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Are we really friends? - or ‘So, I got inserted in a NTR Victim’s body but… I am kind of not upset since I don’t know these girls?’ (Original Hentai NTR Subversion, SI!Victim(?))

“I-I am sorry, we can’t be together anymore.”

The cute girl with brown hair, amber eyes and glasses that was speaking to me was someone I am sure was quite important to the original owner of the body I was in charge of. My ‘new’ name is Eikasu Satoru, I am a highschooler and I am also a self-insert.

At first, I thought that this was some sort of known piece, but I learned early on that it wasn’t the case. While I was busy trying to make my seemingly normal but troubled life improve as my grades were shit, spending some time with mom as she was feeling relatively lonely due to dad being in a months-long overseas job, and trying to get a grip on my situation, I also listened to the news mentioning magical girls and demonic attacks.

That was some insane shit alright, but nothing came close to the level of confusion I was currently experiencing. The girl in front of me was… a childhood friend. I am sure I have seen pictures of her in my new room and that she had been someone that had been there from the early years of the original Satoru’s existence.

Yet… it was perplexing for two reasons: first, I am not sure ‘why’ she was just coming up with that decision and, two, why she looked so nervous as if I would snap into a wild rage as she said that.

I mean, had I heard from others that I was using the body of a delinquent, I am sure that would have come up as I had been behaving politely and hardly been met with any shock from the rest.

“...Why?” I genuinely asked, feeling like some context could have helped but-

“I-I have a boyfriend now. He told me- he told me that I should say that I am now his and that I can’t be seen with… someone like you ever again!”

The last louder exclamation was met with a deeper frown as I got more questions because of this answer.

So, to do a quick recap, this girl, who I assume was meant to have some sort of strong bond with me, is now ‘ditching’ me because she can’t be seen around ‘someone like me’. I can translate that as me being a ‘beta-cuck male’ in her eyes.

After all, this sounds like a cliche NTR scenario and, by all means, I should feel pissed about it as I am the cuck. The issue was that… I really didn’t feel like it. After all, I had no personal memory of this chick, nor I felt compelled to worry she got stuck with a bad guy considering that she didn’t appear altered by drugs or put through hypnotic suggestions.

It sounded like ‘Vanilla NTR’ at that and…

I shrugged. “That’s fair.” And I got back to my chores.

Maybe I could have added more emphasis- maybe it appeared hurt about this too but… I will be honest. I gave no shits. If there is something I have learned in my own personal business in highschool is that if a girl you like ends up with someone else and you did very little to set up a path to a romance and more… Well, looking away and focusing on other chicks was the best solution.

I wouldn’t say that didn’t bring any delusions, but I really didn’t feel compelled by this event. And it was evident in my lackluster reaction as the girl seemed to pick up. And after keeping quiet for a while, she appeared on the verge of crying.

“J-Just that? You are not going to say more?”

“...What more should I say?” I asked, once again with genuine curiosity rather than worry.

“We have been childhood friends and you are o-okay with ending it all like this?!”

Was she really making it all about me being so dismissive? Did she forget how this came to be?!

“Oh, I am so sorry. Would you have preferred for me to feel sad and sorrowful at the idea that my childhood friend decided to just break her first friendship ever because someone fooled around with her long enough to turn her into her pet?”

Mind you, my passive-aggressive tone was driven by the absurd attempt to try and pin the fallout of this friendship on me. Plus, the nerve of the bitch to try and feel ‘offended’ because I didn’t give her grief.

There was, however, an interesting silver lining: we were in our classroom, minutes away for the first lesson to begin so there were other students around that were hearing this. And as she raised her voice and I replied that ruthlessly, we ended up with the entire class paying full attention to this matter.

“T-That’s not- how did you- What?!”

“Look, I have found many NTR Doujins like many guys in this world have and you literally cross all boxes for the kind of girl that has been subjected to gaslighting, sexual harassment, and then sex itself. If you are trying to make a case that I am wrong or just saying things- I am sure that if the Police were to be involved and they did a thorough medical check they would find out that you lost your v-card and you still have some jizz in you. So yes, we are done.”

Ballistic? No. Nuclear? That’s the word I was looking for. I just nuked the poor girl into smithereens with that sort of effort. I didn’t expect this to cause quite the rollercoaster of a turn of events.

First, she was called to the principal’s office. Her parents were also called and left while chiding their crying daughter furiously. The ‘Cucker’ was supposedly expelled as the teachers found out drugs and recordings of him doing it with three other girls at school, and then it was my turn to… Well, tell them that I had just assumed this was the case considering this looked straight out taken from a NTR Doujin.

I was reprimanded for ‘reading such an indecent genre’, but nevertheless spared any extracurricular punishment since I had nothing to do with this shit. After I got back home and explained the situation to mom, she was quick to give me a name.

Yoneda Misako. We had been friends since kindergarten. Man, that would have stung had I been the original Satoru but… I think this is for the best. Less pain in the world, and no one got cucked- well, no one I knew of.

All in all, a good way to dodge trouble but…

I was quite unaware at the moment that I had another childhood friend. Tomboy, quick to jump to conclusions and… with a loving boyfriend.

Things were not going to get weird at all with that set up, I am sure of that…



I just picture Satoru starting a delinquent gang, only they are Anti- NTR, the defenders of wholesome loving sex. Lol.


Normal People in NTR: "One, we're not even dating. Two, this is a Wendy's."