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When I began SBP almost seven years ago (yes, it really has been that long) one of the first trial videos I did to see if I could actually do video essays about comics was Cerebus. So, it feels very weird to finally get to the end of my examination of the series.

Hopefully, by the end of this week, I'll finally have the video about Cerebus 151-200 complete. It's a script I wrote some time ago (concurrently with Jaka's Story/Melmoth, to be precise) but I've been adding to it and refining it over that time. I wanted to glean as much as possible from the source material so I could definitively state, "There! That's the best I can do. That's all I have in me to say about Cerebus."

I realized last week I was avoiding bringing this era of SBP to a close. To me, that's what it feels like. Sure, over the months I did add relevant material to the script. But, really, what I was doing was avoiding that sense of closure, I guess you could say.

Once this video goes live, I'll have made what amounts to a two hour documentary that examines a highly controversial series and how it got to that point. It's tempting to go back and compile an actual two hour look at the series, correcting or expanding parts as I go along. But I think it's time for me to move along. Time to end that chapter of SBP history.

After that, I'm eyeballing Shade The Changing Man.  It's a series that seems fondly remembered but kind of overlooked in the YouTube space. Maybe I'm the one who corrects that oversight. Lots of people say they want it. But I suspect it's not going to be overly popular. Then again, looking back at the history of this channel, has that every stopped me before? Yeah, not so much.

As for the next, massive series I might tackle? Hellblazer. But that'll be another multi-year thing and I'lll actually do the whole series. Which is...daunting, to say the least.

As always, there's lots more in the works!

Now it's time to get back to work.



Kelly L.

I second that or at least a video about the final issue.