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Precure Ranger! 3 - or ‘How I became the protagonist, the side character and recurring mentor to the Precureverse (It never ends!!)’ (PowerRanger!OC-MC into the Precureverse)

2018, L’Avenir Academy, Hagukumi City

It was early in the afternoon, and the student that was slowly strolling the school’s ground was very nervous.

Most of the people had already left, and the only reason he had to keep around was due to a mistake he made. A big one at that despite the thoughts of his poking at the ‘common logic’ behind his current detention. He didn’t do this out of blind rage, but rather unfairness. He reacted, not acted. And yet, he was punished nonetheless.

Upset was a good starting word to address his current mindset. Yet, as he finally got to the right classroom, any form of defiance burned away as he felt the gripping unease catch him off-guard.

He knew that any rebuttal he could muster towards the teacher in charge of his detention would miserably fail for a single reason- he was the one that had vouched for the young man’s admission to this Academy.

Professor Lupos had been an Uni Classmate to his mother, and they had been good friends through that tenure. They also worked together on some research and he had been the one pushing her to marry his father. Yet, he couldn’t do everything to ‘fix all the problems’.

Considering how poor he was, how his mother’s illness had severely crippled any chance for him to be around the rest of his family…

Yes, life was tough for George Kurai.

And as he pushed the door open and stepped inside the classroom, he realized his eyes had watered in shame and embarrassment, soon the boy pausing to dry those.

The teacher that was waiting in the room noticed this, but said nothing for a while, waiting for the student to be done with brushing away the tears. And then, as George stood before the teacher’s desk, the blond man paused dealing with his paperwork.

“George,” He hummed in English, giving him some reprieve as the student hadn’t fully mastered Japanese like he had hoped for.

“Professor. I am… sorry.”

“I can tell. You are not a bully.”

I am not, he wanted to say yet he felt restrained to do so. He had used violence on those horrible guys and… and it made him happy. For a time. Now he felt miserable.

“I still hurt people,” He confessed, knowing that it would be less painful to be honest about it.

“You did. Why did you, a fine student that has gotten quite a lot of praise from other teachers, decided to resort to punches and kicks?”

The knot at his throat unraveled. “T-They said bad things about mom. They said that the only reason she sent me there was because she didn’t want to see how ‘weak and pathetic’ I am.”

“And yet you found it easier to snap and try to handle this yourself, like a hooligan, and not ask the teachers for help.”

“Would that even have worked-”

“Yes,” Professor Lupos interrupted harshly. “Yes, it would have. Young man, I told you to read the rulebook for good reasons. This school is attentive to students' behaviors and would have given you the proper protection you deserved- now? This will be used to shape you to the eyes of many as a brute and someone that doesn’t care for rules.”

Flinching, George looked away, the shame gnawing at him now devouring part of his thoughts as he felt clueless on what to say. But before he could even reply, the teacher sighed and continued.

“That is if I see you fit to receive such a condemnation. For now, I am reasonably tempted to just let it be a ‘last warning’ case for you.”

Relief was brief over the matter. “Sir-”

“I want you to call your mother and tell her what happened.”

George’s heart sank at this as panic was back to dominate him mind. “B-but mother-”

“Would be upset that her only son had hurt someone because of words. You used violence against words.”

The shame was just… upsetting. Yet, he didn’t feel angry. George knew he was the only individual to blame.

The silence was intense, yet Professor Lupos was calm through it all despite sounding genuinely disappointed in what had happened.

“...Of course, it’s fine to see why you would be so quick to jump to such a behavior. Other schools are not as understanding of anti-bullies actions like this Academy,” The man spoke truthfully. “So, I want you to be more careful with your actions.”

A slow nod and… yet, he felt the need to prolong this conversation. He had been questioning a few recent developments unfolding outside the school and he knew Professor Lupos was not going to judge him harshly.

“Professor, there is something else I wanted to… speak about.”

The blond blinked. “And that is, George?”

The tension had dropped as the subject had been completed for the time being. The detention was going to last a full hour, so it was fine to make some conversation while the teacher did his paperwork while at it.

“Have you heard of the new group of-”

“Magical girls?”

A nod. “Yes. I was… I was saved by one of them.”

The teacher paused his work. “Hm? When did that happen?”

“Y-Yesterday. I was trying to run away from a monster and then the one with pink hair jumped to beat the monster and… and she was so dazzling. It was like she was driven by such a strength that- that-”

“Never give up!”

“It mesmerized you,” Professor Lupos guessed, sounding amused as the boy took a seat by one of the desks.

“Yeah, she was so- so wonderful-”

“I wonder how she would react if she knew what you did today.”

George’s daydreaming was ruined by this. This truth, it pained him a bit. He knew the girl would be kind and considerate, but would not give goodness to what he did. And it shamed him further. He should have been better, he will be better, for her and his mother!

“She would be horrified, professor. W-Which is why I will not let this happen again.”

Professor Lupos smiled gleefully. “I am glad to hear that, George. But words mean little when you don’t put an effort into realizing them. With goodness of heart and the right mindset.”

An agreeing nod came from George as he sat down and started his homework. He was pumped up and ready to show his dedication. He was not going to let this bring down and… he wasn’t going to let down the pretty girl that saved him.

But as he started to work upon himself, something softly glowed from within the confines of his breast-pocket. And while George himself would not find out until much later…

A tiny mascot hiding behind the paperwork dealt with by the teacher, hummed intrigued at this development.



There is a reason why these chapters will have a bit of ‘back and forth’ between the two different timeline’s bits. Mostly because they share similar themes.

Also, George Kurai is actually a character in this Precure Arc and… the younger version will face the demons of his future for the sake of having a chance to make people happy. It’s all about… understanding one’s limits and the true meaning of what love should be like.



Gracias por el capítulo