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Are we really friends? 5 - or ‘So, I got inserted in a NTR Victim’s body but… I am kind of not upset since I don’t know these girls?’ (Original Hentai NTR Subversion, SI!Victim(?))

White mask, white hoodie, black pants, gloves and a bag with other ‘fun’ stuff that I had bought recently plus the clothes I had been putting on before reaching close enough to dad’s old workplace.

The entire area looked like a normal office, the building tall but still failing from being among the tallest in the city. Giving a look around, I managed to spot an emergency staircase that led to an alley. It wasn’t one that reached the top floor or the one floor I was trying to get at, but it was the best way I could find to enter the building undisturbed.

I half-expected to make my way to one of the offices with still some workers dealing with their shifts, but I was perplexed to find the uppermost floor the staircase reached to be devoid of any workers.

No one was there doing stuff, which was odd since I saw other floors with people on it. And it’s not even like this place is meant to have that grand opening of workplaces for newcomers.

Something was wrong, but I didn’t enter the building until after I had activated the first of the many fun gadgets I brought with me- a special mobile jammer. The little thing would emit a disturbance signal that was going to disrupt cameras all around me as I moved through the building.

The reason why it was so cheap was because it tended to dry up fast and it focused mainly on cameras. Stuff like walkie-talkies and similar were going to work as smoothly as they should even with it active.

So, I had limited time and I couldn’t isolate the guards’ communication system so they were going to have an easier time coordinating patrols to find out where the disturbance was originating from.

Without hesitation, I opened one of the windows that led to one of the hallways, and entered through it. Looking around, I started to rush towards the elevators, knowing that I had to move fast before they were able to track me down.

The entire infiltration was not one where I could successfully dodge attention. By being stealthy, I was drawing eyes on me, so I had to move quickly and… I got to the elevators right on time to enter one and dodge two guards trying to see what was up.

At this point, I knew that I was going to face some immediate issues if I didn’t get to the right office and had it locked up and barricaded within twenty minutes. And as I rushed to the upper floor, I was greeted by an equally empty floor as no one was working there either. It was odd, and it made this whole idea a bit more worrisome than before.

Despite the growing unease, I found dad’s office, locked the door behind me once I was inside, and moved to use some of the desks to block entry to anyone with keys.

With that done, I rushed to his desk and looked around. I had a spare key to his desk that he had left home just in case he forgot the one he had on himself somewhere at work. I quickly looked and looted the cabinets, my nervous expression morphing in a confused one as I found dad’s document- the one he signed for the trip… but also those signed by other colleagues. People that had been assigned to some of the floors there.

All of those were cataloged in folders listing dates, within years and months. It was a big stack that I quickly moved to the bag. I finally got to the last container, and paused at the sight of what was contained there.

I could see a gun, a Minebea P9, a Japanese-licensed version of the SIG Sauer P220. Two small 9mm ammo boxes, and… a badge. I picked it all and settled it on the bag, all but the badge. I looked at the stuff written there but the hell is PSIA?

A loud knock on the door woke me up from my thoughts, and I turned to see someone trying to break into the room by ramming into the door. I had little time left, as I could hear someone outside mentioning bringing out the emergency ax.

Gritting my teeth, I retrieved a screwdriver that I used to open up dad’s work pc and retrieve the Hard Drives there. One of those looked odd as it was a freshly added SSD. A 5TB SSD at that. I put it all back once I harvested the harddrives, knowing that leaving it disassembled would have been a clue for them to use to find out who was behind this ‘heist’.

Once I was done with all of that, I stood up from the chair and rushed to the edge of the room, finding a ventilation grate that could be opened up once the screws were removed. I was compelled to move fast as I finally heard the noise of the door getting hammered hard with an ax.

Soon the screws were out of sight, and I pulled the grate hard, allowing me passage as soon as I removed it. I crawled through, rapidly moving to unscrew the other grate leading to the office room beside this one.

By the time the bastards had broken the door, I was already walking up to the door of the other office, slowly opening it and then rushing to the elevators. I heard footsteps chasing, but I got to the elevators before they could have.

Before I could have gotten to the right floor, the elevator stopped- And I got out my trusty screwdriver to unscrew the panel and reveal some of the wires available for some touching.

I carefully activated the emergency doors’ button, opening the doors but the space to slip down was quite limited. I had to crawl a bit and waste time, but I succeeded in getting out of that trap.

I was still two floors above the staircase, and rushing down through the internal stairs would be a problem. Digging in my bag, I retrieved the hooked rope that I had bought from a website about mountaineers’ equipment.

I got to the window right above the staircase, setting the hook firmly by the edge of it and slowly shifted down the wall. I was not fat, but I was heavy with everything in my bag plus my own weight.

The hook gave away right as I was a small jump away from the case, giving me a scare, but still allowing me to keep the item for future uses. The guards had gotten to the window, looking down and shouting at me to stop before gunshots rang through the alley as I rushed down the emergency staircase.

By the time they got to the entrance of the alley, I was long gone. I was terrified, nervous and yet confident I dodged them all without giving away anything of what had happened.

I changed back to normal clothes before going home. Mom didn’t seem to notice I was shaken as she was taking notes from advice my aunt, her sister, was giving her about potential job offers.

At this point, it was possible that she was going to find something small to make some money, but it wasn’t going to be enough. Yet, despite that pressing issue, I couldn’t help but feel this wasn’t the most important thing.

Not when I could now look more into the documents, the badge and gun, but also the harddrives. The documents were proof- Dad was not the only one that was given this and they were all packed with small clauses that warned about potential ‘relocations’ for ‘re-education and disciplining lessons’.

The legalese was interesting, but it wasn’t going to protect much if this was coupled with the video we received. This was going to blow a massive hole through the company itself since it was clearly involved to a major extent.

And that was before I dug into the harddrives through my PC and noticed that all the data about the company was carefully hidden through passwords- none of which I was privy of as the data there had no clue on those.

Yet, it wasn’t a futile endeavor. Not when I opened some folders and realized those were notes taken by dad. Some of which coincided with the day he had to leave the workplace for the job overseas.

It was keywords, connections, assumptions about potential names, but… also a video. This one was encrypted with password, with a .txt document having a question.

My two most precious treasures.

I felt my heart sink as I inputted my name following mom’s own and… and I was greeted with pre-transformation dad.

Is this working? I think… Yes, yes it is.” The man hummed, and I put on my headphones to limit the chances of mom hearing this. “If someone has found this video… I hope it is given to my wife and son. For them to know what happened and why I may no longer be around. If that really happened then… I am sorry. I lied to you both.

I leaned back, homework forgotten for now as I continued to listen to the message.

If this has been given to them and they are listening to this message then… I have to tell the truth. I am not a normal salaryman. I am an Agent of the PSIA, the Public Security Intelligence Agency. It’s like… well, it’s like the FBI when it comes to the Secret Service of Domestic Affairs here in Japan. I was not a top agent, but my superiors tasked me to keep an eye on this company for a while as they expected it to be a simple scam company. That’s why I had to ‘move’ from the old job to the new one two years ago.

And yet that wasn’t the case.

Considering the last year, I can confirm this is now no longer acceptable as a parameter. The company is behind a process of enslaving women. I have yet to cross the source of this trafficking operation, but it is clear that it has to do with the workers there. Oddly enough, no males are mentioned despite men being given similar displacement trips to ‘expand the company’s reach’. Something doesn’t feel right, but it is clear I may have to take one of those trips and hope that it is something I can survive. If not – and I think I am dead or worse at this point – I am sorry for lying. I am sorry for keeping all of this a secret. I know I disappointed you Himiko and Satoru, I am- I am sorry I couldn’t be there for you, my son. I should have been there to help you around the ways of life. Your first crush and love, I hope it will be Misako-chan but… things change, people change.

“Maybe too much at times,” I muttered quietly.

Still, with all of this being said, if you come up with this video, then it means there is a chance you may have important data that has to be sent to the PSIA. Satoru, you need to find a phone that should be in my workroom back home. It is within the second cabinet on the left. Looks like a relic, but it has a single number you will contact. Within the folder of this video there is a text file with a ‘Important Codes’ list and you will use the ‘Balabala’ and then the ‘Code Nox’ ones. You will receive a date and a location- Son, you have to be the one to bring the data there within the right time.

There goes my chance to not be pulled into deeper shit.

It’s a lot but this will be the last big thing this operation will require from our family. I am sorry I ruined this. I should have refused. I had been looking forward to a bigger reward to sustain us but- but I may have bitten a bigger predator than I. And I am sorry that this brought the family to ruins. Himiko… I will love you forever. Son- Satoru, you- you need to protect your mother. For me. For us. Please.

The message ended, and I had a headache. And tears. I wasn’t sure which of the two came first, but it wasn’t relevant at the moment. This was a big mess and a half. One that may have repercussions if I didn’t solve this at once. I wasn’t even sure if I should be showing this to mom but…

I have to go one step at a time.

I walked up to dad’s work room and retrieved the phone. The number was there and I used the codes that Dad mentioned within the text file. After a brief pause, the ‘mattress vendors’ gave me the date and place I had to bring the data. It was on the weekend, so I should be safe from trouble but…

This is getting ridiculous- why the hell my new life can’t be away from troubles?



The Espionage Emergence Arc unfolds! But first, some more anti-yandere developments. More of the Yandere’s background is revealed and her reasons to ‘switch targets’ with Satoru.



Hell of a twist man, but I am absolutely all for it!


I was expecting magic girl not James Bond. Can't wait to see where it leads.