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Are we really friends? 4 - or ‘So, I got inserted in a NTR Victim’s body but… I am kind of not upset since I don’t know these girls?’ (Original Hentai NTR Subversion, SI!Victim(?))

It was the weekend and it was time to finally enjoy a break from school.

As Sunday started and I got confirmation from an early morning message from Satsuki that the Game Night was on, I started to work around the house to make sure that no surprises happened. Like a burglar, a mugger- or even a rapey monster really.

While I wouldn’t do this frequently, I had to keep in mind that the ‘forceful moth wife’ doujin was a strong possibility and I didn’t need to have a Yandere monster after my ass after getting a normal one already there.

I wasn’t getting outsmarted by this sort of shit on a day that was meant to be my ‘destress day’ with my tomboy childhood friend. And as I checked on mom… I couldn’t help but feel like something was amiss.

Eikasu Himiko was not someone dealing with any cheating affair. She was a gorgeous woman that got many eyes on her, but she was wary of men that were giving her lustful eyes. Even now that her husband was busy with his trip out of Japan.

I could attest she had not been unfaithful and that she had found a nice way to not get overly stressed through the means of at-home yoga. It was not odd for me to walk on her doing some exercises after she was done cleaning around.

The woman would put extra effort to not do anything outrageously scandalous in terms of poses, mostly out of self-consciousness over her curvy frame. So, it wasn’t even an ‘effort to seduce me’. No, I could tell my ‘mom’ was the best mom even in this reality.

Sadly, I have started doubting the same could be said for my new dad. Eikasu Hiroki was the average salaryman that many tended to pick on due to his submissive attitude.

I wouldn’t say that’s a bad habit, but he tended to get tricked a lot by what worried comments I would hear from mom over what dad was doing overseas. I wasn’t too bothered by those, but I could see a potential chance of a man like this snapping and going ‘I want some bitches to double my rizz’, so I kind of expected that to happen, eventually.

It hadn’t happened, which was why I didn’t think much about it.

Yet, I had this feeling that something happened and that it was bothering mom a lot. And if she was bothered, I was bothered to. There’s no way I would just let the woman that loved me to the fullest as a mother be upset or hurt over something or someone.


“Is everything alright, mom?”

Himiko could only offer an apprehensive look. It was big, but she was holding back from telling me. She gave a dismissive look shortly after recoiling the question.

“E-Everything is fine, dear. Just focus on getting things ready for Satsuki-chan’s stay.”

I wanted to press it, but I could just tell she was hurt over it. Maybe ‘that’ happened. Maybe dad snapped, paid some prostitutes and did some stupid shit with them before rejecting his family and all of that.

I decided that it was best to let it go for the time being. I was going to be more pushy tomorrow after school and see what was bothering her so much. But for now, it was best to not push it on her.

Time passed, hours flew by and soon Satsuki was there… and she had her PJs ready as we went through dinner together, starting our Game Night with some sports games.

Mom was there, cheering on us and getting us some snacks and beverages. She wouldn’t do much but sit beside me, putting me in the center-spot of the couch, and just… Well, sit there.

I could tell Satsuki was mildly annoyed by this. The girl had looked up for this to be a ‘two-friends’ kind of deal. I could tell she had something else in mind considering her unique PJs had no bra under her sleeveless white shirt, making it easy for her breasts to be visible once she was sweating up a little bit.

Now, I was expecting for something to happen once mom decided to leave to sleep. She usually would go to sleep early, so I expected her to leave roughly an hour into the activities.

And that’s the thing- mom never left for a single moment of that game night. At first, I just ignored it as a motherly gesture to prevent Satsuki from getting too cozy around me, but the way she was latching at me was something that I could ignore for so long before concern replaced indifference.


“Hm?” The woman turned, and I saw some tears forming.

I frowned. “Are you sure everything is alright?”

The woman looked a bit upset at being called out like this but-

“Yeah, Himiko-obasan. You look close to cry.”

Satsuki’s comment brought attention to her tears, the woman rushing to dry those up with her wrists but… she was soon slumping with some defeat on her gaze.

“I am… sorry. I am not feeling that well.”

“What’s going on, mom? You’re scaring me now.”

The woman offered a tiny distracted glance and… and then she dropped the bomb.

“I received a message earlier this morning. And it is about… your father.”

There we go. He cheated, and NTR screwed with our lives and I had to look for a job or-

“He was transformed.”



My brain had to reboot for a moment at that unexpected response. Transformed? How so? My mind scrambled to decipher what it just got from that reply and… I was only more confused about it all.

Instead of fully explaining, Mom just took her phone and showed us the video that was sent to her by an unknown number. I thought that it would have been a monster on the other side. An orc or a goblin that resembled dad. That’s what I thought when it comes to ‘transformation’.

I didn’t expect to watch a seemingly ‘normal’ blowjob video where a woman was servicing a fat bald bastard. What made the video different from the classic ugly bastard domming a woman genre could be found in two elements that I slowly noticed.

One was an ID that was tagged in a necklace around the woman’s neck and the other was the unsightly detail that was a small cock flopping up and down the woman’s groin, releasing a mixture of cum and pre.

As I got a better close-up of the tag, I felt blood draining from my face and Satsuki was equally horrified by the sight of my father’s picture and name in that tag.

“W-Why is Hiroki-ojisan’s tag a-around her neck?” The tomboy asked, still failing to grasp what was clearly the worst ending for a man like my father/non-father.

“That’s because it is dad,” I muttered quietly, Satsuki appearing even more shocked by this revelation. “When you meant ‘transformation’, you meant a ‘male to female transformation’, right mom?”

She nodded, holding back a sob as the video was paused. “T-They sent me this with a message, telling me that I had to pay this sum or we would never see him again.”

Dropping the phone as she said that, I managed to catch it and gave a tense look to mom as she was bawling against her hands. A good housewife being given this news had to be atrocious.

“We are not paying that,” I replied flatly, the woman going stiff at this, eyes wide open.

“Your father-”

“Is no longer there, mom. God only knows how long he has been subjected to this… shit.”

I couldn’t hold back the swear word. I just couldn’t. I could see mom looking upset by it, but didn’t chide me over it. Rather, she slowly deflated at my words.

“But Satoru-kun, that’s your father-”

“Satsuki, that is a husk that once was my father,” I replied tensely, interrupting her. “He had been there for months- Hell, maybe this happened from the very first day and that is not something someone can fix.”

“You can at least try?” Satsuki offered weakly, knowing this was a lost battle, but trying to bring hope to my mother. Of course, that didn’t work.

“No,” Mom finally spoke, “I see… your point, Satoru-kun. If we were to send that much money out, we have no assurance it will go to help your father or… make him worse.”

Her head bowed. “Still, we have to find a solution to… to this mess. I will have to find a job-”

“I will, mom.”

“You still go to school,” The woman remarked loudly. “It should not be a young man’s duty to sustain the family at this age, not anymore.”

“...I will find a solution.”

It was less of a promise to find a job and more of a ‘hopeless endeavor’ kind of deal. Mom just nodded, and the expectation of her leaving for the night dropped altogether. We spent the entire night doing normal shit, nothing that would really mean much in a proper game night, but enough to give some happiness to mom.

Satsuki had picked up this was not a good day to make any move, and we both coordinated an effort to give comfort to the woman. Sleep came for the two ladies, but I found it difficult to find rest.

This was a dangerous situation after all. It was a closed case for dad, but mom was in an ‘open hunt’ kind of circumstance. I had to find out the extent of this shit, and I knew that the answer lied within the office of my father at his usual workplace.

The man was an avid ‘copy-paster’ for important documents, so there should be a copy with the documentation used for his trip and maybe raise a case in the eventuality the company was responsible for this.

It was a big stretch, but the contract should still confirm that he had been missing for a while and the company had failed to report his disappearance. I had to make this work so, I thought of the items I bought in the recent few weeks and plotted to do an infiltration on the workplace through those once I was done with school.

I may not be interested in exposing myself too much, but I needed to act quickly to avoid any surprises to catch me off-guard and hurt mom. I wasn’t going to let this woman that I had started to care for as a new mom get assaulted by those bastards.

And yet, nothing had prepared me for what this ‘spy spelunking’ was going to result into…



Next time… plot point comes up!



Really like this story, can’t wait for the next bit!

Xavier Hyatt

cool like this story still waiting for Dull Edge

Pedro Jose Bello Belen

OK Damn, didn’t expect what happened to the father here, which in turn means that John will have to be more careful than ever. And for the next big hit against the company, ironically I can see the Yandere maybe help with that one if only to get closer to John XP