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Hey everyone!

The incredibly talented duo of Abyssal Brews have put together this new creature that pairs with the previously released Stained Bulwark Magic Item and my Gothic Cathedral Map Set  


Living creatures of pure stained glass, the luminaries are said to be protectors of sites most holy that cannot fall into the hands of evil. Some prowl the sites that they guard, while others lie in wait, masked as those they were just another window in a cathedral.

The creation of a Stained Luminary is no small undertaking. They are living beings of light and magically infused glass that takes years of craftsmanship to perfect. The perfect marriage of artificing and glasswork comes together to make these seemingly fragile beings far more resilient than one could expect. The final breath of life given to them by a touch of divine magic.

These constructs are often protectors of holy sites deemed too important to fall. At times they are used to protect ancient places of worship, influential figures, or sometimes holy relics of the highest importance to a holy order. They care little for the nature of invaders on their protected space, seeking only to eliminate threats before harm could come to pass on the things they protect.

These constructs often only obey their creators. They are not the most intelligent beings as they are intended to serve a simple purpose of protection. To this end,
they will often take the most direct, and bloody, route to solving a conflict. Some Luminaries may be controlled by other means, such as a command word, or even bound to a specific item. Once they are set to a task, they will fulfill it until either they or their target are eliminated.


While Stained Luminaries aren't particularly intelligent creatures, they can be difficult to figure in groups due to their ability to stay at range and cycle their radiant burst. It's recommended that you put no more than 2 together unless your party is exceptionally skilled. Consider pairing them with more grounded enemies to make sure melee characters have something to contribute.

• Luminaries are immune to several types of conditions due to their construct nature. This is important to keep in mind as it can shirk off a lot of control spells relatively easily.

• It's ability to make two shard attacks at range shouldn't be ignored. Keep it high and away from the party and let it pepper shards while they deal with more local threats. Once it is pressured directly, it will resort to melee for more damage.

• Radiant Absorption is sure to make things difficult
for good aligned Clerics and Paladins. Make sure you describe cracks in the glass mending under the damage to give a hint.

• Radiant Burst is a good way to start a fight with a luminary. It can then fly into the air and pepper targets while this ability recharges before it comes down to do it again.


AbyssalBrews is a team of two creating elegant magic items, creatures, character options, and more for your 5E table. We release fully illustrated content weekly in tons of formats to fit your table whether physical or digital. We have dozens of items in our backlog that you get instant access to the moment you sign up. Let us take some of your prep work off your hands with our items and options.

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Sir Daniel Fortesque says to aim for the heart. Well, it was more like "merhhh uhhhhn errrrghhh"

Bastien Leblanc

That fits very well the recent gothic cathedral map 👌❤️


That was the plan! Both this and the Stained Bulkwark item were designed to go with the cathedral