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A/N: Time for some March madness! Thank you all for re-subbing, and welcome new patrons!


Zac glared at the Reaver, trying to understand why he was acting this way. The Reaver had been relentlessly henpecking him and their mission for the past six hours despite having signed off on most aspects already. Kator was trying to get a rise out of him all this time, and there was no way he was just bored. Interfering with one's breakthrough could cause a backlash or even death.

It was impossible to not draw parallells with Tavza's situation. According to Laz's explanation, something had indeed gone wrong with Tavza's cultivation after Kator had infuriated her. Most of her pathways were damaged and twisted, and some inexplicable mutation had damaged her foundations. She could barely exhibit the strength of an Early Hegemon right now.

Tavza would recover much of her strength after fixing her pathways, though that was easier said than done. Zac had discovered over the past two years just how superior he was to most cultivators in this aspect. Damage that Zac fixed within a day could take a week for his elites. This had always been the case, and it was only recently he learned the truth.

It was not a benefit of the Void Emperor bloodline or the Kayar-Elu experiments as he'd believed for most of his life. It was a benefit of his Sindris Clan heritage. The Sindris Clan was famed for their resilience and recovery, so this advantage was something he'd inherited from the biological father Leandra had mentioned.

Tavza didn't have those abilities, and the Azol bloodline didn't appear to excel in this regard. Kator wasn't lying when saying that she might not recover in time for the trial, depending on how bad the damage to her foundations was. Was Kator trying to force a similar situation on him, thinking he would be easier to control in a weakened state?

If so, Kator was doomed to fail. Energy refined by his [Void Heart] wouldn't harm him, especially not when the source energy was so gentle. On the contrary, the refined Faith Energy was so beneficial it caused another problem. Some of it was already being dragged into his cells and toward his Cosmic Core. If he waited too long he might miss his last chance to upgrade [Void Mountain]before he had to face the [Epiclesis Bell].

"Do we have a problem?" Zac said, Killing Intent slowly seeping out of his body.

"Scary, scary," Kator laughed.

His casual tone didn't match his actions. The immense force of multiple Earthly Daos exploded from his body, making the whole corridor shake. Just its latent pressure dispersed Zac's intent and suppressed him to the point his Miasma grew turbid. He would only be able to exhibit half his strength unless he activated [Void Zone] to combat the assault.

It was the first time he'd fully experienced Kator's overbearing aura since their duel. His improvements weren't quite as noticeable as Zac's. Unfortunately, that didn't mean much if they came to blows. Kator's attributes and Daos had been suppressed when they fought, which was no longer the case. And while Kator hadn't made as many breakthroughs as Zac, his gains could still be considered extreme for two short years.

Iz had warned him about this before she left for training. The elites of the Multiverse were more focused on foundations than practical combat strength in the early years of their cultivation. With the upcoming trial, their focus would shift to leveraging their inborn and accrued advantages into actual power.

The current Kator was far deadlier than before and undoubtedly among the strongest sealbearers. Only the Flamebearers mentioned in the report seemed to have a clear edge on him, which was the whole reason he'd been picked for the mission. Worse, Kator had already experienced Zac's usage of the Void. He'd slowly adapted to the unpredictability of Zac's Void-imbued technique during their duel, and he'd had two years to plan for counters.

Zac couldn't fight him now. But he wouldn't have to endure that much longer.

"You want to slink away the second we've entered the deadzone?" Kator sneered. "How am I supposed to know you're not planning on contacting someone? Perhaps the Tayn Clan? You're not leaving my sight until you've upheld your part of the bargain and taken us into the Imperial Graveyard."

"Are you trying to prevent my breakthrough?"

"When did I say that? Although I am concerned. You're making a breakthrough out of nowhere, and your body is suddenly flooded with foreign energy. What if you follow in Tavza's footsteps? How will you call over the bell then?"

"You're acting like we don't have a safeguard in place. And you don't have to pretend to worry about me. People have tried to stop my ascent from the beginning. It never takes."

"I guess I should be careful then?" Kator snickered. "Go, have fun. But this guy is coming with."

Zac glanced at the floating sphere which had appeared by Kator's side. It was made from greenish bone and covered in dense engravings that formed an abstract eye. Its runes lit up, and Zac immediately felt a sensation similar to a spiritual consciousness locking onto him, except it never relented.

Kator's demand clearly overstepped the norms of cultivation. This level of invasiveness was something you'd only see on penal cultivators and deathsworn. Zac's veins bulged from resisting the urge to smash the drone. Instead, he disappeared in a flash. He couldn't waste any more time. [Void Heart] was pumping out more and more refined Faith Energy by the second, and some was already seeping into his cells and Cosmic Core.

The orb had no problem keeping up with Zac, maintaining a distance of five meters with pinpoint precision.

"Will the spy device be a problem?" Zac asked from his nook in the small space erected in his Draugr half's chest.

"The device is nothing compared to the defenses I've breached in my days," Esmeralda assured from the seat of honor in her shrine.

Rather than a shrine, the small subspace looked like a mud pond surrounded by a dense haze. Zac was sitting in a hollowed-out trunk to get some privacy, but it still felt very cramped. They barely had twenty-five square meters between them, of which Esmeralda took up over twenty.

"This is important. There can't be another situation like the Ensolus Ruins."

"That was different!" Esmeralda furiously signed. "This tool is a Peak D-grade observer—it can't accomplish something beyond its grade. It won't notice anything amiss as long as you don't let anything leak more than two meters from your body."

Esmeralda's assurance provided some relief entered his cultivation chamber. Kator's delay didn't cost him too much energy, and his past weeks of training let him quickly find his center and give up on the bubbling anger. [Void Mountain]activated, and he infused himself. It would be hard to notice anything amiss with his body even if Esmeralda's obfuscation failed at that point. He roused the Faith Energy, gently steering it toward the waiting mountain.

A river of faith formed between Heart and Mind, where the illusory mountain accepted what [Void Heart] supplied. The last blanks were rapidly being filled in, and Zac breathed in relief when he felt the Void Sigil shudder and stop accepting energy. The Hidden Node released the last of the refined energy soon after, and Zac steered it to his Cosmic Core to be used as Kill Energy.

The remnants were far from enough to provide another level. The requirements now that he'd reached level 193 were immense, and he'd barely crossed the threshold before finishing his training. Having the Cosmic Core did remove any distractions from his body at least, allowing him to focus fully on [Void Mountain]'s transformation.

Zac didn't know what to expect now that the Bloodline Talent was about to evolve. Karz's vision hadn't shown that part, and none of his other talents shared this feature. [Void Zone] was static, and [Force of The Void] gave absolutely no indication of having been improved. Zac generally only realized he'd gained a few percent after opening his status screen.

Slowly but surely, the mountain's aura rose. It energized the Void Energy infused throughout his body, and even his Void Emperor Hidden Nodes began to hum. It finally looked as though the mountain imploded, which released a wave of extremely condensed Void Energy that carried [Void Mountain]'s unique aura.

The energy wave crept forward like a tsunami reaching land. What would happen when it left his Soul Aperture in his current state, entering his two bodies? Esmeralda could safeguard everything with two meters. What if it spread further? More importantly, his other body was hiding inside the Shrine of Kanba, a space that definitely wasn't immune to the spiritual extinguishment of [Void Mountain].

Zac shuddered at the thought of the space collapsing, depositing a toad and his other body right in his chest in a gory explosion. Thankfully, the pulse was slow enough to give him some time.

"We have to get out," Zac said from his cubby. "Can you keep hiding us?"

"Why do you insist on making trouble," Esmeralda groaned. "I'm already fearing what you'll do to this place when you absorb those cursed things later."

"You should have known what you were getting yourself into when you approached me back then," Zac scoffed. "Can you do it?"

"Two minutes at the most, and don't move! I can only trick the sentry so long. Our safe range will shrink to just over a meter."

"That should be enough."

Zac was already spying on the Reaver through the Yphelion's security system. He'd actually stayed true to his words. The Reaver was seriously scanning room by room with the help of his two assistants. Ogras was keeping them company, and Kator's barbed comments slid off without leaving a mark.

Space rippled, and Zac's alter ego appeared with Esmeralda in tow. Following the thief's instructions, Zac didn't move an inch. He remained seated in his own lap, with a pocket-sized toad sitting in his palms. It was highly uncomfortable, and Zac thanked the Heavens that Kator hadn't insisted on a human guard. It would have been incredibly hard to explain the scene, and not just because his human half was supposed to stay on Earth.

Zac didn't have time to worry about optics. The wave had already reached the edge of his Soul Aperture and continued into his body. Golden vortices and abyssal ponds absorbed a little bit wherever it passed, adding to their stockpiles of illusory motes of Void Vigor. It quickly became apparent he'd been worried about nothing. The amount of energy contained in the pulse was impressive, but so was the hunger of his bloodline. Zac even had to restrain his body to make sure his legs and arms didn't go without.

The process was quick and uneventful. Zac gently squeezed the toad after thirty seconds, and they were gone without leaving any hints of their aura. To the outside world, they had never been there. Zac remained unmoving the entire time, occasionally releasing ripples of Deathly Dao to make the room's energy more turbulent.

The mountain in his mind had already calmed down, and everything looked stable. There were no measurements to [Void Mountain] like [Force of the Void], but Zac estimated his breakthrough had increased his stockpile of Void Vigor by roughly 40%. Zac was still more interested in the mountain itself.

He deactivated the Bloodline Talent to confirm his hunch. The mountain didn't disappear as before. Instead, it somehow inverted in a way Zac couldn't quite comprehend. It was there, yet it was not. Rather than seeing it with his mind's eye, he sensed it through his bloodline. Zac somewhat felt it was the same as with the real Void Mountain. It was right there, yet out of reach even for Supremacies. There was no fate without affinity.

Zac reactivated the talent, nodding in appreciation when it cost less Void Energy and not more. It was a small benefit of inverting instead of summoning the mountain. He infused himself, letting the Void fill his body. It was impossible to properly test things out while being under surveillance, yet Zac could tell the energy density was significantly higher.

He didn't sense any new features added, indicating a comprehensive boost to the talent. It would let him phase through sturdier barriers and stronger Daos while improving his camouflage and fusion with his other cultivation aspects. Interestingly, it didn't seem to draw any more Void Vigor than before, meaning the addition to his reserves was a pure boost to how long he could keep the talent going.

Finally, Zac turned to the part he'd been looking forward to the most. [Void Mountain] rippled, and [Spiritual Void] answered. Streams of Void Life, Void Death, and even Void Conflict streamed out of the Hidden Node, each a perfect mirror of his actual Daos. Zac struggled to keep his expression impassive while roaring in triumph within the shrine of Kanba.

His theory was correct, and his prayers had been answered. Zac finally had a stable source of the Voids that belonged to his path. Adding Void to his technique had proven incredibly powerful. It almost allowed him to turn his duel with Kator around. Unfortunately, he'd lost the ability to replicate the technique since the original mountain was consumed during his bloodline evolution.

The ability to generate Void was back, stronger than ever. A few tests indicated it was quite draining to convert the stockpiled Dao into Void. Even then, it was clear he could draw far more from his Hidden Node than he ever could before. It was also incredibly easy to replenish [Spiritual Void] compared to the old mountain that needed to rest for a week after moderate use.

The only downside was that it was impossible to draw Void and Dao simultaneously, even when using different Daos as sources. He'd have to pick between adding Void to techniques or empowering skills with [Spiritual Void]'s original function. It was a shame, as the combination would have been absolutely deadly.

Zac stayed in his chambers for another hour, partly because of his reluctance to deal with Kator. Eventually, he couldn't stall any longer.

"Had your fun?" Zac asked when returning to the bridge.

"For now," Kator said. "I asked around. None of your people even know how to repair this vessel."

"Where would I get shipwrights of that level?" Zac shrugged.

"You're underestimating the dangers in the Imperial Graveyard."

"All of us are carrying spares in our spatial rings. And I'm more worried about the troubles inside the ship than those outside it right now."

"Ha! Fair enough," Kator laughed. "Don't worry, I won't tease you anymore. I can't have you mess up the next step. I'm to handsome to die in this blighted corner of the Cosmos."

The Reaver stuck to his word, and the bridge remained blissfully quiet as everyone mentally prepared for the upcoming storm. A beep made everyone open their eyes after a few hours.

"Ten minutes out, huh?" Kator said and took out a box. "Are you ready? Because there's no backing out afterward."

"We're ready," Zac said.

Ten minutes later on the dot, Kator opened the box. Inside was a crystalline flower that instantly withered when exposed to the environment. In another area of the deadzone, a butterfly would just have died, alerting the others it was time to drag the [Epiclesis Bell] into the Zurbor sector. The timing was important. They couldn't be too early or too late.

The bell's aura was almost blinding after two years of joyful sacrifices. The Chapter of Carnal Resolution was bound to notice its appearance. If everything went according to plan, a Monarch or two would be sent to investigate, at which point Zac activated a second ritual.

Another hour passed, and Zac had to calm his beating heart. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. There was so much that could go wrong in the next steps. Even if everything proceeded as it should, he would still have to face the Atavism of both the Spark of Creation and Heart of Oblivion in quick succession.

There was also the entity inside the [Epiclesis Bell] to worry about. It was highly likely that sinister thing had planned a counter after being forcibly dragged so far across the frontier.

A sudden tremor interrupted his thoughts, and Zac shot to his feet with alarm. "Activate the shields!"

It was too late. The lights had already dimmed, and the consoles went dark. Zac could only access a few emergency routines. The rest was locked down by an incredibly powerful Karmic lock that reminded Zac of his meeting with the 84th Lord. It wasn't that their ship had been sealed. Rather, any future where the ship was working had been blocked by an immense amount of opposing fate.

"We've been caught!" Jaol said with shock, displaying an image he'd recorded just before the Yphelion's systems failed. "I swear, this thing came out of nowhere! Not a hint of it on the scanners."

The seven-storied pagoda glowed with celestial lights and radiant shrouds. It was as though they were being shown a glimpse of paradise, a grandeur that shouldn't exist on the mortal plane. Zac swore, knowing his fears had been realized. They'd been intercepted by the Buddhist Sangha.

"Damn! What are those bald lunatics doing here?!" Kator roared, his body turning into a blur. Zac felt himself lifted from the ground when Kator grabbed him by the collar. "Bastard, what have you done?!"



Very. My moneys on kator being behind this.

Random Information

I'm sure True Destiny and Zac will have a friendly conversation.

Lex Luther S

Damn baldies. Stay away you bastards. But, certainly this isn't that guy blessed fate sent after zac; he'd be able to catch even a peak C grade ship let alone a late stage D grade one. My guess is this is the ones operating in zecia and they divined zac coming here. My worry is how this will effect the mission; will they try to stop it or aid it? I'm really hoping it's aiding it but given that bald fuckers annoyance when he had to break through to middle D grade to stave off that primordial. It's more liable they're here to antagonize and stop em. And man I can't wait till zacs strength reaches a lvl where Kator can't do this kind of shit to him and man it will be glorious to see the Skelton bastard beaten and broken.


Thea's return?


If course fucking sanga comes at the worst time.


Now we just need the baldies to kill kator!

Michael Fannon

So Thea and everlasting peace are back. And the baldies probably want to join Zac's mission. Ah, Kator is about to learn what adventuring with Zac is like. Especially once everyone else just looks at Zac and sighs.


Weren't some of the baldies after Zac's human side to prevent his joining?

Michael Fannon

It's never been clear what the goals have been other than to have karmic bonds with Zac.

Russell Widger

What a hearty weekend cliff...

Palmer Evans

Haha love it! No matter the inconveniences for Zac, I’m happy with the consolation prize of a big ole wrench getting thrown into Kator’s plans

Palmer Evans

God I love this story when you can feel the rising action set on the course of an exponential curve upwards! Next 50 chapters are going to be so good 😍


People were chatting about how TFD left a cliffhanger on the last chapter of February, and I just had to laugh because he leaves a cliffhanger on *every* chapter


They should be behind the shroud still. Sacred Insight's already inside and has a flying pagoda, so almost certainly him. Makes sense that they could follow the river of fate here in hindsight. Kind of their whole deal honestly. Seems likely that they would want in on the action, but boy howdy what an aggressive greeting. I wonder how long it will take for Thea to come up.

Shawn Treants

I just can't wait for kator to die wailing about how unfair it all is.

Michael Fannon

The system won't let any B-grades get involved. Except maybe the eveningtide asura since he is a native. That has some interesting possibilities, too bad he is in seclusion for the next few millennia


Zac giving himself a lap dance is not something I thought I would read lol

Lucas Gulick

Wooo! Time to meet Thea again, this is a great moment for the Sangha to intervene. They'll get to fight for fate in the imperial graveyard and Zac will get to learn about the primordial Dao creature who has seemed to elude his notice so far

Lucas Gulick

Yeah they wanted to tie their fate to his, but past that we haven't seen much of their goals

Michael Fannon

He's learning what it means to adventure with Zac. Always some insane, inescapable thing of certain death with him. I'm looking forward to Catheya, Ogras and the rest all enjoying Kator's first time with Zac.


I think they'll be on Zac side. They already have people set to enter the trial, the trial starting early before more outsiders get a way in is to thier benefit.

Lucas Gulick

Seems unlikely to me that TFD would bring in a new group of the Sangha, this feels like the perfect moment for a reveal of Everlasting and Thea. Even if they try to stop it, I suspect they will wind up aiding it


I know it makes for better story and all it's just that a lot of best characters from his whole empire are there and they are going to an incredibly dangerous place so them coming feels incredibly unfair.

Jason Bradford

They’ve been tracking Zac through his karmic link to Thea - couldn’t have done it without her. I think this goes above Kator- I’m thinking Keldor and 3 Virtues were together at the behest of their leaders - the Primo and his Buddha counterpart. This connection between the Sangha and the Primo predates the system. If you recall, the only active war between the Sangha and the Undead is with the Eternal Clan - half of whom are currently rebelling. These threads have a ways to unwind yet - I feel we’ll be seeing Pavina shortly, as well as finding out what Tavza received in her Chaos knot


At least Kator doesn't have hair to lose, Zac is going back to be Mr. Monk


Good thing he trained his heart before the bald demons arrived


They will probably try to stop it along with the unorthodox chapters. Odds Buddha team fights team cursed heart?


Those were the arhats that left the autarch killing field outside of the barrier to Zecia. This should be Thea and Sacred Insight, as Zurbor should be sealed similarly to Zecia. Though the end of the last Arhat PoV did imply they found some golem back door to catch up to zac.


What’s the level cap for D grade again? I thought it was 200 but Zac is pretty close to that and still in middle D grade.


I think they were the faction that ordered the Creators to instal something in the Yphelion. Only the Tayns, Zac's mother and the Sangha were aware of the existence of the shipyard's affiliation back then and the first two parties had trackers on Zac himself and therefore didn't need to bug the ship.


150-175 is Early Hegemony. 175-200 is Middle Hegemony. 200-225 is Late Hegemony. 225 is Peak Hegemony.


Thank you!

Henry Wartemberg

Tbf it would have been very unlike chaotic to follow such a detailed plan. Obviously everything would be off the rails immediately

Mateo Lopez

Do the baldies not realize that the Eclipses Bell is on its merry way?

Darnell Maxwell

🙂😉🙂😉🙂😉🙂😉🙂😉 I'm going to not say anything until this adventure has completed. As far as we know, these guys showing up could be a boon. So I'm not gonna take this time to badmouth any characters for making Zac's life more difficult. Can't wait to see how this graveyard adventure ends.


If Kator is a level above Zac, and the other Flamebearers are one above Kator. How will Zac catch up to these guys?

Jason Bradford

Kator’s in a tough spot - I kinda wonder if he doesn’t end up being on Team Zac after all is said and done. He’s in a terrible position underneath elders that are all significantly more powerful and not overly encouraging of rising stars. I could see him flipping the script once he knows how everything lays out


I’m guessing they will want to join the mission. Zack will have to come out, It’s going to be hilarious..

Jason Bradford

Atavism, Foreign Gods, Massive Kan Tan’u carnage, winning the Zecia conflict, System merit flowing out his a$$ and BOOM - Peak Hegemony Then? Ultom and the Imperials


Just making sure we are on the same page, there are 2 Sangha groups. One is Everlasting Peace and Thea as a karmic compass. The other are the agents sent by lord blessed fate to kill the unknown benefactor of Liandro(Zac). While the timing is sus, Zac has been on lockdown in his empire planning to be here for months, predictably so. Baldies don’t call and RSVP at restaurants, they just know that fate will get them a table of 20.


Please be Thea! I wanna see both her and Zac’s reactions to meeting again after so long


So any bets that the pagoda belongs to the Buddhist looking for Zac? And will the they clash with Kator? Kator's getting tiresome anyway.

Philly Cheese

Has Thea ever seen his Draugr side (I do not remember the timing)? Maybe she tries to kill him first.


Right! This is the second time he’s put his hands on Zac. Like at some point he’s going to find out.


Yes she saw it when they were in the treasure hunt together way early in the series.


She found out during the treasure hunt in the beginning. I think they were attacked by ghosts up in the mountains and he changed into Draugr side.

Shawn Treants

Maybe. But I hope zac kills him and then adds his body to his other born again children lol. Better use of him and more trustworthy.


He was draugr during the trigram arc most of the time from my memory so she should be aware. Zac’s mother told her about his secret army of undead after she took her also


I look forward to Zac feeding Kators miracle bones to Verun.


Kator really likes physical contact with zac. Must be gay.


This fucking skeleton. Maybe the monks will kill him.


damn a cliffhanger

Bootsie Mcfootsie

There's gotta be some nonsensical karmic reason for them to off Kator here right?


The upgrade he just got to Void Mountain puts fighting with a Void stance back on the table and should be a major trump card that will let him punch further above his weight for limited bursts. Pretty much available now and relatively unexplored, so he will probably be using it a lot in this arc and improving it. One big limit is Earthly Dao, and for Conflict that is just a matter of time. For the other two, conquering Atavism with the remnants and the likely rewards to follow from the Autarcs should put them in a similar position. He might even get the time to consolidate them all to Earthly if events between Atavism and the trial take long enough, otherwise surely before the trial ends. Those upgrades feed into his stances and skills. IIRC Earthly dao was also supposed to open up safely using Death/Miasma on his human side and Life/Cosmic Energy on his Draugr side, but I can't remember who suggested that. Sendor maybe? Anyway, Life cultivator blindsiding someone with Death and Miasma is a nice hidden ace to have and the beginning of using all aspects of his Cultivation in both forms, which would be the next major step in unifying both halves of his Cultivation. Then there's the inevitable goodies from the trial and the graveyard, like the epiphany he's going to get from the last piece of the Flamebearer quest, which he was planning on using to finish reforming the [Thousand Lights Avatar] to be axe/conflict attuned. That's also going to improve his infighting and bring him closer to the wholistic cultivation system he envisioned when dueling Kator. Add to that the possibility of upgrading his core to Late with said inevitable goodies before the end of the trial, possibly being able to directly wield baby aspects of Oblivion and Creation opening new and exciting opportunities, skill upgrades, the next stage of Soul Cultivation… He has options.


It’s about to go down!!!on Monday lol


For real lol. To walk the path of the Defier is to cultivate the Dao of the Cliff.

Jeff McCulley

What I think I’m terribly disappointed about is that Cathey’s isn’t here to see Zac’s THEA side.


Man, poor Zac lol. My dude just got Catheya and Iz back, and now Thea as well. All this Conflict is gonna give him a Heart Demon. That being said.. we've got Iz who clearly fits "Life." Catheya is obviously "Death." And then there's Thea who fits "Conflict." Certainly Zac will experience a wave of conflicting emotions seeing Thea again, since she was killed by Leandra. Zac has no idea she was actually just kinda kidnapped and dumped on the other side of the universe. Her existence IS conflict. Also, I'm sure Zac is already conflicted with just Iz and Catheya. Coincidence? Or part of some master plan of TFD? ___ Also, are we about to witness the event that is twisted knot of Chaos that Tavza glimpsed in the Grand Tapestry of Death from a few chapters ago?


When Zac finally hits Monarch, what form will he take? Will he continue to be a dual-entity as he is now? Or will the breakthrough be the result of him fusing his halves back together? Does he actually even need to fuse them? What if he instead just 'fuses' their cores or something? The mention of the inverted Void Mountain got me thinking. That, and the way the Yphelion appears as almost intangible, like half phased or whatever. Also Zac's ability to phase through shit as well. His Core was likewise described this way. What I'm picturing is both halves superimposed onto/into one body, so when he attacks with an axe swing from the right his human/life side, another seemingly illusory attack will come from the left from his draugr/death side at the same time. Both attacks are real and physical, despite appearing phantasmal. Then, perhaps he could also just fully split off again at will, if he wanted to. Now his enemy is fighting 2 people, or the other half could be off running errands or some shit.

Jeff McCulley

Hmm. Not long ago, Zac was relieved that he’d managed to keep his two full Cycles intact. Why do I suspect that he’s going to wind up with three? Or even more, as he picks up more and more strays?

Darnell Maxwell

TFD you can use your fancy words and logic to try and tell us over and over again how strong Kator is. And how Zac has no chance beating him as much as you want. But I'm a One Piece fan. I don't follow logic, I follow THE AGENDA! And the agenda states that while Arcaz may surrender a duel or be put into fights he can't win like that goblin spirit thing in the stellar ladder. So long as he's not fighting Iz Tayn. Zac will find a way to win!

Jeff McCulley

I think it’s “fused” and switchable—though he may be able to temporarily separate them.

Jeff McCulley

I think that Thea is already walking her own path, and won’t be “with” Zac any more.


Yeah I don't think so either, but that doesn't necessarily mean that neither of them still have feelings for each other anymore. I'm just saying that possibly by meeting her again, Zac will gain some more insight into Conflict, since pretty much all of his current understanding of the concept is related to physical conflict through battle, rather than its metaphysical aspects.

Jeff McCulley

He’s acting weird, without the excuse of spies seeing how he behaves—he only brought his own people with him. I wonder if someone put some funny pills in his cuttlebone snacks?


So, back to how he used to switch between them when he would 'die' before they split? Except now he can just trigger the transformation at will then.


Oh no! Those karma weaving baldies are back and they've cut off all future timelines where they don't get what they want, what ever will Zac do? The fools.. did they forget that Zac cannot be bound by fate? Let alone karma? My man's about to consume some shards and rip a Chaotic hole through their plot, and into a timeline where they become food for the Epiclesis Bell.


Zac quit during the duel when it was a tie. It’s basically a heart demon to not know who’s the better fighter. Plus, Zac slimmed down since then; which is just pathetic. The monarchs called it before he could pull his finisher! Does Zac have more friends than me? So yeah he’s hard up, wanting to throw down til he’s knows he a top… I mean ON top! Like, a winner.


Lmaooo as a one piece fan I agree it’s all about AGENDA not the story 😂


I weirdly would enjoy if seeing Thea alive is what causes Zac to form his earthly Dao of conflict. The struggle Zac has put himself through to get stronger, to just prevent 1 death. The pain/ isolation was a vicious spiral. Was there even a point? Does his want to be the master of war, only make him its servant? What happens when he gets his sister back?


Poor Zac he is just being bullied over and over by Kator


I am ready for the two Zac’s to team up in a fight finally just to beat the shit out of Kator

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Jeffrey Worrall

The problem is Zac wouldn't trust him, he would have to prove he is trustworthy and I don't think he has that in him.


why do it himself when he soon can ask the system to zap kator ?


i think zac will have to thanks the baldies, who stopped them just before kator pulled zac into a kantaru trap.


Zac: “You’re dead!” Thea:”You’re…dead?”

Daniel Rodrigues

Anyone know what chapter comes after book 12? Just finished book 12 and want to read what happens next, but I’m having trouble finding the right chapter to start on.


Chapter 1,059. The first half of the chapter is in the book, the second half isn't. I kept the whole thing to give people a refresher of the classes.


Well, he has brought a lot of friends on this trip. I think the rule is each nearby friend is +10% friendship power multiplier. More than 5 and you get a permanent nakama-buff.

Mike Naka

I was listening to Book 12 and came across a nugget of knowledge that'll hopefully help our boy Zac out when fighting against others with Earthly daos. When Zac is upgrading his soul in the Calamity sector, TFD reveals "the true use of spiritual void was to temporarily bolster his daos by almost a full stage." I totally forgot about this. Hope TFD hasn't and has got it in his notes! If Zac can upgrade at least one of his daos to Earthly by the time he faces one of those Flambearers, then he could have a really nice surprise in store for them like Fatehew empowered with Heavenly dao. My bet is that Zac will have an epiphany during the Graveyard arc, similar to when he had a breakthrough watching the Zhix fight, and he'll finally get his dao of Conflict to the Earthly stage.

Jason Bradford

We’re gonna see the Eveningtide again before too long…his Dao’s are the same Peaks with entirely different interpretations - only one can ascend to imprint their path as the ONE. Thus, conflict is assured

Michael Fannon

Thea knows Zac has 2 races. Probably knows he has 2 bodies too. And knowing his heritage and having seen his mom with her 2 bodies, Thea might have guessed he has the 2 bodies, 1 soul/mind thing going on.

Michael Fannon

They are more likely to tell him to calm down because this sort of thing always happens around Zac. And then start comparing the different levels of misery they have suffered around Zac.

Michael Fannon

Poor Kator finally getting to experience what it means to adventure with Zac for the first time.

Michael Fannon

Based on what Leandra can do, Zac will continue to have 2 bodies with a single inner-world, with one body living inside the other. Though something else could completely change that.

Michael Fannon

Alea told him he should have several wives and dozens of offspring. And I do want mini Zacs running around being literally balls of chaos.

Michael Fannon

I don't Kator to die. He has yet to suffer the heart demons that come from seeing Zac's luck. He must suffer.

Michael Fannon

I'll take that bet. It's everlasting peace, Thea and that group. The different group of monks that are looking for Zac are Autaurchs and can't get into the system locked areas.

Michael Fannon

So anyone else wondering how these baldies found Zac? He's immuned to karmic bonds and fate is highly unpredictable around him, he and most of his forces have been in lockdown within the templar training, and I'm pretty sure that even if they were marked previously, Rava would get rid of those marks simply because she doesn't want to share. That leaves the ship is directly tracked because of the sensor secretly installed way back when it was first built or Kator and his group are being tracked.


The secret sensor could explain it, but I think the Sangha could find him without it using the strongly gathering fate in the area and his connection to Thea. Zac feels deeply responsible for Thea's "death." He has a high resistance to forming new bonds, but the one with her is both intense and was present before he got the resistance. And while the exact events surrounding Zac might be a bit scrambled, he's set to change the fates of whole sectors by the events that will take place in a single location over a short amount of time. It's like the fate that gathered around Orom before the third glimpse but even more intense.

Jeff McCulley

I think what will give him that final insight into Conflict will be seeing what happens when Catheya comes face to face with Thea. Lol. Just kidding. Kinda. Er…not really.


The default of Leandra's method is to have one body be subordinate to the other, but that won't fly when he needs the two sides the be balanced. Two equal bodies with a single world seems likely to me. Whether the world will be a superposition of two like his core or more unified remains to be seen. The later would seemingly entail some (minor) expression of stable Choas though, which might still be beyond the scope of his Daos. But if that is possible, I'd say that would be the prerequisite to merging the two bodies into a third form that's some combo of the two.

Jeff McCulley

Took a moment to ponder a few things. For one, it’s pretty much a given that things as we’ve seen them aren’t as they actually are. Just for one example, I suspect that the real reason that Kator sealed the Kavriel province wasn’t to keep everyone there from communicating… …it was to keep the Reavers back home from communicating with HIM. Interfering with his plans. Indeed, I wouldn’t be surprised to find that he’s gone totally off the rails of what they want, gone completely rogue.

Jeff McCulley

That’s easy. They aren’t tracking Zac, they simply homed in on “disturbances in the Force”…er, areas of chaos in the flow of karma and went there, knowing that’s inevitably where Zac would be arriving shortly.

Jeff McCulley

Decided to make this a separate comment. I kinda found myself hoping both the “baldies” and Zac leave Kator alone. Because it would amuse me to see him facing the Epiclesis Bell. I mean, seriously. Does he try to pull his heart out? The heart he (apparently) doesn’t have? Through his incredibly tough bone exoskeleton? How does that work? I mean, seriously. I’m curious to see exactly what would happen. And it would be even better if somehow he failed miserably to resist the pull. Especially…courtesy of Vilari. As tough as he is (which is almost as tough as he thinks he is) I don’t think he has any defense against her.

Mike Naka

Yeah, I'm hoping that Kator is not just a meat head. Hope he's more than just brawn and has a brain like his uncle, Kaldor. Maybe his brashness is a front like a taunting skill to gauge the character of those he comes into contact with, like a Reaver trait that he has the brains to actually use to suss things out.

Mike Naka

Just remembered...there is a huge bounty on Arcaz's head. Maybe Kator sealed the place so he wouldn't be able to receive the order to take out Arcaz? He wants to ride Arcaz's coat tails to see where this goes. He'll get better benefits from Arcaz's fate than following through on orders.


Has Zac said what his plans for the final flamebearer seal is yet, Specifically the epiphany he gets from it? At this point it sounds like he should use it to better understand his void path and understand the void mountain better.


The thing is it doesn’t really make sense for him to attack Zac at this point. Ultom is going to be the best of the best and taking out Arcaz still leaves human Zac in the trial along with his sealbearers to cause issues for Kator. It makes way more sense to keep him as a potential ally and then betray him in Ultom where no Draugr supremacy can know he did it. Unless Kator expects to wipe out Zac’s whole group and steal all of the seals to make a new cycle


He wants to reform the Thousand Lights Avatar into an Axe Avatar to balance Life, Death, Void and Conflict

Jason Bradford

Awesome to see you stalking the threads, TFD…I just gotta say…THIS SERIES IS THE BEST F’NG SERIES I’VE EVER READ! Thank you, sir. 🙏🏻

Michael Fannon

I think I figured it out. They aren't tracking Zac at all. They are intercepting the path of the fell karma surrounding the bell knowing it would lead to Zac, since it was Zac's general that was taken and the undead are doing the sacrificing.


I think one stage is refering to the stages inside the categoris so late branch to peak barnch not branch to earthly


It’s a trap !

Jeffrey Worrall

I'm sure this won't happen but I would love for Joanna to be the one to kill Kator. Kator isn't a flame bearer, he isn't worth Zac's time. We don't know what court Kator is with but it would make sense for him to have a seal of the Indomitable Court, Joanna killing him to complete her Seal would be great, well either her or Carl, after all he is the Atwood janitor, taking out the trash is part of his duties.


Zac’s Karmic link block is a D rank benefit; so anyone that could make a Karmic link before then is still available. Thea is a huge link and Everlasting Peace did save his life with the lotus seed. the sangha had been influencing Zac Dao of trees from the beginning. The Cherry he ate was chanted over by a monk for a thousand years. He gained a Dao fragment in the tower of eternity! No one does that, let alone a mortal. BTW, this oddity made Iz notice a bug that refused to die like one. Zac is a chess piece in a much larger game. Them being here isn’t strange. Their refusing to aid Zecia to pressure Zac into desperate Hail Mary moves, is the game. These trillions souls are going into Samsara.. what will be will be. They are free of earthly possessions like mortality.

Jeff McCulley

Rereading the beginning of the just released Book 12, it struck me. Kator is almost acting as if someone dosed him with Kazh Strangleroot.


Tbh I don’t agree with Joana killing Kator that will take some crazy power leaps, but I am down for solid fights for Joana and Carl maybe they fight some heavens chosen


A very interesting picture of Zac flying with system merit fallen out his ass….. literally


Didn't the baldies send a deva or something looking for someone likely Zac for impinging on there domain

Lex Luther S

Yeah, some ancient supremacy alive from the limitless empire era named blessed fate. Though I highly doubt this is him as he was likely a peak autarch.

Andy Swearingen

I wish Kator could become a friend so bad 😂 I absolutely love him and the Rever race so much. Such a cool way to implement skeletal undead.