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Are we really friends? 2 - or ‘So, I got inserted in a NTR Victim’s body but… I am kind of not upset since I don’t know these girls?’ (Original Hentai NTR Subversion, SI!Victim(?))

After what happened with Misako, I found it reasonable to start looking more on the social circle Satoru was part of.

I mean, I kind of blew things up and I wanted to avoid any potential reaction like that to happen again. And as I listed down names and memorized faces, I realized that my current circumstance allowed for more NTR-related businesses to happen. Kinda.

Yeah, I have these friends to be ‘kind’ to, but I really didn’t feel like I had a meaningful connection with. I had another childhood friend, this one being the medium-breasted, short-haired, slightly tanned, and positively tomboyish kind. She also had a boyfriend and, out of genuine worry for any potential trouble this one could generate, I thought of the potential NTR/Hentai scenarios.

She ends up hypnotized by her coach, or she is approached by the guy that claimed Misako despite rumors suggesting the police was keeping an eye on him. I admit that my awareness of hentai scenarios was a bit staggering compared to what Normies could expect when it comes to ‘the worst scenarios’.

But all in all, this process was necessary. I may not have much of a meaningful connection to these people, but that didn’t mean I was foolproof when it comes to being blindsided on a more meaningful level. Such as my mother getting seduced by someone and the guy deciding I was too wimpy to give a shit about, thus having me kicked out of the house.

Despite how ludicrous this last possibility was, it wasn’t too out of the field. Not when mom was pretty much a voluptuous milf that looked to be in her early twenties when she was approaching her thirties. And while the ‘logical’ solution was seducing the woman myself, I knew that wouldn’t put me in a better position- it would actually fuck me over considering that bigger and better men existed compared to ‘Satoru’.

No, if I had to play it carefully, I had to react ‘right’ to avoid getting the boot.

Now, with all the big study plans made on the social circle, I wasn’t too surprised when, out of concern, I was approached by the other childhood friend- the tomboy one. Maji Satsuki was what many internet dwellers would want in a girlfriend. Despite being the sporty girl, she was prepared to be a loving gf with awareness of house chores and emotional cheering. I swear, Kirimura Keiji had been a lucky bastard considering he went through the standard process and got her.

And as the girl approached me during lunch break, I couldn’t help but feel wary for a very genuine concern: what if this was a setup for me to do the cucking? Sure, I had a ‘right’ to retaliate, but I saw no point in propagating the very phenomenon that had ‘stolen my childhood friend’.

In fact, as I saw by the rooftop with Satsuki, the conversation never once stemmed from the friendly tone. She heard Misako’s view on the matter, but wanted to hear mine after getting the public understanding of the affair itself.

“So, she just- just wanted to break it all off because some bastard fucked her silly!?

“Yep,” I emphasized the ‘p’. “Still, I guess that’s good it happened. It’s best that these kinds of people are revealed for what they are as early as possible.”

Satsuki blinked at this. “Still, that’s stings. I always thought that Misako was holding back on us, but to think it was like that and she was ready to ditch us so easily-”

“And there is a chance she would have advised her ‘boyfriend’ to come after you next.”

“I would have smacked the fucker before he would get the chance to touch me,” The girl rebuked strongly but I gave her a flat look.

“Ignoring the chance of him drugging your water bottles and taking advantage of your weakened self.”

Her bravado faltered at that, a disgusted look appearing at that possibility.

“Just keep your water bottles close to you from now on,” I told her, and the tomboy nodded at the wise advice. “Still, how are things with Keiji-senpai? I thought he would have been around you a lot more now that you are done with your competitions.”

This time it was Satsuki’s turn to become uneasy. “He is… He has been busy with being a tutor at school. He always turns back to our spot tired and so we don’t do much.”

Hm, maybe I did forget a few potential scenarios from my list. After all, I thought Satsuki would have been the ‘bitch’, but what’s the chance of her being the ‘cucked’.

“Who is he tutoring?”

The girl looked a bit surprised by the question. “Oh, he is not cheating or anything-”

“Who?” I pressed, head tilting to the side as I retrieved my journal.

While I did my best to memorize those people around me, some individuals I just couldn’t keep mentally tracked due to how little they meant to Satoru. Still, there were individuals I was able to ‘learn’ about due to their reputation, so I kept a list of ‘dangerous students’ in case I was cornered by one of those.

“Reimi-chan. But she is a little thing, and she is not that suspicious of a girl.”

Say that to what her reputation was really about.

My mental quip was driven by a very reasonable point. Akama Reimi was not a ‘solo troublemaker’, she was part of a trio. She was small, ‘adorable’, but a mesugaki. It was rumored, but her connection with the ‘Gyaru Oppai’ Masatsuki Hana and ‘Bespectacled Dominatrix’ Kamatsu Irumi made her a genuine threat as she was rumored to be known by them as ‘Cute Bait’.

She would be the bait for any new guy for the rest of the trio to outmatch in a sexual assault, meant to discombobulate and then ‘latch’ to them. Considering that Keiji had been doing the tutoring bit for two months…


Satsuki almost jumped at my vocal conclusion. “W-What?”

“Where is he right now?” I asked, picking my back and retrieving my camera. Like hell I was going to fight this kind of trouble without having some proof to back my claims with.

“I think he is near Class 2-C, somewhere there. Why?”

“Reimi is connected to Masatsuki and Kamatsu. Think for a moment what this means.”

Satsuki did that, frowning and yet flashing a thoughtful look before her eyes widened in growing terror. “Y-you mean that they-”

“It could be. But we can only confirm this if we go and check that ourselves,” I interrupted, gesturing to the camera. “And get some proof if we have to hit back at them.”

The tomboy was, reasonably so, nervous about what was going to happen. And while I expected the quartet to find safety for sexual interactions within those small classrooms used for tutoring, we were both surprised to find them fornicating in the old gym area. It was far enough from the other classrooms that no student would go and check, and with the new gym building rendering this area of the school unused it was the ideal place to do naughty things in private.

The horrified look on Satsuki’s face at the sight of her boyfriend being in the middle of a foursome was a sad detail within a goldmine of fuckery that I was taking pictures of. It was a dreadful event, but I was smiling inside my head, knowing that I was going to fuck them harder by having the principal see to have this shit dealt with.

Despite the initial shock, the tomboy was soon shaking with barely veiled anger, but while she was tempted to go in and punch and kick those bitches and her cheating boyfriend to death, I managed to convince her to take the ‘legal way to butcher them’. And retribution sure came as we were soon sitting in front of the principal as he reviewed the picture I had taken.

The man had a dark look on his face, something that I could connect with the speech he gave to the journalists assigned to the news relating to ‘students fucking inside his school’ situation. To learn that a case like this one was happening after he promised that a proper investigation on other messes was going to be established worked both in his favor and not. It really pissed him off to learn his school was riddled with more depraved individuals, but he spared no hesitation in seeing this mess solved at once.

As we were waiting and the lunch break was over, he had one of the teachers get to the site of the depravity, take the students to his office and have us all in that single room. Perhaps a mistake considering that this led to some ‘issues’.

Satsuki was livid, and I knew she was using her entire mental strength to hold back from murdering the three bitches behind her boyfriend’s infidelity. Speaking of Keiji, the guy was already connecting dots and realizing that his girlfriend may soon be his ex as she knew what she was doing.

“The reason I have seen fit to bring you all here is to condemn once and for all this sort of depraved behavior. I have heard and gotten proof that you four have been caught doing despicable things in the gym area of the school building.”

“That’s impossible, principal,” Irumi spoke, taking upon herself to handle her friends’ defense together with hers. “While it’s true that Hana has a rumored reputation, I can assure you that we would never-”

“Kamatsu-san, there is visual proof of what you have done,” The principal interjected dryly, stunning the bespectacled girl on the spot. “In fact, I have to confess I am most disgusted to learn that someone like you, excellent in academics, is actually a depraved individual that sees school as nothing more than a place to spread degeneracy.”

“W-What kind of visual proof?” Reimi asked with a ‘childish’ tone, trying to appear even younger than she was.

“Pictures portraying you three in the act. Pictures provided by Eikasu-san and Maji-san.”

The four were now looking at us, but the girls wisely focused on me as they could tell the murderous look on Satsuki’s look could not be matched at all.

“Tsuki-chan, I-”

“No. I don’t want to hear it!” Satsuki snapped. “We have been dating for two years, we have made so many plans together- and you decided to hurl those away because of those skanks!”

“I can- I can explain-”

“He was the one that seduced us, principal,” Irumi charged back, and stunned the boytoy with that admission that was followed by quick nods from the rest of the trio. “In fact, he first approached Reimi-chan and then slowly sank his fangs on us all.”

“T-That’s not true!”

“Be quiet, you perv!” Hana exclaimed back, grinning wildly. “You are older than us, so you could have said no~.”

The principal looked unconvinced, but this version was actually reasonable and could be used in a potential trial raised by the school. Yet, while this sounded like the horrible closure to this situation, I wasn’t done ruining them bitches’ lives just yet.

“Actually, principal, that would be a fat lie from these three, considering that they have a pornhub account,” I remarked, picking my bag and fishing out my tablet.

My revelation stunned everyone, but the principal was given proof as I walked up to him, went on the pages I had bookmarked in regard to this trio and had one of the videos playing. This video in particular was posted two weeks ago, and while I didn’t recognize the blindfolded guy before now, the sight of the familiar gym area was confirmation of who was the ‘unlucky bastard’ in this situation.

Ara Ara~, Kei-kun is such a weak man~!” Hana’s voice could be heard from the tablet, the three girls tensing up.

Did you have any thoughts? Men are pigs and weaklings that need some discipline.

Yeah, he is a weak bitch. I bet his girlfriend is the one that does all the work because he sucks in bed~.

Irumi and Reimi, both with pale faces as they heard their own voices too, turned to the only one that was the least worried about it.

“I-I thought we agreed to keep those private?!” Irumi exploded, and Hana… scoffed.

“Yeah? Well, I need the cash. You and Reimi got dirty rich parents, I got a mother that is stingy with money I can use- I needed that for my life.”

As the three were fighting, a very furious principal snapped at them. “Be quiet! All of you!”

The loud order was met with tense silence as the trio’s stare turned back to the livid old man.

“Enough is enough! All you have done has been diverting the faults to others, and this mess is clearly caused by the three of you, with Kirimura-san being an accessory to this. I will see to it that the police take care of this mess at once!”

There was panic spread by the four and… I raised my hand.

“Yes, Eikasu-san?” The old man asked, drained and yet driven to see this done for.

“Sir, I don’t wish to sound impertinent- but can we return to class until the police are here? I think my friend is not handling the situation well and I would like for her to not be subjected to these troublemakers for too long.”

The man… nodded. “I will allow it- but I expect you both to be there once the police need your testimony.”

Nodding, I stood up and helped Satsuki out of the chair. She was still glaring at the group, but she was clearly moments away from breaking apart at what was going on. Once outside the office and several feet away from the door, the tomboy wrapped her arms around my neck and sobbed loudly against my shoulder.

If there is something I detested was for tough people to break apart like this. It was so frustrating as I knew she didn’t deserve it but… this was out of my hands and the only thing I could do was help her without becoming the victim of any attempt from Satsuki to ‘bounce’ from this bad relationship’s end.

What I didn’t expect was for the girl to regress into her ‘Tomboy phase’ and pretty much ‘kill off’ any exceedingly feminine attitude from that day forward.



Enjoying this new story very much


So, we have a tomboyish candidate? Maybe? And a lonely mother of the MILF type? huh, that’s quite the lineup… *chef’s kiss*