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Hey everyone!

We are now at the halfway point of the Into the Wilds Battlemap Books Kickstarter campaign and it has totally exceeded all of our expectations. Over £85,000 raised and 3,000 books sold already, and with still 2 more weeks to go! Thanks so much to all of you who have backed so far, and to all of you who have shared the Kickstarter with your friends.


I want to share some more previews with you so you can all get a better idea of what exactly will be in each book, and so you can give me some feedback about what else you would like to see

Please note - none of these previews are 100% final yet, but this is where we are at currently. There will be at least 1 more spread to come for each book once the campaign ends, as we will be waiting to hear from the Commission tier backers, and changes may still be made between now and when we start production based on your feedback.

If you want to get a closer look at these previews, you can download them here 

Please keep in mind these are low resolution previews only.

Forests & Villages

These spreads have been shared already on the main page, but here they are slightly bigger and with labels:


And I can also share the complete set of sticker sheets that will go with the Forests & Villages book:


Deserts & Jungles

Here are the preliminary spreads for the Deserts & Jungles book:


and the sticker sheets:



As previously announced after breaking the 50k stretch goal, the very talented Will Savino aka MusicD20 will be creating a brand new track to go with each book. As a special surprise for you today, he has already completed the first track 'Toward the Grove' which accompanies the 'Forests & Villages book' and you can download and listen to the entire track here!

Will is a composer and writer for tabletop and video games. He has scored dozens of indie games and has recorded over 400 tracks to help folks bring their RPG sessions to life. He is also the writer and composer for Borough Bound, a collective of RPG creators who build fully realized cities for use in tabletop campaigns.

You can check out his work here - musicd20.carrd.co

More soon!

That is all I have to share with you today, but there will be more coming soon. Don't forget to leave a comment on this post, or drop into my discord server, to share your feedback and what kinds of maps you would like to see in the books!

Head to the Kickstarter page now to pledge if you haven't already! 



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