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Hey everyone!

This months new magic item from Abyssal Brews is the Stained Bulwark, part of the Ruin & Rebuild series. This item is designed to fit thematically with my recently released Gothic Cathedral battlemap set.

Stained Bulwark

Shield, rare (requires attunement)

Crafted from the husk of a stained luminary, what appears to be simple glass is actually magically infused to be tougher than steel. Crafting these shields is a marriage of artificing and glassworking that is difficult to master, but worth it for those that wish to harness the unique powers of the luminaries for their own gain. You have a +1 bonus to AC while attuned to this magical shield.

You can speak a command word to cause this shield to emit bright light in a 30 ft. cone in front of you and dim light for an additional 30 ft. You can speak the command word again to cause the light to fade. As a bonus action, you can cause the shield to emit blinding light in a 30 ft. cone in front of you for 1 minute. Any creature that can see the light and begins their turn in the cone or moves into it for the first time must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of their turn.

Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until the next dawn after having bathed the shield in sunlight for 1 minute or in front of a fire for 5 minutes.


AbyssalBrews is a team of two creating elegant magic items, creatures, character options, and more for your 5E table. We release fully illustrated content weekly in tons of formats to fit your table whether physical or digital. We have dozens of items in our backlog that you get instant access to the moment you sign up. Let us take some of your prep work off your hands with our items and options.

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I am a new patron and I found you by accident but I just want to let you know this is the most hype find for me<3