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The Mad Lad of Russia 3 - or ‘I refuse to be just a Mad Monk, I shall become the Maddest of Lads’ (Wholesome Rasputin, Historical Gamer!SI)

After finding the gold and speaking with the chief elders, I ended up tasked with a simple goal-

- Restore the Village Pt. 1 -

Difficulty: 2


-Reach Moskva;

-Find a Jewelry Shop;
-Sell the Gold;
-Hire Construction Company to fix this mess;

Time Limit:

-2 Months;


-400 EXP;

-Obtain new Skill;

-Improve Relationship: Village;


-The Demise of your Village;

Yeah, truth be told, that wasn’t a simple one. With the limited means of transportations, it took a while to get to Tyumen and then reach the closest settlement with a railway going to the former Russian Capital.

The process itself took just a month, and some more days to ultimately board the right train. List was still amazed by the sights that existed outside the village, and she felt more at ease as we got further away from the Siberian cold environment.

The train itself provided some internal warmth for each wagon, thus making it a pleasant experience despite the lack of much food on board. It wasn’t an issue considering I had some saved up for the journey plus List lived mostly on water so that didn’t put a drain on the food supply.

As the train moved west and then up north, things got interesting when we had to shift to another train due to ‘priority changes’ which would have seen it go even more west and away from Moskva. The train we boarded next was a bit ‘colder’ due to the tense air coming from the passengers.

Most were normal people, but I was quick to realize, as a few armed guards passed by through the wagons, that there was an important individual on board. It would take me a long while to realize what was going on, but the same day List and I took this train, Tsar Alexander II was returning from Livadia, Crimea, and was intending to take another train to return to St. Petersburg.

I just took notice of the guards but said nothing. Instead I focused on chatting with List as she was taken by the slow ‘thaw’ that was unfolding around the train as we got towards a slightly warmer place for once.

But right as we were getting really close to Moskva, the train suddenly started to slow down. We were quite far from the city and the station, so it was enough of a sign to get everyone to whisper with each other about a potential emergency.

Someone got off to check what happened, and they returned a few minutes later to mention what was going on: a section of the railroad in front of the train had been blown up. Some were already quick to call it an act of terrorism from the radical left.

If I remember correctly, it was around the time Narodnaya Volya, or ‘People’s Will’ was operative and engaging in aggressive attempts to kill the Tsar. Which is ironic considering the current Tsar was one of the last Liberal ones before his son and grandson took for authoritarian methods.

I explained what happened to List, the girl was… well, shocked.

“But why?”

“They believe they can intimidate people in charge of the country for a change. But they refuse dialogue so we don’t even know what they want.”

“That’s… silly.”

“Very silly,” I agreed, causing a few listeners of our simple conversation to chuckle at the innocent rebuttal to this ‘revolutionary effort’.

After some more adults had gone to check, and the news that messengers had been sent to ask help from Moskva had reached us, I decided to give a look on the situation with List.

And as I studied the damage, I knew I could actually fix it myself. Well, not entirely on my own but-

- Fix the Railway -

Difficulty: 1


-Fix the Railway leading to Moskva;

Time Limit:

-12 Hours;


-100 EXP;

-Improve Relationship:???;


-Delayed Arrival to Moskva;

“List, can you please push some dirt to cover the hole?”

The Dryad smiled and nodded, some of the roots underground to shift the muddy dirt to fill up the large gap, thus allowing me to rely on the wood and iron at my disposal to replace the damaged bit.

It was relatively quick work through my Crafting skill, and by the time I was done, the fix was good enough to allow this train and a few more to pass through without distorting.

Iron is not the best substitute material, but it was the one I could readily use and it would work for the time being. Once the patch-up effort was over, we went back to the train to say that ‘someone had fixed the railroad’.

Some of the disbelievers went to check just to ‘spite on some dumb children’, but they came back with a stunned look as they confirmed that happened. More and more went to check, some guards too and soon the train was allowed to resume its path.

And with that, a failed assassination attempt ended up bringing some attention to the mysterious way someone had aided the Tsar’s train to return to Moskva without leaving any traces.


From, ‘The Chronicles of the Mad Lad, a Biography of Grigori Y. Rasputin, 1991’:

The Assassination Attempt on Tsar Alexander II was one of the first few hurled from the People’s Will Organization.

The event, which unfolded in December 1879, would leave a distasteful air within the imperial court. The Tsar was quick to have the army investigate the affair, yet he was equally intrigued by the way a mysterious benefactor had managed to fix the railway in such a limited amount of time and without being detected.

The mystery behind the one responsible for this act, regarded by many as a sign of protection towards the Tsar, would ultimately be revealed in his Last Will. A public announcement was made in February 1894 to reveal that the one responsible for this act was none other than the rising figure known as the Mad Lad of Russia, Grigori Rasputin.



Last time I forgot to add the stats!

Name: Grigori Y. Rasputin

LVL. 15/100

Age: 10
EXP: 15/280

Title: Little Grigori

Money: 160 (Silver Rubles)
HP: 280/280
SP: 140/140
MP: 0/0

STR: 156
MAG: 56

DEF: 144
SPD: 154
INT: 147
LCK: 56

(Prestige - 1) - By forfeiting previous progress, you attain a boost on your powers.
Current Benefits:
- HP per Level = 20
- SP per Level = 10
- Attributes per Level = 4
- Skill Level Limit = 20

(Crafting - Advanced) - Your ability in Crafting is ‘Advanced’. You can currently produce Iron Items of Rare Quality within the proper resources. Anything less shall be craftable within a lesser price and effort.

(Speed Limit - 15/20) - Your Running Speed receives a 150% Boost.

(Ax Affinity - Advanced) - Your ability with an Ax is ‘Advanced’. Receive a 50% ATK Boost while wielding an Ax.

(Mighty Lad - 15/20) - Your Strength Level allows you to currently carry 50% more than your current weight with ease. Skill Level is attributed through STR for each 10 points.

(Sturdy Lad - 15/20) - Your Defense Level allows you to currently lessen damage by 150%. Skill Level is attributed through DEF for each 10 points.

(Studious Lad - 15/20) - Your Intelligence Level allows you to currently improve your INT-Skills by boosting the Skill Progress by 150%. Skill Level is attributed through INT for each 10 points.



He could mould iron with his will, better than any kind of smith.


"The event, which unfolded in December 1979, would leave a distasteful air within the imperial court." I think you mean 1879