zac could see. Hymns were silenced, and Karma was crushed, and fate pressed down on the whole region. And yet, Zac didn't feel a thing.

Boundless destruction and berserk power surrounded him. Zac couldn't tell whether he was inside the fist or if it somehow surrounded him. It was as though he'd fallen into a training bath designed for a Templar Cardinal, and not so much as a thread of energy or Dao touched him. The fist had become Life and Death's arbiter. Whatever it wanted dead would be destroyed, whatever what received a pardon would live.

The attack came and went in a flash. At the very least, it should have caused Spatial Tears that spread for hundreds of miles in every direction. Just as likely, it should have collapsed space entirely, causing a semi-permanent fracture like those you'd find in the Million Gates Territory. In lieu of common sense, the attack didn't leave so much as a mark on space or any of his companions. Neither was there any trace of the brutal force contained in the attack.

It would have been easy to chalk the whole thing up as a powerful illusion. Zac knew they would have been wrong if he did. There was one significant change to the surroundings; not a smudge remained of the Sangha. The golem, pagoda, and elementals were gone, as was the Karmic seal on the region. It by no means meant they were out of the woods. The sealing brand didn't come from the Sangha.

Zac was still under lock and key, where the restriction was an absolute suppression of his energy and Dao. It hadn't managed to spread to his human side, but the seal had a spatial component. It was most likely a measure to deal with escape treasures, and the Shrine of Kanba had inadvertently become a prison.

Only the Void remained unbound. The seal had suppressed his Draugr bloodline, but he still felt a connection to his Void Emperor talents and nodes. He could use [Force of the Void] to activate skills or take out treasures from his Spatial Ring. He could also target the brand with [Void Mountain] and [Void Zone].

To what end? The restriction was more powerful than the Orom's Prison seal, and even a blind man could have figured out the Autarch's affiliation. The Autarch was here for him, and they could kill him a thousand times before he could do anything about it.

"Greetings, esteemed Lords!" Kator said with a deep bow. "My apologies about the unexpected company."

"The Sangha has always been impossible to predict," a voice sounding like the chorus of a thousand souls answered.

Space bent, and an unfamiliar Izh'Rak Reaver stepped out from a crack no wider than a strand of hair on the [Epiclesis Bell]. His overbearing aura was a perfect match to the fist, and his Warbones shimmered with an ethereal glow that made Zac's soul shudder. Zac's guess it was a treasure or Miracle Bone that shielded him from the bell's madness was quickly proven wrong.

The glow separated from the Reaver, turning into a complex fractal made from Mental Energy and Miasma. It was actually an Eidolon whose aura wasn't far beneath the Reaver's. The fluctuations were also a perfect match to the seal that trapped Zac.

Zac knew since he saw the fist that the White Sky Phalanx had managed to send an Autarch into the Zurbor sector. That was terrifying enough on its own, and the fact that there was a spectral Autarch at his side carried deadly implications.

The Eidolon was likely the reason the [Epiclesis Bell] had remained unmoving since it descended. It was trapped like him. There was a barely discernible film of miasmic spirituality that covered every inch of the bell, including the five array bands. Zac hadn't noticed it before because of the chaotic manner it descended.

The bell shook with minute tremors. It was struggling to break free, and Zac inwardly cheered it on with every fiber of his being. As paradoxical as it sounded, he needed the bell's assistance to create an opening.

By coincidence or fate, the [Epiclesis Bell]actually shook off the restraints. A deep toll filled with twisted jubilation rang in the darkness, and Zac was suddenly immensely thankful that the Yphelion was quite a distance away.

"You have to assist me!" the Eidolon urged as it grew.

The Eidolon reached over five miles in an instant, resembling the maw of a Beast Emperor as it bit down on the bell. Its actions released no aura like the Reaver's attack. It looked like it imploded on the bell. The next moment, the Eidolon crystallized.

Zac couldn't tell whether it was a skill or if the ghost had turned into a mountain-sized amethyst. Its insides were hollow, and Zac could vaguely spot the bell trapped within, looking no larger than a dot. There were Spatial Dao no weaker than the Orom's affecting the space within.

The crystal's interiors were no smaller than an E-grade world, and its walls were strong enough to trap all energy fluctuations. Zac was quickly forced to avert his gaze. The complex patterns covering the crystal's surface were too much, and he feared thoughts would fully seize up if his eyes lingered any longer.

Zac didn't so much as breathe, hoping his presence would be forgotten as they dealt with the heretical bell. It was futile, of course. He felt an immensely powerful consciousness lock onto him, and a stream of brutal energy dug into Zac's body. It far eclipsed the Killing Intent at the Centurion Lighthouse. The B-grade Reaver wasn't necessarily stronger than that ancient Autarch who took out the fortress, but he was alive and well.

Fighting back with the Void would be no different than using an egg to smash a rock. Zac could tell he'd run out of Void Energy ten times over before he could exhaust the invading energy. Just that small tendril held more energy than his Cosmic Core, and it was guarded by Daos beyond Earthly Daos. Thankfully, the control was no less precise than the fist strike from before.

The energy sliver completed a cursory scan before leaving without causing any damage. Zac even felt a bit better than before. The tendril had subtly adjusted the Eidolon's brand, releasing the physical seal. Of course, it was only a small gesture of goodwill after confirming there were no threats in his body. With his energy and Soul Aperture locked down, Zac was still not much stronger than an F-grade cultivator.

"Not bad. Kid, we'll talk later."

A gargantuan cage made from bone sprung from below, trapping the crystal, Zac, and even the Yphelion in the distance. Its bars split and fused, giving the cage the appearance of a line of closely planted trees whose branches had been entwined. A dense canopy formed a ceiling far, far above. An eerie silence rolled out as the Reaver stepped into the crystal to unleash a series of attacks on the bell.

The intense silence was not physical. It was a silence of Dao, similar to his [Void Zone], though relying on completely different concepts. The whole cage had been hidden from the Heavens, like a lower plain where the only Dao available was the Reaver's own.

The gaps between the cage's bars were hundreds of meters wide, more than large enough for the Yphelion to squeeze through. However, his Late D-grade vessel had replaced one seal with another. Zac could feel a similar brand through his control link, and he suspected even those trapped within had been targeted. Otherwise, it wouldn't have remained so silent.

It was for the best. The gaps in the cage weren't actual weaknesses. He couldn't see or sense any barrier, but one had to be there for the area to be uncoupled with the cosmos. Zac didn't hold out much hope he could pass through the barrier when using [Void Mountain], so how would the Yphelion replicate the feat?

"You did well, Draugr."

Kator had moved to his side, and his teasing posture indicated he was here to gloat as much as stand guard. Zac tried to figure out the best way to deal with their situation. He wasn't completely out of options. So long as he could call down the System, he had a chance of borrowing its strength to intimidate the Autarchs. Unfortunately, any tricks were useless when faced with such an utter, unbridgeable disparity in strength.

Eluding Kator's watch was enough of a headache, and that paled before the Autarchs themselves. He was already in their range, and they could or cripple kill him with a thought before he could fuse with the remnants. He needed to create a window or distraction before making his move. Until then, he might as well gather some information.

"It looks like I underestimated you yet again," Zac sighed.

"You cultivation maniacs are often simple that way. The more you despise someone, the more you'll underestimate them."

"I thought I had my guard up, but I didn't expect you'd figure out a way to sneak people into Zurbor using the bell. Or that you'd be crazy enough to bring in Autarchs under the System's nose. Just what are you people thinking?"

"We're struggling for supremacy, just like we're supposed to," Kator shrugged. "The Ruthless Heavens have always been impartial that way. It'll look the other way if you pay the price or overcome its restrictions through ingenuity."

"Is that so?"

Zac wasn't convinced. He'd assumed the pressure of fate he'd briefly sensed during the attack was related to the bell's descent or the Sangha's demise. Seeing how securely the region was sealed off now, another explanation seemed just as likely. The bone cage was way overdoing it if it was only meant to confine Zac and his subordinates while they dealt with the [Epiclesis Bell].

Their entry was not as sanctioned as Kator wanted to make it seem, and the System wouldn't be nearly as accommodating if the Autarchs started to throw their weight around. Zac could see the battle raging within the spatial crystal, but he couldn't sense a whiff of the tremendous powers that were being unleashed. They were being extremely careful.

It was only a theory as of yet, but it might be the key to getting away in one piece. After all, there was no way the appearance of two non-Draugr Autarchs after losing contact with Tavza and Laz was a good thing, if the seal wasn't clue enough. A plot was brewing.

"The System might look the other way, but you're putting the mission at risk. And colluding with Eidolon? You're breaking the terms set in the Writ."

"We're breaking nothing, Draugr. The agreement encourages sending any and all reinforcements into the sealed sectors. We even informed you of our goal of bringing seniors into the Zurbor Sector to assist. The Writ only disallows the other branches of the Empire from interfering. General Eimal is uncoupled. She has been fighting for the White Sky Phalanx for over three million years, so her presence is within bounds."

Zac looked at the crystallized Eidolon with surprise. While not unprecedented, it was very rare for the Divine Races to join other camps. Between the status of an outsider and the suspicion of being a spy, it was usually better to stay home even if you faced suppression from some opposing faction within the race. Furthermore, the Eidolon was undoubtedly the most cohesive among the divine races of the Undead Empire, a natural consequence of them being part of a Hivemind.

It wasn't difficult to understand what the term uncoupled meant. This Autarch had severed her connection with her Hivemind, striking it out on her own as an individual. Zac didn't even know that was possible, but he didn't suspect Kator's words in this regard. Whatever they were plotting, they weren't ready to completely fall out with the Primo just yet.

"You might not have broken the letter of the agreement, but you're clearly breaking its spirit. Who knows what effect bringing in Autarchs will have on fate? There is no way the Primo has sanctioned your actions. Are you betraying the Empire?"

"Betraying? We're here fighting for its future. The Eternal 108 were unavailable, and time was of the essence. We simply picked the route we felt held the most promise," Kator snickered, cocking his head at Zac. "You don't seem surprised? Did Tavza manage to send you a message? Is that why she ended up in such a wretched state?"

"Weren't you responsible for that?" Zac countered, his eyes thin with suspicion. It was getting increasingly difficult to figure out the Reaver's thoughts. "I didn't need some warning to put two and two together. I just didn't expect things to fall apart this early. Has something changed?"

"What do I know? I'm just following orders. I only found out about this part a few days ago." Kator patted Zac's shoulder. "You don't need to be too worried. Our agreement holds for now. The Divine Alliance has no intention of interrupting our quest. On the contrary, we'll do our best to help you achieve your goals in the Imperial Graveyard."

"Raising a pig to the slaughter?" Zac snorted.

Kator might be telling the truth about not being killed today. However, the White Sky Phalanx was also aware that his reward for finding the Foreign Gods was his final Flamebearer piece. After that, his future was a big question mark. His importance for the trial might be considered a threat rather than an asset if civil war had broken out, especially if they suspected what the Primo sought in the Hollow Court.

"Your words. But hey, anything can happen. Just sit back and relax. We'll deal with everything from here. The Lords will drag out the entity and throw it at the barrier for us."

Zac said nothing, reluctantly biding his time. Every second brought his camp closer to its doom, but it was still too early to make a move. The Eidolon could undoubtedly sense his every action through the brand, and the two Autarchs had a clear advantage. All attempts to escape had been foiled, and the bell was covered in cracks and dents. Only one of its five formations remained intact after the Reaver's battering.

Still, the [Epiclesis Bell] had put up a fight with a ferocity far surpassing Zac's expectations, to the point he felt the intervention might have been a blessing in disguise. The bell had been hiding its true strength. Or perhaps, the entity dared use more of its strength thanks to the sealed environment. In either case, its unexpected power meant his original plan might have been flawed.

His opportunity was fast approaching. No matter the risks, he'd stake everything when the final seal on the entity snapped, and the chaos reached a crescendo.

A deep hum threw Zac's last-ditch plan out the window. Two lotus flowers had appeared where the pagoda once stood. They were translucent and lacked even a speck of energy, seeming like a dream or an echo of the past. And yet, the flowers were utterly, irrevocably true. Five threads of fate poured into the flowers. Four came from where the elementals fell and entered the left lotus. A thicker stream came from the golem's resting place, entering the other.

The illusion became real, the past connected to the present, and the flowers bloomed. A Buddhist warrior emerged from each lotus, their strength nearly on par with the Reaver's. They clasped their hands, and a world was born.

'Namo Buddhaya.'


James Faulkner

Man things are a mess now hah


Thank you!


Thanks for the chapter! Good. Screw Kator’s schemin’ ass, I usually hate the baldies, but this time I’mma cheer ‘em on!


To think I was about to cancel my Patreon because I felt things were getting slow. March is gonna be a great month!

Kevin Albers

Get everyone in this party

Lex Luther S

Fuckin hell. Seems chaos really is reigning here because I don't even have an inkling of where this is going. Now this Buddhists monk that blessed fate sent is coming into play and that's even worse because at least there'd be a chance to escape from these guys in the breache and with the foreign gods in play but this monk is wholly different as he is only there to take zac to that mountain. Though I guess there always the chance this is the flamebearer monk, that would be a way to busted a skill summoning 2 autarch lvl monks even if he used the sacrifice of a peak monarch and 4 late stage hegemons.


Ok, I could not tell who was doing what and what was going on past a certain point. I got the main points of the chapter but had trouble following the details. But it is getting interesting from what I do get.


Man I hope the reader and the eidalon die here by the hands off the sanga it would Serve them right

Christian Sauer

Ok, I am aeldon in wtf territory in Dotf. But this is something else.

Random Information

This is the most flowery path to a graveyard ever.

Will Banning

Very fun! Zac has "the protagonist aura" meaning "nothing will ever go as planned". Maybe he'll get to eat some C or B-grade corpses after all this.


Dammn!!! Some shit is gonna go down. So those elementals and the golem were, as a number of people predicted, the pawns that were converted outside the zone a while back. Kidnapped, brainwashed and send in to be sacrifices that allowed the Buddhist elite squad to circumvent the restrictions on entering the Zurbor sector. The Buddhist sangha are really showing their true colors this time around. All their talk about making the universe at peace and all is simply a cult trying to appear as something else. They are now 4 to 2 autarchs and the two "rebel undead" or Divine alliance as they call themself apparently, have already spend some of their power against the bell. Last time it was "only" 1 autarch and 3 divine monarchs fighting it out and the autarch were only there with his shadow... That fight still destroyed a C grade capitol and killed uncountable people. This time around.. Well.. Do they even need the system to open that damn gate anymore? I expect the fight between the Buddhist and the Divine alliance to explode just when the Bell breaks and we get one hell of a party. One thing is for sure.. When Zac promised that this would be his most impressive plan (read: biggest explosion) yet... he sure as hell were not joking.. And it will probably turn out to be a good few tiers bigger than he planned :p Better get the welding glasses and the popcorn for tomorrows reading, because shit is gonna go down ;) EDIT: We are only at 2 undead and 2 Buddhist Autarchs (only... what have this story come to...), my reading comprehension apparently need a fine tuning :)

Kartikey Sharma

If both the Undead Empire and the Sangha have brought in Autarchs into this supposedly sealed region then I fully believe that every major faction has sneaked in some of them.

Jeff McCulley

I feel like we’re about ten seconds from Zac managing to trigger the System.

james williams

edit: Whatever it wanted dead would be destroyed, whatever else* received a pardon would live.

Jeff McCulley

Edit: Two to two. Four elementals and the golem became five streams, but only to two blossoms.

Jeff McCulley

And thus Zac’s clusterf*** becomes a Greater Clusterf***. Episode 2, The Sangha Strikes Back?



Jeff McCulley

If they win, they drag Zac off to the Fourth Mountain—and likely erase his personality. Not sure I agree with that.


Zac and his merry band of misfits were on their way to the Kan´Tanu holy lands deep in the Kan`tanu sector Zurbor, an area with lots of Limitless Empire graves and ruins. That place is locked off, so they needed to lure the bell there and hit it hard and break it. They could not break it themself, so that's why they needed some undead monarchs there to help them. The reason they wanted to break it is that inside the bell is an entity from outside everything known. The system goes nuts when it finds those entities, so they were planning on using the systems explosion to knock a hole in the wall around the Kan´Tanu holy lands. Instead of bringing a couple of monarchs as planned, the undead that want to rebel against the Primo (the divine alliance as they call themself), somehow brought 2 Autarchs to take control of the situation and possibly the bell. Why they did that we dont know beyond a general "well, now Zac is so far outclassed he dont really have any other option than to follow along"-vibe. So everything were going the undead rebels way, until the elementals and the golem that was brainwashed and send into the Zurbor sector by an elite hit squad of Buddhist Autarchs a few chapters ago, suddenly turned into the portal that allowed the same hit squad to enter the Zurbor sector, a sector closed by the system. As I remember it, this hit squad was send out to figure out who was using void mountain powers (Zac), and very kindly (probably kill) ask that person to stop doing it. This is from what I understand where we are now. 2 rebel Autarchs on one side, a massive powerful artifact close to going nuclear with a unknown evil entity inside in the middle, and 4 Buddhist warriors out to get both the rebels and Zacs hide on the other... And not nearly far enough away is Zac and a hopefully soon to be either very humble or very dead Kator(preferably both) to the side. EDIT: We are only at 2 undead and 2 Buddhist Autarchs


So we're up to 4 autarchs now, depending on when Zac cracks open a can of foreign gods we'll probably end up with way more

Jeff McCulley

The next question is whether the Reavers anticipated this response from the sangha. Do a half dozen more Undead Autarchs pop into the party?


I feel like all this chaos and what the fuckery are all going to lead to a massive cliff in the books.


They're dead. It seems their souls were sacrificed to bring g in the Sangha group that's been looking for Zac. That's how I read it.


So is this where Zac gets whisked to the 4th mountain and Arkaz continues to the graveyard. Or does the Sangha smush the two back together. Just theorizing.


That’s something they could’ve done from the start and haven’t despite the fact that Zac has met all sorts of high level individuals in the baldies faction, they want Zac to come “on his own”. Regardless, I want the baldies to dust them boney boys and kick ‘em the hell out of town before the system comes down and lays down the law on them fools too. I just more than anything hate Kator’s ass.


I might have misread it. "A deep hum threw Zac's last-ditch plan out the window. Two lotus flowers had appeared where the pagoda once stood. They were translucent and lacked even a speck of energy, seeming like a dream or an echo of the past. And yet, the flowers were utterly, irrevocably true. Five threads of fate poured into the flowers. Four came from where the elementals fell and entered the left lotus. A thicker stream came from the golem's resting place, entering the other. The illusion became real, the past connected to the present, and the flowers bloomed. A Buddhist warrior emerged from each lotus, their strength nearly on par with the Reaver's. They clasped their hands, and a world was born." After you mention it, I reread it, and now it sounds like 2 flowers showed up from the pagoda, and 5 streams of fate came from the dead as you mention it. But the 5 streams enter the two flowers, and a warrior emerges from each flower. So is it only 2 Buddhist autarchs we are talking about ?

Jeff McCulley

And thanks for reminding me that Iz (and her escort) have a standing invitation to this party, lol!


So when are the Sindris going to show up now that the plan went to shit?


Do the Glimpses of Chaos grant Authority? I'm not sure if it's been discussed here, but ever since Iz explained the Thrones, Seals, and Authority, my brain has been going crazy. This chapter seems to be leading up to something that aligns with my thoughts, so I'm just gonna thought dump here: If the System has Authority over something, it seems like it is a sanctioned and supported path. Everyone within the purview of the System can cultivate everything under the System's Authority with no problem. Problems arise, however, when Authority changes possession. That's the difference between the Heavenly Tribulations and the System Tribulations. When someone is attaining Authority outside the System, the Old Heavens react accordingly. I'm not even sure if it's an actual punishment, or more like static discharge. The System Tribulations are to ensure a cultivator is either aligned with the System, or to help refine them so they can eventually withstand Heavenly Tribulations. If all this is true, presumably when Zac started forming Chaos, the System was claiming all the Authority for itself, and was taking the brunt of the Old Heavens, which it continues to do, but it can't hold everything back when Zac actually cultivates Chaos. However, Zac is still missing Authority over Chaos, but I feel like that might be about to change. We have two very powerful Sects that presumably have pieces of Authority related to Chaos here, when Zac is about to attain double Atavism, but the Authority of everyone present is from the Sangha or the Primo, their Authority over life and death are steeped in Order. As a Hegemon, the Primordial can wield Oblivion well enough to defeat a Monarch. Perhaps being from before the System let her connect to a piece of old Authority, or perhaps the reward from Be'Zi and her husband are a very small piece of their Authority?


I do think that the Sangha have multiple factions as well as all the other big factions. We have the faction that owe Zac big time for leeching off his karma for years, and then we have the hit squad thats been sent out by some Buddhist big shot to kindly ask Zac to stop poking the Void mountain. I very much doubt that they know about each other, since no one knows about how deep into the void Zac have reached at this point. What im trying to say is that they can easily both have a faction that want Zac to join of his own free will (at first), and have a faction thats just fine and dandy throwing him in the van and driving it deep into the forest where you dont return from.


And why people who have no chance of seizing the pillar don't send them in to attack their enemies. It also seems bizarre that the Sangha sending in people wouldn't damage their fate with the pillar.

Luke Scheffe

So, who else will get involved? Iz is probably loitering nearby and might mosey on over. The Centigrade Pryer might have an issue with his people being stolen, and have sent an autarch in.


Zac summons the System with Chaos, then asks it to help him out in a pinch. He just needs to get a second to create Chaos, and the system will show up and be pissed a bunch of Autarchs are fighting in a sealed sector.

Jeff McCulley

Wait a second here. “ Then, an enormous finger was all Zac could see. Hymns were silenced, and Karma was crushed, and fate pressed down on the whole region.” So…the Reavers literally gave the Sangha the finger? Hey, I think I may like these skellies a lot better than I thought that I did!

Jeff McCulley

Depends on how many guardians Iz has hanging around. And the one we saw clearly has some kind of Sight…not going back to look to see.


I think there is more factions from the sangha involved. One faction are after the pillar and for sure dont want to mess with Zac due to the karma as you say. But the hit squad have been sent out by some big shot and are after the person contacting the void mountain. And thats the ones that have show up to fuck everything up now :)


Didn’t the Havarok Autarch show up in person through the secret tunnel thing that the umbri’zi then destroyed so they started a war for another sector? There’s no way he was a projection at the time.

Jeff McCulley

I like it. Just one small correction. Zac isn’t about to attain double atavism. He’s about to be forced to *resist* the atavism of two sets of frags.


Great more escalation, there won't be a Zurbor sector left when this whole mess is over. Secia will win by default and Zac will somehow get the credit for it.

Jeff McCulley

We definitely don’t want Zac whisked to the Fourth Mountain. Pretty sure that Blessed Fate’s instructions included a personality rewrite if he wasn’t following a nice convenient orthodox path to their liking.

OutKast MerkeR

I smell a technocrat grade 4 from sindras clan incoming to ruin everyone's day >.>

Jeff McCulley

They think that Zac going down the wrong path is bigger game than “just” the pillar.

Palmer Evans

Slow compared to what? Can’t get much slower than Primal Hunter from the Colosseum arc ended until now


If the bell entity is a foreign god, then that would imply it's on A-grade level as diety. I guess this is predicated all on Zac not sharing anything about the foreign gods and so their plan is bound to fail then.

gray matter

Should be 2 v 2. 5 streams of fate flew into two lotus flowers and from each flower a warrior emerged

Palmer Evans

Can someone please explain their predictions on how the remnants, the Bell, and getting into the graveyard all tie together? I get that Zac will have some motes of Chaos to play with but there’s some implication in this chapter of Zac using the remnants when the last seal on the Bell is removed and that getting him & his allies out of a situation with two Autarchs. Just feels like someone on this Patreon might have an idea of what I’m missing here. Maybe Sendor’s seal as long as Zac’s able to use it? Or will the glimpse of Chaos call down the System to deal with everyone?

Jason Bradford

OMG that has lasted FOREVER…and been middling interesting at best. I posted that on the message board and got screamed at by 50 difft people 😂 Not Zogarth’s best work. Other than Valdemar, it was a SLOG


What in sweet fuck is going on?

Jeff McCulley

There is going to be a fight. I’d hardly be surprised if yet another faction appears at this point. Or two. If the Reavers win, they will, as promised, extract the entity from the Bell and throw it at the Wall. At the very least, at some point the System will show up and throw an immense hissy fit—to Zac’s advantage, and everyone else’s disadvantage. This may or may not happen in direct conjunction with Zac popping more Oblivion and Creation remnants. Pretty sure everyone else not in his party is going to be an unhappy camper when he does. The Systrm’s hissy fit cracking the Wall wide open, and cueing a great many other things. Way too many moving parts right now to be sure of anything.


I thought he was going to sacrifice the souls from the remnants and then blast it with the glimpse of chaos, so now maybe he's planning on blasting it with chaos.


Let us all remember the fallen F5 gang and wish them good will on the cycle of reincarnation

Jeff McCulley

As I understand it, the “foreign gods” are natives of this multiverse and reality, just not this era. The entity is from a different reality entirely. Also my impression that it’s at least S grade in its whole form, but this is a small fragment of what had been split into many pieces, and badly damaged also.


I guess it's a matter of whether Maseri is just going to be A-grade or have a throne/seal

Vinay S


In my opinion - Zac finds an opportunity while the Autarchs fight. He fuses the remnant energies to summon chaos, and then the System shows up. Zac trades Chaos for transportation beyond the wall and the system helps Zac out while kicking out the Autarchs. Probably a lot more to it though. The Bell gets destroyed and the System spits Vilari out hopefully lol.

Palmer Evans

Yeah it’s low stakes in Nevermore with really limited character development since it’s pretty much only Jake that the story is focused on. The biggest difference though b/t the DotF and Primal Hunter is the constant high stakes situation in DotF compared to pretty much low stakes of Primal Hunter since it’s only the Viper vs Yip atm. Also, the complexity of the story is so much greater in DotF with a ton of great friends & enemies. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Jake vs Valdemar and the First Sage stuff has potential but DotF is at least a league above in quality in terms of overall storytelling imo.


Or way less. Foreign gods may want a fresh meal after their nap.

Palmer Evans

Yep I do like that theory. Explains why Zac didn’t want the reavers to continue the “official” plan of breaking the final seal on the Bell and hurling it at the Wall since he can abandon them outside the wall if he’s able to barter for transportation of his chosen group with the System

Jeff McCulley

No, they’re the ghosts, like Aia Ouro, who he ran into just before killing vampire Uona.

gray matter

The bell protects the entity from the gaze of the heavens which hate it, the system also hates it. When Zach joins remnants and joins with chaos the system always pays attention. By throwing the entity at the wall without the protection of the bell Zach will then join the remnants making sure the system is paying attention and the hope is the system and the actual heavens unleash their might on the entity and destroy a portion of the wall allowing them entry.


Reavers snuck in two Autarchs to kill the Bell and take control of the operation instead of Monarchs, Zac thought everything was going bad for him because he can’t sneak away using his plan using Chaos. Then the Sangha brought in two other Autarchs that have been waiting outside Zecia to get Zac. So 4 Autarchs are now going to duke it out.

Jeff McCulley

Not sure the System has to transport him beyond the Wall. The Wall is about to have an immense hole blown in it. Matter of fact, one entity I’d expect to come looking shortly is the Kan’Tanu’s Pope…who immediately craps his pants, and tries to run the other way.

Palmer Evans

Once the entity is out of the Bell though, the System should immediately pay attention so I don’t get why Zac would need to use the remnants then just to gets it’s attention, especially since he prob views the Chaos motes as one of his greatest cards to play (and they can only be used right after he joins the remnants).

Jeff McCulley

Because he was hurried, forced to come through sooner than planned, he was only able to project a portion of his strength—rather than come through the gate completely. I think that’s what it means by “projection”.

Jeff McCulley

Only correction is that the Graveyard isn’t deep in the Zurbor Sector, it’s on the outer border. Iirc, the far side of the Graveyard is the Eternal Storm.


Are they out of nevermore yet? Last I read Jake was doing the never ending journey challenge dungeon

Will Mill

Next Chapter: 1215. Carl’s POV

Myron Jabido

Nope... third chapter about the final floor posted today, and it's doubtful we'll get the resolution before the end of the week


I told myself I’d catch up when they’re done with nevermore so it sounds like maybe another month

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


I think the plan was to summon chaos so the system and heaven attention will be on him and hit the bell so they notice the entity and then they nuke the A-S grade entity while destroying the sector.


I love this series but JF Brink does not write political intrigue well. We went from Kator talking to Toss about a potential move against the Primo to everyone knowing about the rebellion of the Reavers, Eidolons and some of the Eternal Clans. There were no suspense, no backroom deals or information slowly leaking. Things move too quick in this world which is hurting the story. I believe it is hard to do if everyone is reading it as a serial and people would complain. But when comes out in book form everyone will eat it up. This story needs more suspense.


Another small nitpick, "Chaos" is just what people call unclaimed Dao. No one has ever successfully combined Life and Death through Oblivion and Creation in the same way that Zac has - so when he creates Chaos - the system is actually expanding the dao under its purview. The Undead Autarchs have authority over aspects of Death, and the Monk Autarch presumably has authority over Karma


Can't help but keep wondering what Carl thinks about all this.


The Original Plan: Zac knows that the OG heavens and the system hate the entity in the bell. He knows that the entity is using the bell to hide from heaven. Zac knows that summoning chaos will always draw the attention of OG heavens and also the system. Zac knows that he can summon chaos using the remnants of Oblivion/Creation. Zac is guessing that the OG heavens seeing the entity in the bell will be enough to blow up the wall Zac is still going to go forward with the plan, but he has to be careful to time his actions so he does not draw the attention of any of the present Autarchs. He knows that the system will protect him while he summons chaos/the OG heavens because the system has done that before.

gray matter

Well one would be for insurance to make sure it happens… the other reason would to be to bring lots of chaos to the area so no one can read the actions of the past and find out what happened and where they went. Higher beings won’t be able to read the broken karma and threads of fate accurately when raw chaos was also there


I forget, is the Void Gate faction relevant here?

Lex Luther S

Not on this mission at least. Leyara absorbed some flame of hope that would apparently remold her and her fate to better withstand the coming storm though with the cavitat that she'll have her personality annulled in their undertaking. I figured all their speech about keeping Zachary Atwood from throwing fate off course would see us have a few chs dedicated to Leyara appearing on his planet and talking him out of this mission, given there's no way what he's about to do what throw fate for a big Ole loop but no. Though given the absolute chaos involved here, there's really no telling who else will come to be involved. Could be the vigil and leyara are all awaiting at that breache to talk him outta it.


Not to destroy the sector, just to breach the barrier and Kan'Tanu blockade around the Imperial Graveyard. He was going to use the Chaos to teleport himself and the Yphelion into the graveyard (like he did when he escape Iz/Guardian after Orom), using the bell as a distraction while it mass slaughters the Kan'Tanu. I believe there was also some mention of an array disk to crack the bell to help get Vilari out.

Lex Luther S

Given a cardinal, pre system autarchs by the limitless empires naming, was able to wipe out a bunch of elder foreign gods, I doubt they'll be on these guys level. Though, after what we've learned of the limitless empires training centers, I wouldn't be surprised if those elder foreign gods were all at 1st step autarchy but still completely outmatched. Though I don't doubt they're all at least at the level of late or peak monarchy with the elder gods being a cut above. Which is more than enough to clean out the zubor sector but these 2 undead and 2 sangha autarchs? Truly no telling.


Well, when you have a supreme overlord who can basically see the future, kind of hard to get stuff by them. They probably expected the Primo and everyone to know, but expected them to not be able to, or care enough to do anything. It is the problem of having things like karma and fate, with supremacies that can read both. It makes political intrigue pointless.


Thank you. It's easy to get lost with so many character, details, etc.


I can't follow any of this, last several chapters have been rough on my tiny brain

Jeff McCulley

I’m honestly not sure why you would think that a move “against the Primo” should be a surprise. After all, it’s been clearly indicated that it’s happened before—we’re told the Draugr even took part—and it seems to be a phenomenon that’s eminently predictable. In this instance, they’re trying to catch the Primo with his pants down while secluded—and cut off the Draugr from a bigger seat at the table at the same time. The “intrigue” isn’t whether it’s a secret or not, but whether they can pull it off. And, far more likely, how many considerations the party that winds up with an advantage can wedge out of the disadvantaged side. Whichever that may prove to be.

Jeff McCulley

I could be forgetting the history, but the doohickey he picked up in the Spear only leads him to where the actual summoner for the Foreign Gods is. Does he then have to go to a location close to them to use it?

John Smith

I can't help but disagree. We have had an entire 2 arcs of this ramping up in the background ever since Zac went in person to Kavriel. It would be odder if he didn't know about it given the amount of time involved and the esoteric cultivators met.


If he was going to do that then there wouldn't be a need for the bell to destroy the wall presumably


Chaos is a Dao peak but is not under the system's control, meaning it is under the preview of the old heavens. Or am I tripping?

Vinay S

They are always looking to balance... I believe they won't move in such a way if they feel that would lead unbalance... but if they are moving the parasites must have their bases covered


@Craig, that's just not true. Chaos is said to be a peak in opposition to Order. Everything we know is mostly through Zac's flawed understanding, but it seems that Life and Death are subsets of Creation and Oblivion, which are under the Peak of Chaos. However they are somehow tied up in the Buddhist Samsara under the Dao of Order. Pure Death leads to Oblivion, which is outside the purview of the system, hence why even undead cultivators can't generally cultivate pure Death.


For anyone wondering wtf is going on, here's a not-so-brief summary of everything that led us to this point..... Ralz Calzood (Vilari's master, from the Tower of Myriad Dao) had an ancestor who found a fragmented heritage of the Beseechment Pavilion. They were a powerful faction from the age of the Limitless Empire. They "wished to create a bell that could be heard beyond the curtain, to garner God's attention so that they could beseech his teachings and salvation." The details are vague, but the fractured heritage caused House Calzood misfortune and despair for millions of years. Ralz is "..looking for lost pieces of the Beseechment Pavilion's heritage to rid ourselves of the curse of joy that has infiltrated our bloodline." She came to the Zecia sector after finding out that the Pavilion built "something to stabilize a 'pillar'" for the Limitless Empire. Anyway, after the fall of the Limitless Empire and Heaven's demise, the Pavilion grew desperate as they were faced with a dying Cosmos (the Terminus). Thus, they performed one final Beseechment Ritual with the [Epiclesis Bell] in a last ditch effort to summon God (big G, transcendent entity). Ralz said that after failing to contact God for eons, they finally got an answer. An evil entity from beyond the Terminus entered the main [Epiclesis Bell]. It then fused with and twisted the bell's true spirit. "..the upper echelon [of the Beseechment Pavilion] trapped most of its spirit in the main bell and sacrificed themselves to destroy it. But it spread like a plague through the 72 subsidiary bells and lives on to this day." In exchange for Zac's assistance when the trial kicks off, Ralz gave him a modified version of a Beseechment Ritual in order to summon the [Epiclesis Bell]. Zac used tons of Faction Merit to change their battlefield locations to worlds that would be closest to The Great Wall (the Kan-Tanu barrier/blockade around the Imperial Graveyard in the Zurbor sector). He also spent nearly 2 million more just to teleport Kator and his cronies to Ensolus before they left for the mission. Tavza was supposed to come, but Kator replaced her at the last minute without telling Zac. Coincidentally, she also suffered a setback in her cultivation after she contacted the Primo in the past, who gave her a glimpse of the Grand Tapestry of Death in order to help Zac. She noticed a knot of Chaos and dove into it seeking answers. After leap frogging from planet to planet to get closer, Zac and co. hopped into the Yphelion to fly "off map" towards the Eternal Storm (where the Imperial Graveyard is). Shortly before they arrived, Kator signaled the Undead Empire to begin moving the [Epiclesis Bell] from Zecia to Zurbor. They had picked 6 unorthodox factions and sent forces ahead of time to worlds between the two sectors. Once signaled, they began sacrificial rituals on these worlds to summon the bell from planet to planet. Now that the bell was in Zurbor and close enough to them, the plan was to have Zac activate the modified Beseechment Ritual, summoning it to their current position outside The Great Wall. Unfortunately, just before reaching their destination, the baldies intercepted them in their pagoda. They manipulated fate to shut down the Yphelion with a Karmic lock, eliminating any future where the ship was still working. Kator agrees to try and buy Zac some time to summon the bell by fighting the golem. Zac barely manages to summon the bell before they are able to stop him by feeding the summoning array his [Lucky Beads], which he suspected may have been a beacon they used to find him. The bell started to get Zac to rip out his own heart, but he resisted it enough and was about to bring out the Splinter of Oblivion before an Autarch showed up. Kator had apparently brought Reaver and Eidolon Autarchs with him. They entered the bell while it was en route between the sectors and rode it into Zurbor, sneaking past the System restrictions. The Reaver erased the baldies with his big bony fist, and the Eidolon locked down the [Epiclesis Bell], cutting off its influence in the process. It is also hiding both Autarchs and the Bell from the Heavens. Zac is unable to act right now, as the Eidolon would immediately notice. The bell has 5 array bands which serve to hide the entity from the Heavens, but they've begun to snap. The goal was to crack the seals, breaking the bell to expose the entity and then to use the Splinters of Oblivion and Creation to draw the attention of the System and the Heavens to call forth an immense Heavenly Tribulation of purple and gold to deal with the entity. Likewise, this massive storm of fate would have drawn the Kan'Tanu from The Great Wall letting them slip into the Imperial Graveyard during the chaos. Unfortunately, just before this could happen, the Sangha activated their trap card. Apparently, they anticipated the deaths of their golem and elementals and used some karmic fuckery to trade the extinguished fates of the 5 in order to summon 2 heavy hitters of their own.

Jeff McCulley

Kator didn’t summon anyone. While the Bell was being summoned from stop to stop on the way here, the two Autarchs fought it then slipped inside—the way Vilari did—to hide from the System while it slipped through the barrier into this Sector.


I didn't mean a literal summon, but summon as in he brought them with him, included them in the plan from the start. I reworded it though to avoid confusion.

Darnell Maxwell

I take back what I said. Keep making plans Zac, this is turning out to be way better than you intended. It looks like not only will u get Vilari back. But your gonna screw over 4 B grades in the process!. Hopefully this will be enough to finally give Arcaz a nickname. Zac is the Deviant Asura but the multiverse hasn't come up with one for Arcaz. Even though throughout most of the story, including now, a majority of people think they're 2 different people.

Darnell Maxwell

Zac has a plan to blow up part of the Kantanu Sector and steal a powerful artifact. He will use said artifact to turn the war around. On his way to steal it he was intercepted by the monks. So he summoned the bell that kidnapped Vilari to stop them. Turns out 2 B grades from the Undead Empire were hiding in the bell. They killed the monks, sealed Zac and his allies, and are now fighting the bell. The monks just fucked with fate to send 2 of their own B grades. Now Zac is looking for the right moment to absorb the remnants he bought from the system store. Once he does that they will fuse into one thinking child of creation and one thinking child of destruction. If the kids win they will takeocer Zac's body and blow shit up. If Zac wins he will maintain control and blow shit up. Also he'll probably have two new voices in his head.


Nah you got it wrong, this plots been exposed since the twilight habour, you saw everyone was there for themself, they all think the primo is distracted but as he’s proven, he’s not too distracted as they think and he seem’s to have quite some respect for chaos having given the chances to infused some into tavza’s path. Bottom line i think most people mis understand the undead empire they’re not family or loyal subjects, it’s been just a shelter for miasma cultivators until now and the promo established some rule for maximum cooperation and order… it was never meant to be eternal as we all know nothing is, not even the dao…so my guess primo knew this was coming the day it the “empire” started which is why he never really medzed it, and just used it to ick out whatever advantages he has… even now he’s focused on other advantages instead of scurrying rats he doesn’t even care much for, just how much they affect his advantage.


Nicknames are for people without a backing. Arcaz Umbra’zi only allowed nickname is ‘young lord’


What I’m wondering is why are Autarchs even bothering to show up? What do they hope to gain in Zubor/Zecia, it’s not like they can mess with Ultom or the war too much or the system will shut them down. The only thing I can think of is the foreign gods, maybe they plan on using that to somehow overthrow the primo?


Yee, my thought was it was deep inside, as on the other side of the Zurbor zector from Zecia. So they have go go deep inside to get there. But might have my sector geography mixed up.


The undead rebels would probably like very much to have a pillar for their rebellion. And this is the "best" way to gather karma for the upcoming trials. But Im pretty sure the above explanation is not the whole story. They must, as you say, have something else, and more, they are aiming for as well for them to use such valuable assets in what is esentially the bumfuck end of nowhere multiverse speaking. Gonna be interesting to see if we figure out what it is before what ever it is gets blown up and/or eaten by Zac :)


What makes the [Epiclesis Bell] so special? My word both the undead and Sanga are after it!!! Arcaz should shave his head and show that he is Sanga and undead: Pasho and the Pasho’Har Bells must be connected to the [Epiclesis Bell]?? If all else fails, open the box that Esmeralda stole in the PV and throw it to the waiting Autarchs....if all else fails, just do what Zac does best.....blow things up!!! Its time to leave Kator as well, there is no way these undead Autarchs just happen to be there waiting. That guy is always one step ahead of Zac in terms of backstabbing and plotting.

Luke Scheffe

If they’ve heard of the foreign gods, that might be worth the effort. The gods could be anything from peak c grade to low a grade based on the book. And a bunch of enslaved B grades could be a substantial help to the war efforts.




'Namo Buddhaya.' Means « Homage to the Buddha »


yes but I dont see that Happening 😅 the System wants powerfull people and they are powerfull at worst they get expeld and suffer a backlash that forces them to return to the heartlands to heal


No one is after the bell (other than Zac). The Monks have detected the use of the void mountain, and their heavy hitters have been dispatched to find out who it is (they dont know they are after Zac) The Undead Autarcs are presumably interested in getting into the (sealed) Empireal Graveyard. The bell is only useful because they know that the OG Heavens and the System both hate the entity hiding inside of it. Exposing the entity will trigger a tribulation. Basically, they are trying to get past the seal on the graveyard by setting off a tribulation-bomb.

MacMahon Wenzl

My thought is that Zac needs an ungodly account of energy to level at this point, so why not use a few Autarchs to help push him to late D grade before the trial


He should currently be level 193, so he's getting there! I'm not sure he'll have time for the breakthrough though since he'll also need to upgrade his core once he hits 200. Also, that would put him on the Late D-Grade Ladder, which wouldn't be ideal. He mentioned that he was glad Kator bumped up to the late ladder so he wouldn't have to compete with him for the top spot on the middle ladder.


She is probably already watching the show from far away while laughing

John Smith

I'm now a 100% certain the system is deliberately punishing interfering elders. I also fully expect the Tayns to somehow judge this type of bullshit harshly.


Since the two Autarchs or four are somewhere they're not supposed to be... I don’t think Zac needs to use the Splinters of Oblivion and Creation. allowing the 5 array bands of the bell to snap will expose the Autarchs to the heavens bringing the Kan'Tanu from The Great Wall and the heavens. Then Zac will be able to use the splinters while in the Imperial Graveyard whenever things get crazy, and we all know things will.

Jacob Porter

4 autarchs and the bell dont seem to break the bone cage thats hiding their presence from the system but it’ll smell that sweet sweet Atavism from a mile away, i bet he uses that to fuck over all 5 of those entities. Watching the fallout will be fun. Maybe youre right though, and the last seal on the bell breaking will overwhelm the cages defenses

Tyler S.

Dont expect Kator to make it out of the graveyard undead. But yea that would be kinda nice, granted the shard/splinters may take most of the energy

Jeff McCulley

If the sectors are like petals of a flower, the bell had to cross from the outer edge of one petal to the outer edge of the petal next to it.


Is this author of tibetian or Indian origin? I see alot of reference to sanskit and few other Indian languages