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The Wholesome Latias Experience - or ‘I swear, this Pokémon Copypasta is worthy of the Most Wholesome around’ (Pokémon, SI)

I think I hit the jackpot. Just a thought, obviously, but I am quite sure that I had scored the best isekai situation possible.

And no, it’s not because I died and got inserted in the world of Pokémon- that last bit could have gone one way or another, but the reality I got was the best I could have asked for.

I was not pushing for a journey through the gyms. I was too old for that shit. And I saw no advantage in tackling that sort of business. No, I had decided to do something that settled me for life… all in a single month.

I know, I am not being too specific but… here’s the story: I woke up a month ago in the middle of an unknown island. I would wake up in the forest near Fortree Village in the region of Hoenn.

I was… well, I was a bit perplexed by the neverending sight of woods and foliage. I thought I had been paradropped into a Bear Grylls-level situation. I could barely survive with what I had on myself and I didn’t even know where I was at that point.

Had I been kidnapped? How come I couldn’t remember much after getting hit by that random Coca Cola truck coming rushing at me from the sidewalk? I would say I had plenty of worries already on the spot.

I sat for a moment, thought about my situation and…

“Fuck it, I am hungry.”

I woke up starving a bit, and I could tell I had to have missed one of the meals of the day as my stomach was rumbling for something to digest. I started to look around for anything that would get my attention, and as I was searching, I stumbled on a small tree with berries.

Yes, it wasn’t wild Pokémon that made me understand I was in this fictional yet not world, but berries. How many pink swirly bananas like the Mago Berry do exist in the real world? And as sweet as those at that? By far the sweetest fruit I had the opportunity to taste.

I found a few more trees and used my jacket as a sack to carry as many as I could around. I ate a few to satisfy my hunger, and soon started to plan my walk to try and find civilization around.

But before I could have started to make my way into… Well, anywhere but there, I almost felt a pulling force snatch the jacket-sack out of my hands. I had it grasped tightly to not let it fall, so I was able to keep it from getting yanked out of my clutch.

Panic exploded as the pull didn’t stop at a simple yank, and I was soon playing tug o’ war with something I could barely see. It was invisible, it was determined and… and I had to do something to stop this mess at once.

I couldn’t exactly fight something that was invisible Pokémon as those could pack a bigger punch than I could, but I could try to push this one away. I carefully studied its semi-invisible frame and then found its head.

I placed my hand over what I instantly noticed being their forehead, pushing the Pokémon away- when it suddenly stopped pulling and caused me to fall backward due to the momentum behind my counter-pull.

I recoiled, hissing a bit as my butt was hurting from the fall but… but then I looked up. And I saw a surprised face staring back at me. A face with pretty amber eyes. I instantly recognized what it was.

That’s a Latias. So, this could be bad if there’s a Latios around. Actually, that may be it- there is not a Latios as those would usually fly together.

The Latias in question looked a bit tense, cheeks flushed and looking fairly embarrassed as her gaze darted from my face to the sack containing the Mago Berries. Then back to my face.

I had already established she was hungry but… she also looked a bit tired with sleep bags under her eyes. I kind of felt bad.

I opened the bag and offered one of the Berries to the Eon Pokémon, her eyes wide open for a brief moment, and then she reached out for it. She ate it in a single bite, but eased down as she munched on the berry, unconsciously landing her chin on my lap in the process.

The bliss on her face was adorable, and it kind of got me to react at the sight of her forehead to once again place my hand there. She went stiff for a moment, eyes shooting open but she looked up at me and saw how at ease I was while headpatting her and… Latias relaxed with me.

It was a rather soft moment, but one that had major repercussions for my survival and thriving life in this new situation. After I was done feeding her two more berries, I decided to ask Latias one thing. I was expecting rejection, but… It was worth a shot.

“So, I am kind of in a situation,” I started to talk, the Latias purring under my headpatting as she listened to my words. “I am without Pokémon and… and I don’t want to do the whole ‘journey to the Pokémon League’ thingy. I would like someone that could help me find a chill life- no issues, but still helpful in protecting me if needed.”

One eye was open and looking at me.

“Wanna be my starter?” I asked and… she frowned. “Like, I wouldn’t stop you from leaving so-”

“Latias~.” She replied… and I thought it was a positive response.

“You sure?”

A nod, and I knew it was truly a confirmation.

“I am… I am really happy about it. See, I have a plan to make some money by going into mines, getting some precious rocks and then we- blablabla blabla bla blabla~

I would learn shortly after that Latias had gotten nothing from what I was telling her. At this point, her decision to join me was less related to my plans and what I intended to do. As a Pokémon that heavily relied on psychic empathy and actions, she found my kindness, my headpatting and my joviality worthy of making me her trainer.

So, she was a bit surprised when we were soon flying around Hoenn, bombing some of the caves and making lots of money to then create a nice isolated house with its own berry garden, autonomous water system, electrical array and a lot more. In the end, we had one of the best homes a man and his Pokémon could ask for. And no sense of urgency to do more beyond that.

Still, beyond the few shocks left and right, Latias stuck by my side as we started a life of peace and relative laziness as she pursued headpats, hugs and cuddles, rendering life a rather lovable and comfortable experience in this world.

That is, until some plot-related hurdles came by to say ‘hello’.



Inspiration for this story:
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of human and Pokémon travel partners, a Latias' forehead is proportionally sized and perfectly shaped to fit the average human hand? This means that when you give them a headpat, you are able to provide stimulation to the 5 sensitive nerve spots around its head & ears all at the same time with minimal movement and effort causing a healthy release of dopamine which thus relaxes its muscles that they constantly put a strain on in order to fly at incredibly high speeds for long distances. This makes them the perfect travel partner because they constantly desire your affection through headpats. Also they can do all this other crazy shit:
-Sense Emotions
-Communicate telepathically
-Turn invisible
-Turn their appearance into literally anything

P.S. There are Multiple Latias/Latios. So no, this isn’t the one from Altomare.



Gracias por el capitulo


Just seeing this, reminder that Ash received a kiss on the cheek from a Latias, if that isn't scoring, I don't know what is!


The fact that Latias stole Ash's first kiss from Serena is funny as hell, really hope there's a callback to that 🤣