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Sensei Rationale 2 - Or ‘When my seemingly insignificant take on the Lilith-softverse takes a sharp turn into relevancy’ (Taimanin Asagi, SI)

The planning and the execution of the ‘operation’ to relocate myself from my current job to the new one in Gosha Village was one that Section 3 had gone through with efficiency and swiftness.

It was clear that this matter had to be dealt with as quickly as it was legally possible, and that they really wanted me to get on the job ASAP. Rather surprising that they were now paying attention to this glaring weakness, but perhaps no one like me existed.

And no, I don’t mean I am the best- but rather someone that wasn’t too meek to understand and react to sexual bullshit like I did. After all, that’s what really pressed Nobushige from what he was willing to tell me.

The job was simple: I would be a teacher, I would be paid a wage well above my current one and I would have my own secure flat. Nothing much, yet enough to make the relocation worthwhile.

It took roughly a week to get everything wrapped up. Leaving Sekkai Academy was met with some sorrowful letters from students, mostly girls, that were upset but understanding of my plans to depart.

It was really saddening, but I managed to get Nobushige to agree to one condition for me accepting the job- a substantial monetary donation to the academy so that the new leadership could handle a proper reform over its teaching staff.

I couldn’t stay, but I was at least leaving with the hopes that this was going to provide them a better chance to recover the big loss of the scum teachers. And with that worry out of the way, the train trip to Gosha came and went.

It wasn’t true to say that the train connected the village at the time. It took me to the closest civilian settlement and then a black van would ‘smuggle’ me inside the village.

The idea of being an Italian being ‘smuggled’ inside a ninja village felt like the ultimate immigration drama of all time. In truth, however, it was like one of those ‘grand movies’ where a teacher comes in and raises people up.

I was dropped off right in front of my home, which was a traditional japanese house that had been reworked to have some of the basic modern things that made it fitting to be an house owned by someone like me- aka, a foreigner that could not rely on rudimentary instruments to cook and clean my clothes.

Once there, the van left and I used the full free day I got for my first day at Gosha to first get my things stuffed around in the right places within the flat, and then I set off to get a proper understanding of Gosha as a village.

Actually, that last bit was a bit of a ‘false friend’ situation. While Gosha was indeed considered a ‘Village’, the size of it would attest to it being more of a town. One with its own hospital and its own mall.

The population was quite high at this point, with the conflict with NOMAD having dropped significantly ever since Asagi had supposedly destroyed the Oboro Ninja Troops.

That being said, I was confirmed by Nobushige on the side as he mentioned that the positive result of the event didn’t prevent the lessening of the percentage of kidnapped Taimanin. And so, my objective was to provide the new generation the means to ‘think with their brain and not jump into obvious traps out of arrogance or stupidity’.

So, that’s why I had to be aware of what was up in the Village myself rather than rely on others. I wouldn’t establish an honest interaction with my future students if I was clueless about this very basic thing- the layout of what was their home. And I have to say that Gosha Village was big. Way bigger than I had been predicting it to be.

This detail, coupled with the fact that I was told this place had been the main base of operations for all Taimanin Clans for decades confirmed one thing: I was not in the original timeline. Had this been the Original Timeline, the village would have been smaller. It was clear to me, painfully so, that there were more than 10k people living in this place.

So, that really put a curious situation up: it was either the RPGx Timeline, and that would still retain some elements of the Original Timeline, or it was the Action Taimanin Timel- nah, it was the RPGx one. I had already seen that depravity was running amok, so I wasn’t even going to accept this was the Action Taimanin Timeline.

Still, it was helpful. I not only knew the layout of the village, but I was also aware of what events I had to be dreading in the near and distant future. So yes, progress. And good progress at that.

Now, I would have said that nothing could have ruined this good mood of mine, but I was also aware that jinxing myself in a world where you can get tentacle-raped if you turn to the wrong corner would not lead to happiness and joy.

No, that’s why I managed to avoid a potential crash with two students that were passing by. Both of which I had recognized on the spot- That’s Igawa Sakura and that’s Yatsu Murasaki.

Lucky me that I didn’t trip on them or God would have been ruthless on me. Not much about Sakura, but I found Murasaki to be quite terrifying due to her bi and tsundere mannerisms.

It should have been it. I saw them, we didn’t crash into one another- everything was meant to be fine. So, for Sakura to suddenly turn and say something about having forgotten something before proceeding to effectively crash onto me despite me giving her my back and not occupying much of the sidewalk, I would say that was… well, stupid.

“Oh gosh! I am so sorry- But I have to go, bye~!”

Sakura left, but Murasaki helped me up and actually apologized for her classmate’s behavior. Not gonna lie, she sounded a lot softer with her voice than I had expected. I was still uninterested from keeping much of a conversation up, but thanked her for the kindness.

Sadly for Sakura, who thought she had crashed on an irrelevant individual, the first two hours of my first day of teaching at Gosha Academy would see me preside over her and Murasaki’s class.

And I was out for some revenge.



If before Sakura got the slip to dodge repercussions, now it’s Murasaki’s turn to get the headpats.



Definitely need to see the next part


Disciplinary corrections needed for sakura. And momoka yasushiro plz


Momoka is a treat, but considering that Sakura and Murasaki are students, she should be in loli territory right now, middle school at much imo


You ain't wrong, but if that happens, I guess it'll be several chapters in the future, after getting firmly into the slippery slope of fucking his students xd