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Cunning God of Cuddles 6 - Or ‘This Little Birdie is truly a Cuddly Bio-Weapon!’ (RidleyClone!SI Xover)

Sector 3, the Pyrosphere.

I love the fact I have the Varia Fur because the heat was unpleasant. Not unbearable, but it was keeping me stiff through the entire first section of exploring the heated areas. Right as I got out of the Morph Tunnel, I was introduced to an elevator that led to the lower sections which Samus should be wandering.

At this point, I have resigned myself to the thought that things were not going to be easy. Because, they were not. While the heat was easy to deal with, I realized that some of the hostile creatures in this Sector I couldn’t damage.

It was as I ventured into the large volcanic region with various condensed rocks forming platforms for anyone to jump through that I met my match with the Magdollites.

Introduced in Super Metroid, those monsters were not meant to be faced without Ice Beam and Super Missiles. And I had neither as three of those appeared from the lava and started to stalk me through the platforms.

I tried to hit one, the obvious result unfolding as my Fire Breath was ineffective against a monster born from fire. Instead of trying to risk my life in killing those things, I realized I wasn’t stuck to face them to proceed, so I bolted through the platforms before getting through the section and into one of those Briefing Rooms.

The door closed behind me before the Magdollites could have hurled bubbles of lava at me, leaving me to rest a moment before thinking on how to solve this.

An ‘Ice Breath’ sounded like a ludicrous idea considering my primary attack power was based around heat. Either some Sci-Fi shit was going to allow this to be possible or something else entirely different but similar to the effects of Ice Beam.

As I recovered from the mad sprint, I noticed that the terminal had activated on its own, and that the screen was showing a few things.

Samus on the move, Proto-Ridley on the run, a map with a yellow dot, a purple dot and an orange dot. Going by colorful expectation, I could tell the first was Samus as she had yet to switch to her Varia Suit for some reasons, the Purple Dot is the bastard, and the last is yours truly.

I am the closest to the running bastard also.

Right as I thought this, words flashed on the screen with the map.

Objective: Track Down Proto-Ridley.

Well, someone else beyond me is bloodthirsty but… who was it? Adam? I am starting to think there’s more than just a few troublesome spies afoot and yet I was also aware they were helping me to some extent.

Why, I couldn’t tell. But for now they were being helpful, so I decided to follow through with this ‘Objective’. As I stepped through the other door, I was greeted by a large transparent tube hall that led around the next section.

I just could tell this was going to somehow break so… I didn’t walk slowly here just to avoid getting spooked. And it paid off as numerous Magdollites appeared from the sides and started to bash at the tube, cracking it.

Now, I want to mentally high-five myself considering that cliche proved to be right, but I am above that and I could tell the reason behind this development was not going to be pleasant.

One thing is a couple of those hunting me down, but this was a horde of Magdollites that had been pissed off and set on me from something that is either pissing them unconsciously or actually doing so willingly.

Either way, I was out of there and bolted through the tube before they could have broken it. Once through the door, I was looking at a large room with a central terminal and what looked to be an Alpha Metroid resting in the middle of the path.

I started to approach it, thinking it was going to wake up at the noise of my pretty claws hitting the metallic floor but-


Cracks started to appear on its body, and soon something slammed out of it. Four spider-like legs followed by an angrier looking Metroid. A Gamma Metroid!

The thing shrieked before charging towards me. Rushing with the hope of getting to me before I had it killed. A hopeless idea considering this evolution could be damaged by Ice Beam and, as I could attest after setting part of its membranae on fire, also Fire Breath.

Screeching in agony as his covered bits were burning up, it jumped and started to float above in an effort to dodge my attacks. I was an unforgiving sniper, burning even more of its carapace before forcing it back on the ground. Convulsing while lying on its back, the Gamma Metroid’s spider legs couldn’t do much as I started to claw and bite at its gelatinous belly, tearing it apart and devouring it with utter ferocity and hunger.

I jumped back once the job was done and-

Two Energy Tanks Absorbed!

EN: 99 [][][][][][]

So, the Energy tanks from those things increased the more evolved they were. I was tempted to wonder how many I would get from killing and eating an Omega or even a Metroid Queen, but both bosses were well above my current abilities and I could only shudder at that possibility at this point.

Still, I had more energy and seemingly a Power-Up waiting for me by the central platform. It felt like how I encountered Kraid, yet there were no barriers around, only a central section that seemed impossible to detach.

I was still tense, looking for any reasons to believe it was a trap but… easing down as I realized nothing there screamed of trap. And that the honey pot was just too sweet to ignore.

Speed Booster acquired!

Now, this was a really good ability but… the way it was set there was ominous. And I realized right as I picked it up and the platform was encased in a semi-circular barrier around it that it wasn’t a mere platform- it was an elevator. One that led to the lower grounds. Why the hell is it always the lower grounds?! Why not those above Samus? Who the fuck is behind this!?

What is it with this troublemaker and their necessity to hurl me in this ship’s various basements!?

Growling in annoyance, I was glad that I didn’t end up shooting out of the base into space. No, I ended up in what looked to be caves. Caves with levels of heat that actually made me sweat a bit even with the Varia Fur.

From bad to worse, and I had a feeling that we weren’t done with the crappy news just yet.

As I left the elevator, I started to explore the caves. No signs of hostile mobs, only… shakes. The ground was shaking, the walls and the ceiling too. Frowning, I made my way around, trying to either a) find a way out or b) find the source of the shaking and kill it.

Turns out that I didn’t need to do either as the source of the disturbance was the one finding me. I found myself in front of two paths. One to the hard left and one on the hard right. I looked around to try and think of which one to explore first when… the ground started to shake more aggressively, and it was coming from the left-

Right was something screeching angrily and clawing its way to my general direction. Very loud and uttering a single familiar name that raised my dread from 0 to 100.


Well shit, who did my predecessor piss now!?

I tilted my head to the side more and… Oh fuck, that thing is speeding towards me!

I had just a glimpse of it, and I could tell it was trouble. Without a doubt in my mind, I bolted to the opposite direction, panic rising as the thing was moving so fast it was absurd to think it was actually-


Like hell you will, you red fatass! SPEEDBOOST, GO!

I started to pick up speed as blue energy bathed my body, granting me a boost to my speed and allowing me to outpace the red monstrous thing coming for my ass.


Okay, Ridley, what the fuck does Crocomire mean with that shit?!?



So, I learned through the Wikitroid that Crocomire is actually a gril (so I don’t know how it is true as they just use this female pronouns on Crocomire, but I added this detail as a fun thing). So, her reason to be going after Little Birdie’s ass is just the grievance of a furious pirate non-mommy monster that wants validation.


EN: 99 [][][][][][]

Current Breath(s): Fire, Charged

Protection: Varia Fur

Misc.Abilities: Morph Ball, Morph Blast, Speed Booster


Pedro Jose Bello Belen

Well Little Birdy, let’s see if you’re able to not just pacify but also Charm Crocomife next time~!

Tony Kirkwood

Welp surprise adoption time with the mc as the vict- mean adoptee