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Are we really friends? 3 - or ‘So, I got inserted in a NTR Victim’s body but… I am kind of not upset since I don’t know these girls?’ (Original Hentai NTR Subversion, SI!Victim(?))

Some may say that my life has gotten a whole lot more complex considering that I have been witness to two NTR cases happening within the span of a ‘week’ (discovery-wise, I am not completely sure of when either started, only when those finished).

Notwithstanding that I have survived those unscathed, and ended up with my tomboy childhood friend becoming a NTR-hater for how it pretty much ruined her life, I would say that things have been going up for me.

Even though Misako’s suspension had been over and she tried to approach me and Satsuki, we were wary of her after a few things my mom learned from her parents. First, she tried to ‘run away’ with the dickhead that ‘stole’ her. He had mentioned to her that he needed ‘one last trade’ so he could get the money for them to leave elsewhere and ‘live as king and queen’.

Misako didn’t even press much on how he managed to make it out of police’s custody, unaware that she would soon be visited by the police at her home. The cops had found out of her recent contacts, but she was spared from any criminal charge due to having nothing to do with this.

The same couldn’t be applied with her ‘boyfriend’ as he was charged for carrying unregistered guns, possession and attempted sale of drugs, and other stuff that would put him in jail for a long time.

The police had released him with support of the superintendent in charge of anti-drugs operations, knowing that this small fry was the key to bust a big section of the business in the region. They let him out, made him think he was clean of any trouble, and let him unconsciously lead them to the biggest fishes.

The thing made it to the news but, obviously, names were censored. So, to learn all of that through Misako’s parents pretty much killed the girl’s chance to retrieve her former life.

She could have literally cut her ties with the guy, but she regularly called him to check on him. ‘Love at first hard dick’, that’s how I ruled it out, while Satsuki was, obviously, quick to despise Satsuki for representing the one thing that she had to suffer for trying to pin the ‘cheated’ label on me.

Speaking of Satsuki, the girl had hit the gym again. Girl had put up some impressive abs and muscles, yet she was quick to reject any guys trying to hook up with her. In a rather unusual fashion, she decided that ‘she could wait a few more years before exposing her heart again’. Thus, all men that wanted into her juicy abs were demons minus I as I was her bestest friend, I didn’t ogle at her, and I gave her lap pillow privileges.

I kind of thought she would have tried to rush for me once she was free, kind of like how some hentai works, but I was surprised when she just started being a bit more boyish and ditching any attempt to be too feminine around others. It was clear this move had been in relation to her boyfriend’s requests- how can a normie just hate on the beautiful tomboy girl I can’t tell.

What I know about that other case is that the girls had been suspended for a month- dodging a severe police investigation because of a power move from Irumi’s wealthy family and Keiji had been kicked out for being a ‘deviant’ as far as his parents were keen to mention Satsuki’s parents.

So yeah, life had returned to a stage of normalcy. Well, beyond the regular visits at the gym to keep Satsuki some company as she went through some of that grief by beating some sacks, and lifting some weights.

And for a time, this was good. I was putting up some muscles myself, my diet and grades were improving and I was using this peace of mind to further take notes on the world around me while also ordering stuff online to always be on the advantage.

However, up to this point, I had been lucky that my knowledge of general tropes had helped me against the threats around me. But what happens when that sort of preparation was missing and I was caught in a situation that may involve a yandere?

This was the matter that unfolded one Friday. I had to keep behind at school much to Satsuki’s chagrin as she had wanted to ‘show me a new workout piece she had tested out herself’, but I had to get a few documents signed with Morita-sensei regarding a few extra points in my grades that I have been looking forward to add.

Morita-sensei didn’t give off the air of a bad or dangerous man. Nor was he the one that had established this sort of custom as other teachers tended to provide students with higher marks depending on some specific homework that was done along the week.

I had forgotten to do this during lunchtime as I had been talking with Satsuki about a potential game night for the weekend. Sleepover, mom would supervise through the night, and we would be having fun ‘as we used to’.

So, I was a bit confused but not outright nervous when I was told that Morita-sensei had been asked by a female student to speak to him in private by the rooftop. The teacher that told me this had also to leave, pretty much remarking with her departure that I was soon going to be one of the few occupants of the school for the last few hours before the start of club stuff.

Quickening my pace, I got to the rooftop without wasting any time and… I was introduced to a scene that froze my mind and blood on the spot. I had expected some depravity from either side, but something just felt extra worse about the scene.

Morita-sensei was sitting by the ‘frontal’ gate, giving it his back as his jacket was left on the side, his pants were unzipped and mostly out of sight and his cock was getting sucked while his hands were firmly restrained.

Now, this sounded pretty much the beginning of a kinkplay, but the undertone to it felt wrong. So fucking wrong at that. The girl, her hair was a dark purple and her eyes violet, was smiling, but it wasn’t pleasure towards the foreplay. It was pure evil amusement towards the man’s whimpering. There was no joy in that sex beyond the teacher being genuinely in pain.

I approached the situation, tense but holding my ground. It was dawning as she turned to greet me, the brief hint of murderous intent, that this was not a normal girl. Not at all. The way she warped her feelings and shifted those into convenient ones felt impossible to deny as a trait only owned to… a scorned Yandere.

“Oh, I didn’t know we were expecting guests. Sensei is currently busy~!”

“Ah shucks,” I flatly replied. “And here I thought I could get my papers signed for my grades. I suppose your hate-sex got the better of the two of you.”

“There’s no hate here, just lots of ‘catching up’,” The girl’s violet eyes were glowing with growing malicious intent. “Now, you should probably leave.”

“I think you stole my line, bitch. Off the teacher and out of sight with you.”

The direct insult had her surprised, and she actually stood up. She fixed herself up, smiled just as ‘sweetly’ and then, with her hands drawn to her back, took a few steps towards me.

“Or what?”

I frowned. “Or I will–!”

I noticed her move to attack. I shifted my arms to block what she was trying to do, thinking she was just going to use her hands for this but… the sharp pain that erupted as a knife between my elbow and my wrist on my left arm raised the threat level for this bitch.

She wasn’t just a scorned yandere, she was an armed one.

Before she could push the current advantage, I made a quick choice, pushed her away, turned around and started to run. The teacher would survive since she needed him alive, I was a witness and thus someone that has to be killed.

I started to run, knowing I had the leg day as an advantage for that, and that she was too controlling of the knife so she wasn’t going to throw it at me. I was convinced I was going to get out of there without any issues, but I made a small mistake.

Actually, rather than call it a mistake, I would call it a terrifying realization as I had no clue whatsoever of this issue: the floor right by the rooftop’s entrance… it was easy to slide on it.

So, I kind of came close to kill myself by going as fast as I was, sliding rapidly towards the railing but the thing miraculously holding my weight. I was impressed by this piece of metal, but I couldn’t beg for a second miracle as the yandere was also unaware of this issue as I recoiled from that potential fall. Sliding and then slamming onto me, we both jumped over the large fall, ending up on the rotation of stairs that then forced us to roll down several steps before we both were able to roll away from the staircase itself.

We were a floor below the rooftop, and, as the knife slipped out of her hands, I felt something unpleasant on my lips as I realized that her vicious violet eyes, now closed shut as she had gone unconscious due to the rough rolling, were a bit too close for my tastes.

In fact, her lips were fucking pressing against mine.

I don’t need to remind anyone that this bitch was sucking a man’s cock just a moment ago, and as soon as the rolling was over, I pushed her away and… well, I came close to fucking eject my lunch as I knew I had second-hand taste of a teacher’s cock in my mouth.

Not a pleasant experience, but not the worst as that honor was reserved to the yandere’s fate. She was alive, just unconscious. And I couldn’t do anything to her beyond glare at her.

Sure, many in my position would just ‘kill’ her. Make it an accident. But the thing is that the situation was too draining and I couldn’t clean everything. Plus, my DNA had to be all over her body- we briefly kissed at that!

I was so incensed, and yet I knew that I had to play smart. I was in control, I had the edge by being conscious, and a rather malicious plan manifested in my head.

I left the girl after checking for any other surprise tools, found the key to the chains holding Morita-sensei stuck, walked up to the rooftop and freed him.

“W-What happened to-”

“Unconscious. I want you to fucking leave this school for good.”

Confusion and unease flared from him. “But- But I–”

“Look, I don’t give a shit,” I angrily stated. “You will sign those grading papers, you will resign or whatever- just get out of sight from this school!”

He was genuinely mortified by my murderous self. I was angry, but I could tell the bitch had some good reason to go as ballsy as she did today. And I wasn’t planning to expose myself any further. I should have had no hand on this, and I was regretting intervening right as I did.

Yet, I could save my ass from this by setting her target far away from him and avoiding the bitch. Which is why I wanted the teacher to fucking leave and drag that yandere with him wherever he was going.

As he left and I followed suit, I realized that the girl was no longer where I had left her. In fact, she was nowhere to be seen for the entire day as I proceeded to sneak into the nurse’s office, take some medical alcohol and bandages to apply to my wounded arm, then sign a note from the nurse saying that I bruised the arm, and… I left the school for the day without any other issues.

Mom was shocked when I came back with the bandages, but was relieved to know it wasn’t a bad situation. I still had to change the bandages once just to make sure it didn’t get infected. It had been a close encounter that reminded me that there were worse entities than the usual perverted teachers and slutty girls in this world.

And while I had hoped for this to be enough, for the yandere to leave after her target… I was immensely furious when I realized that not only she had decided that she was going to stay at school-

But that she was also stalking me for some fucking reasons!


What could it be? Anger? Murderous intent? Potential Yandere confusion about who is her target?!

Yet, nothing that will matter now. Next time, Satsuki decides to ‘foster closer friendship’ with her remaining trustworthy male friend. Mama tags along for the teasing.



Oh, hey it's Shoujo M again, I thought this scenario seemed familiar. Makes sense that she's after the MC now, dude took a knife to the arm like a champ.

Pedro Jose Bello Belen

OH NO! Run John Run! Albeit I wonder if Morita will actually get a better fate than the one from the Doujin ending thanks to this unexpected event…

The Scribe

So, we've seen the MC do plenty to help expose corruption. However, I can't help but wonder if MC will get set up by another 'childhood friend' dude who seems worried about his friend's new BF, but is actually just upset he didn't confess first and is a few photos away from being a stalker.


I can't help but think it's his own fault on this one. Really, expecting the yandere to just go away?