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The Shade The Changing Man video is taking a lot longer than I anticipated. Due to it being requested multiple times and the fact that it's barely represented on YouTube, I'm trying to be reasonably thorough before releasing it into the wild. That requires a bit more time, but it is being worked on! It is coming very soon!

Also in the works is a video I've titled: Comics 101 - The Elements Of A Page. It's a guide on how to read comics, but it leans heavily into how I go about analyzing a comic. As the title suggests, I go in-depth examining the four key elements of a page: The panel, the lettering, the gutter and the artwork. This is something suggested in Discord and I thought...yeah, that might be worthwhile to write about. So, it'll be, roughly, a 20-30 minute lecture about the mechanics of a page and how that influences the reading experience.

One of these two videos will be next! I'm just not sure which. But you'll definitely see at least one of the them sometime next week.



Geare Bauchs

The Cabal demands an examination of Jack Kirby’s short lived rap career.